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IDataSourceImportOptions Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Data.IDataSourceImportOptions"]

Namespace: Altaxo.Data
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IDataSourceImportOptions : ICloneable, 
	IDocumentLeafNode, INamedObject, IChangedEventSource, ISuspendableByToken, ITunnelingEventSource, 
	IDisposable, ITreeNodeWithParent<IDocumentLeafNode>, ITreeNode<IDocumentLeafNode>, 

The IDataSourceImportOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildNodes Gets the child nodes.
(Inherited from ITreeNodeT)
Public propertyDoNotSaveCachedTableData Gets a value indicating whether the data that are cached in the Altaxo table should be saved within the Altaxo project.
Public propertyExecuteTableScriptAfterImport Gets a value indicating whether the table script is executed after importing data from this data source.
Public propertyImportTriggerSource Gets the cause of a reread of the data source.
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public propertyIsDisposeInProgress Gets a value indicating whether this instance is dispose in progress, or the instance is already disposed.
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public propertyIsSuspended Gets a value indicating whether this instance is suspended.
(Inherited from ISuspendableByToken)
Public propertyMaximumWaitingTimeAfterFirstTriggerInSeconds MaximumWaitingTimeAfterFirstTrigger (default: Infinity): designates the maximum waiting time after the first trigger (after an update) occured. If this time has elapsed, a new update operation will be executed.
Public propertyMaximumWaitingTimeAfterUpdateInSeconds Gets the poll time interval in seconds. This value is needed if the data source does not support update notifications. In this case the table is automatically refreshed when the poll time interval elapsed.
Public propertyMinimumWaitingTimeAfterFirstTriggerInSeconds MinimumWaitingTimeAfterFirstTrigger (default: Zero): designates the minimum time interval that should at least be waited after the first trigger (after an update) and the next update operation.
Public propertyMinimumWaitingTimeAfterLastTriggerInSeconds MinimumWaitingTimeAfterLastTrigger (default: Zero): designates the time interval that at least should be waited between the latest occured trigger (after an update) and the next update operation.
Public propertyMinimumWaitingTimeAfterUpdateInSeconds Gets the minimum time interval between updates in seconds. This value is especially important if update notifications from the data source are fired too frequently. In this case the value limits the update frequency.
Public propertyName Gets the name of this instance. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the name is not yet set or can not be retrieved.
(Inherited from INamedObject)
Public propertyParentNode Gets the parent node of this node.
(Inherited from INodeWithParentNodeT)
Public propertyParentObject Retrieves the parent object.
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable)
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodEhParentTunnelingEventHappened
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodSetDisposeInProgress Sets the flag that dispose is in progress for this node and all child nodes recursively.
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodSuspendGetToken Suspends the event handling of the object by getting a suspend token. The event handling of the object is resumed when the suspend token is disposed.
(Inherited from ISuspendableByToken)
Public methodTryGetName Test if this item already has a name.
(Inherited from INamedObject)
Public eventChangedFired when something in the object has changed.
(Inherited from IChangedEventSource)
Public eventTunneledEvent The event that is fired when the object is disposed. First argument is the sender, second argument is the original source, and third argument is the event arg.
(Inherited from ITunnelingEventSource)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyContext Gets the property context of the document node. If the provided node is not implementing IPropertyBagOwner, the parent nodes of this node are searched, until a node which implements IPropertyBagOwner is found.
(Defined by PropertyExtensions)
See Also