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Altaxo.Data Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Altaxo.Data"]

Public classAltaxoUniqueNameException 
Public classAnalysisRealFourierTransformationCommands 
Public classAnalysisRealFourierTransformationCommandsRealFourierTransformOptions 
Public classBaseColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs Used for notifying receivers about what columns in this collection have changed.
Public classBooleanColumn 
Public classColumnCommands 
Public classColumnKindChangeEventArgs 
Public classColumnMath 
Public classColumnScriptCollection 
Public classConstantDoubleColumn A column whose rows all have the same value (of type Double).
Public classConvertXYVToMatrixActions 
Public classConvertXYVToMatrixDataAndOptions Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see ConvertXYVToMatrixOptions) to perform the decomposition of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
Public classConvertXYVToMatrixDataSource 
Public classConvertXYVToMatrixOptions Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
Public classDatabaseCommands 
Public classDataColumn This is the base class of all data columns in Altaxo. This base class provides readable, writeable columns with a defined count.
Public classDataColumnChangedEventArgs Stores the accumulated change data of a column.
Public classDataColumnCollection 
Public classDataColumnCollectionClipboardMemento This class is responsible for the special purpose to serialize a data table for clipboard. Do not use it for permanent serialization purposes, since it does not contain version handling.
Protected classDataColumnCollectionDataColumnInfo 
Public classDataColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs 
Public classDataSourceImportOptions 
Public classDataTableDataTable is the central class of Altaxo, which holds the data organized in columns.
Public classDataTableClipboardMemento This class is responsible for the special purpose to serialize a data table for clipboard. Do not use it for permanent serialization purposes, since it does not contain version handling.
Public classDataTableCleaningOptions Options for clearing one or multiple data tables.
Public classDataTableCollection Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DataTableCollection.
Public classDataTableCommands 
Public classDataTableMatrixProxy Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows. Furthermore, a row header column and a column header column can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively.
Public classDataTableMatrixProxyBase Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows. Furthermore, a row header column and a column header column can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively.
Protected classDataTableMatrixProxyBaseColumnPositionComparer 
Protected classDataTableMatrixProxyBaseDoubleMatrixAsNullDevice 
Protected classDataTableMatrixProxyBaseHeaderColumnWrapper 
Public classDataTableMatrixProxyWithMultipleColumnHeaderColumns Holds reference to a matrix-like arrangement of data from a DataTable. The matrix data consist of 2 or more DataColumns and all or selected data rows. Furthermore, a row header column and multiple column header columns can deliver corresponding physical values for each matrix row and column, respectively. This class is intended e.g. to hold spectral data together with one or multiple target variables for chemometrical analysis.
Public classDataTableMultipleColumnProxy Holds reference to bundles of one or multiple data columns from the same group of a DataTable. The bundles are identified by a string identifier.
Public classDataTableOtherActions Other commonly used actions on a DataTable.
Public classDataTableProxy Summary description for DataColumnPlaceHolder.
Public classDataTableRangeWrapper 
Public classDataTableToMatrixConverter Class that helps to assembly numerical matrix data from a DataTable and selected data columns, seclected data rows, and selected property columns />.
Public classDataTableTransposeDataSource 
Public classDataTableTransposeOptions Options for transposing a worksheet.
Public classDataTableXYColumnProxy Holds reference to bundles of one y and the corresponding x column from the same group of a DataTable.
Public classDateTimeColumn Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DateTimeColumn.
Public classDBNullColumn AltaxoDBNullColumn serves as a placeholder in case the column type is not yet known, but some attibutes of the column must already been set
Public classDecomposeByColumnContentActions 
Public classDecomposeByColumnContentDataAndOptions Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see DecomposeByColumnContentOptions) to perform the decomposition of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
Public classDecomposeByColumnContentDataSource 
Public classDecomposeByColumnContentOptions Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
Public classDoubleColumn Summary description for Altaxo.Data.DoubleColumn.
Public classEmptyDoubleColumn A column that is always empty (count is zero).
Public classEquallySpacedColumn The EquallySpacedColumn is a simple readable numeric column. The value of an element is calculated from y = a+b*i. This means the value of the first element is a, the values are equally spaced by b.
Public classExpandCyclingVariableColumnActions 
Public classExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataAndOptions Holds both the data (see DataTableMultipleColumnProxy) and the options (see ExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions) to perform the expanding of a table containing a column with a cycling variable.
Public classExpandCyclingVariableColumnDataSource 
Public classExpandCyclingVariableColumnOptions Contains options how to split a table that contains an independent variable with cycling values into another table, where this independent variable is unique and sorted.
Public classExtractCommonColumnsToTableData Process data for ExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSource.
Public classExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSerializationSurrogate0 2022-10-12 Initial version
Public classExtractCommonColumnsToTableDataSource 
Public classExtractCommonColumnsToTableOptions 
Public classExtractCommonColumnsToTableOptionsSerializationSurrogate0 2022-10-12 Initial version
Public classFileCommands Extensions for saving, exporting, and importing files.
Public classFileImportScriptDataSource 
Public classImportIntoMultipleTablesAction Supports the import of ASCII data into multiple, already existing, tables.
Public classIndependentAndDependentColumns Stores multiple columns for independent variables, multiple columns for dependent variables, and a selection of rows.
Protected classIndependentAndDependentColumnsXmlSerializationSurrogate0 2023-05-11 Initial version
Public classIndexerColumn The indexer column is a simple readable numeric column. The value of an element is it's index in the column, i.e. GetDoubleAt(i) simply returns the value i.
Public classIReadableColumnExtensions 
Public classListOfXAndYColumn 
Public classListOfXAndYColumnSerializationSurrogate0 V0: 2024-01-24 initial version
Public classMatrixToDataTableConverter 
Public classMergeTables Actions that help to merge two tables.
Public classNumericColumnProxy Holds a "weak" reference to a numeric column, altogether with a document path to that column.
Public classNumericColumnProxyBase Static class to create instances of INumericColumnProxy.
Public classNumericColumnProxyForStandaloneColumns 
Public classOperatableObject Summary description for OperatableObject.
Public classProcessSourceTablesScriptData 
Public classProcessSourceTablesScriptDataSource 
Public classPropertyColumnCollectionChangedEventArgs 
Public classReadableColumnProxy Summary description for DataColumnPlaceHolder.
Public classReadableColumnProxyBase Static class to create instances of IReadableColumnProxy.
Public classRowCommands 
Public classSorting 
Public classStatistics Contain statistic commands applied to the table.
Public classTableDataSourceBase 
Public classTableDataSourceBaseImmutableOptionsTOptions, TData A TableDataSourceBase which has options that are immutable.
Protected classTableDataSourceBaseImmutableOptionsTOptions, TDataXmlSerializationSurrogateBase 
Public classTableDataSourceChangedEventArgs Designates the event that the table's data source has changed.
Public classTextColumn Summary description for Altaxo.Data.TextColumn.
Public classTransformedReadableColumn 
Public classTransformedReadableColumnExtensions 
Public classTransposing Contains methods to transpose a worksheet.
Public classXAndRealImaginaryColumns Collection of one independent variable called 'X' and one dependent variable called 'Y'.
Protected classXAndRealImaginaryColumnsSerializationSurrogate0 2023-05-24 initial version
Public classXAndYColumn Collection of one independent variable called 'X' and one dependent variable called 'Y'.
Protected classXAndYColumnSerializationSurrogate0 2023-05-15 initial version
Public structureAltaxoVariant AltaxoVariant is the universal datatype used to return the value of a data column, it is necessary because the type of the column can be text, date, or double I decided to use struct which only holds the object because of its efficiency AltaxoVariant is never used to store the data in the array, for this purpose the native data types are used
Public structureDataRow Wrapper struct for a row of a data column collection.
Public interfaceIAltaxoTableDataSource Interface that must be implemented by all data sources that can provide data for an Altaxo data table.
Public interfaceIDataSourceImportOptions 
Public interfaceINumericColumn This is a column with elements, which can be treated as numeric values. This is truly the case for columns which hold integer values or floating point values. Also true for DateTime columns, since they can converted in seconds since a given reference date.
Public interfaceINumericColumnProxy Proxy that holds instances of type INumericColumnProxy.
Public interfaceIOperatable 
Public interfaceIReadableColumn This designates a vector structure, which holds elements. A single element at a given index can be read out by returning a AltaxoVariant.
Public interfaceIReadableColumnProxy Proxy that holds instances of type IReadableColumnProxy.
Public interfaceIRODataCollection 
Public interfaceIROPropertyCollection 
Public interfaceIROTableDataSource Interface
Public interfaceITransformedReadableColumn Interface to a readable column that is amended with a transformation.
Public interfaceIVariantToVariantTransformation Interface to a transformation that transformes an AltaxoVariant into another AltaxoVariant. The class that implement this interface should be immutable.
Public interfaceIWriteableColumn A column, for which the elements can be set by assigning a AltaxoVariant to a element at index i.