| Class | Description |
| AltaxoUniqueNameException | |
| AnalysisRealFourierTransformationCommands | |
| AnalysisRealFourierTransformationCommandsRealFourierTransformOptions | |
| BaseColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs |
Used for notifying receivers about what columns in this collection have changed.
| BooleanColumn | |
| ColumnCommands | |
| ColumnKindChangeEventArgs | |
| ColumnMath | |
| ColumnScriptCollection | |
| ConstantDoubleColumn |
A column whose rows all have the same value (of type Double).
| ConvertXYVToMatrixActions | |
| ConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions |
Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions) to perform
the decomposition of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
| ConvertXYVToMatrixDataSource | |
| ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions |
Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into
another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
| DatabaseCommands | |
| DataColumn |
This is the base class of all data columns in Altaxo. This base class provides readable, writeable
columns with a defined count.
| DataColumnChangedEventArgs |
Stores the accumulated change data of a column.
| DataColumnCollection | |
| DataColumnCollectionClipboardMemento |
This class is responsible for the special purpose to serialize a data table for clipboard. Do not use
it for permanent serialization purposes, since it does not contain version handling.
| DataColumnCollectionDataColumnInfo | |
| DataColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs | |
| DataSourceImportOptions | |
| DataTable | DataTable is the central class of Altaxo, which holds the data organized in columns. |
| DataTableClipboardMemento |
This class is responsible for the special purpose to serialize a data table for clipboard. Do not use
it for permanent serialization purposes, since it does not contain version handling.
| DataTableCleaningOptions |
Options for clearing one or multiple data tables.
| DataTableCollection |
Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DataTableCollection.
| DataTableCommands | |
| DataTableMatrixProxy |
Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows.
Furthermore, a row header column and a column header column can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively.
| DataTableMatrixProxyBase |
Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows.
Furthermore, a row header column and a column header column can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively.
| DataTableMatrixProxyBaseColumnPositionComparer | |
| DataTableMatrixProxyBaseDoubleMatrixAsNullDevice | |
| DataTableMatrixProxyBaseHeaderColumnWrapper | |
| DataTableMatrixProxyWithMultipleColumnHeaderColumns |
Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows.
Furthermore, a row header column and multiple column header columns can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively.
This class is intended e.g. to hold spectral data together with one or multiple target variables for chemometrical analysis.
| DataTableMultipleColumnProxy |
Holds reference to bundles of one or multiple data columns from the same group of a DataTable. The bundles are identified by a string identifier.
| DataTableOtherActions |
Other commonly used actions on a DataTable.
| DataTableProxy |
Summary description for DataColumnPlaceHolder.
| DataTableRangeWrapper | |
| DataTableToMatrixConverter |
Class that helps to assembly numerical matrix data from a DataTable and selected data columns, seclected data rows, and selected property columns />.
| DataTableTransposeDataSource | |
| DataTableTransposeOptions |
Options for transposing a worksheet.
| DataTableXYColumnProxy |
Holds reference to bundles of one y and the corresponding x column from the same group of a DataTable.
| DateTimeColumn |
Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DateTimeColumn.
| DBNullColumn |
AltaxoDBNullColumn serves as a placeholder in case the column
type is not yet known, but some attibutes of the column must
already been set
| DecomposeByColumnContentActions | |
| DecomposeByColumnContentDataAndOptions |
Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see DecomposeByColumnContentOptions) to perform
the decomposition of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
| DecomposeByColumnContentDataSource | |
| DecomposeByColumnContentOptions |
Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into
another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
| DoubleColumn |
Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn.
| EmptyDoubleColumn |
A column that is always empty (count is zero).
| EquallySpacedColumn |
The EquallySpacedColumn is a simple readable numeric column. The value of an element is
calculated from y = a+b*i. This means the value of the first element is a, the values are equally spaced by b.
| ExpandCyclingVariableColumnActions | |
| ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions |
Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions) to perform
the expanding of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
| ExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource | |
| ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions |
Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into
another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
| ExtractCommonColumnsToTableData |
Process data for ExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSource.
| ExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSerializationSurrogate0 |
2022-10-12 Initial version
| ExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSource | |
| ExtractCommonColumnsToTableOptions | |
| ExtractCommonColumnsToTableOptionsSerializationSurrogate0 |
2022-10-12 Initial version
| FileCommands |
Extensions for saving, exporting, and importing files.
| FileImportScriptDataSource | |
| ImportIntoMultipleTablesAction |
Supports the import of ASCII data into multiple, already existing, tables.
| IndependentAndDependentColumns |
Stores multiple columns for independent variables, multiple columns for dependent variables, and a selection of rows.
| IndependentAndDependentColumnsXmlSerializationSurrogate0 |
2023-05-11 Initial version
| IndexerColumn |
The indexer column is a simple readable numeric column. The value of an element is
it's index in the column, i.e. GetDoubleAt(i) simply returns the value i.
| IReadableColumnExtensions | |
| ListOfXAndYColumn | |
| ListOfXAndYColumnSerializationSurrogate0 |
V0: 2024-01-24 initial version
| MatrixToDataTableConverter | |
| MergeTables |
Actions that help to merge two tables.
| NumericColumnProxy |
Holds a "weak" reference to a numeric column, altogether with a document path to that column.
| NumericColumnProxyBase |
Static class to create instances of INumericColumnProxy.
| NumericColumnProxyForStandaloneColumns | |
| OperatableObject |
Summary description for OperatableObject.
| ProcessSourceTablesScriptData | |
| ProcessSourceTablesScriptDataSource | |
| PropertyColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs | |
| ReadableColumnProxy |
Summary description for DataColumnPlaceHolder.
| ReadableColumnProxyBase |
Static class to create instances of IReadableColumnProxy.
| RowCommands | |
| Sorting | |
| Statistics |
Contain statistic commands applied to the table.
| TableDataSourceBase | |
| TableDataSourceBaseImmutableOptionsTOptions, TData |
A TableDataSourceBase which has options that are immutable.
| TableDataSourceBaseImmutableOptionsTOptions, TDataXmlSerializationSurrogateBase | |
| TableDataSourceChangedEventArgs |
Designates the event that the table's data source has changed.
| TextColumn |
Summary description for Altaxo.Data.TextColumn.
| TransformedReadableColumn | |
| TransformedReadableColumnExtensions | |
| Transposing |
Contains methods to transpose a worksheet.
| XAndRealImaginaryColumns |
Collection of one independent variable called 'X' and one dependent variable called 'Y'.
| XAndRealImaginaryColumnsSerializationSurrogate0 |
2023-05-24 initial version
| XAndYColumn |
Collection of one independent variable called 'X' and one dependent variable called 'Y'.
| XAndYColumnSerializationSurrogate0 |
2023-05-15 initial version