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FileCommands Class

Extensions for saving, exporting, and importing files.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Data
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static class FileCommands

The FileCommands type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodImportAsciiObsolete.
Imports Ascii data from a stream into the data table.
Public methodStatic memberImportAsciiToMultipleWorksheetsObsolete.
Imports multiple Ascii files into the provided table and additionally created tables.
Public Extension MethodImportAsciiToSingleWorksheetHorizontallyObsolete.
Imports multiple Ascii files into a single data table, horizontally, i.e. in subsequent columns.
Public Extension MethodImportAsciiToSingleWorksheetVerticallyObsolete.
Imports multiple Ascii files into a single data table, vertically, i.e. in subsequent rows.
Public methodStatic memberShowAsciiImportOptionsDialog Shows the ASCII analysis dialog.
Public Extension MethodShowExportAsciiDialog Asks for a file name and exports the table data into that file as Ascii.
Public Extension MethodShowExportGalacticSPCDialog Shows the dialog for Galactic SPC file export, and exports the data of the table using the options provided in that dialog.
Public Extension MethodShowImportAsciiDialog(DataTable) Asks for file name(s) and imports the file(s) into multiple worksheets.
Public Extension MethodShowImportAsciiDialog(DataTable, Boolean, Boolean) Asks for file name(s) and imports the file(s) into one or multiple worksheets.
Public Extension MethodShowImportAsciiDialogAndOptions(DataTable) Asks for file name(s) and imports the file(s) into multiple worksheets.
Public Extension MethodShowImportAsciiDialogAndOptions(DataTable, Boolean, Boolean) Asks for file name(s) and imports the file(s) into one or multiple worksheets. After the user chooses one or multiple files, one of the chosen files is used for analysis. The result of the structure analysis of this file is then presented to the user. The user may change some of the options and starts a re-analysis. Finally, the import options are confirmed by the user and the import process can start.
See Also