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DataColumn Class

This is the base class of all data columns in Altaxo. This base class provides readable, writeable columns with a defined count.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Data
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public abstract class DataColumn : SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithEventArgs, 
	IEventIndicatedDisposable, IDisposable, ITunnelingEventSource, IReadableColumn, ICloneable, 
	IWriteableColumn, IList<AltaxoVariant>, ICollection<AltaxoVariant>, 
	IEnumerable<AltaxoVariant>, IEnumerable

The DataColumn type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDataColumn Constructs a data column with no name associated.
Protected propertyAccumulatedEventData Gets the accumulated event data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Public propertyAssignVector Provides a setter property to which a vector can be assigned to. Copies all elements of the vector to this column.
Public propertyCount Returns the row count, i.e. the one more than the index to the last valid data element in the column.
Public propertyData Provides a setter property to which another data column can be assigned to. Copies all elements of the other DataColumn to this column. An exception is thrown if the data types of both columns are incompatible. See also CopyDataFrom(Object).
Protected propertyDebug_AbsolutePath Gets the absolute path of the node for debugging purposes.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public propertyFullName Returns either the column name if the column has no parent table, or the parent table name, followed by a backslash and the column name if the column has a table.
Public propertyIsDirty Column is dirty if either there are new changed or deleted rows, and no data changed event was fired for notification. This value is reseted after the data changed event has notified the change.
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public propertyIsDisposeInProgress Gets a value indicating whether for this instance dispose is in progress, or the instance is already disposed.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public propertyIsReadOnly 
Public propertyIsSomeoneListeningToChanges Gets a value indicating whether someone is listening to changes. For this, either the ParentObject or the Changed event must be set.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public propertyIsSuspended Gets a value indicating whether this instance is suspended.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Public propertyItem Gets/sets the element at the index i by a value of type AltaxoVariant.
Public propertyItemType Gets the type of the colum's items.
Public propertyName Gets the name of this document node. Null is returned if the name is not set or unknown. The set accessor will for most nodes throw a InvalidOperationException, since the name can only be set on IProjectItems.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public propertyParentObject Get / sets the parent object of this data column.
(Overrides SuspendableDocumentNodeBaseParentObject)
Public propertyTypeAndName Returns the column type followed by a backslash and the column name.
Protected methodAccumulateChangeData(Object, EventArgs) Accumulates the change data of the child. Currently only a flag is set to signal that the table has changed.
(Overrides SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithEventArgsAccumulateChangeData(Object, EventArgs))
Protected methodAccumulateChangeData(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Accumulates the change data provided in the arguments into the m_ChangeData member.
Protected methodAccumulatedChangeData_SetBackAfterResumeAndSuspend Sets the change data without further processing. This function is infrastructure and intended to use only in OnResume after the parent has suspended this node again.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected methodAccumulatedEventData_Clear Clears the accumulated event data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected methodAccumulatedEventData_HasZeroOrOneEventArg Determines whether there is no or only one single event arg accumulated. If this is the case, the return value is true. If there is one event arg accumulated, it is returned in the argument singleEventArg. The return value is false if there is more than one event arg accumulated. In this case the singleEventArg is null on return, and the calling function should use AccumulatedEventData to enumerate all accumulated event args.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Public methodAdd 
Public methodAppend Appends data from another column to this column
Public methodAppendToPosition Appends data from another column to this column
Protected methodChildDisposeMemberT Helper function to dispose a child node of this instance. It helps to ensure the correct order: first, the child node is set to null and only then the child node is disposed.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodClear Clears all rows.
Public methodClone Creates a cloned instance of this object.
Public methodContains 
Public methodCopyDataFrom Copies the contents of another column o to this column. An exception should be thrown if the data types of both columns are incompatible.
Public methodCopyHeaderInformationFrom copies the header information, like label and so on from another column to this column ColumnName and ColumnNumber is not copied!
Public methodCopyTo 
Public methodCreateColumnOfSelectedRows(IAscendingIntegerCollection) Creates a new column, consisting only of the selected rows of the original column.
Public methodStatic memberCreateColumnOfSelectedRows(DataColumn, IAscendingIntegerCollection) Creates a new column, consisting only of the selected rows of the original column x. If x is null, a new DoubleColumn will be returned, consisting of the selected row indices.
Public methodStatic memberCreateColumnOfSelectedRows(DataColumn, IAscendingIntegerCollection, Int32) Creates a new column, consisting only of the selected rows of the original column x. If x is null, a new DoubleColumn will be returned, consisting of the selected row indices.
Public methodStatic memberCreateInstanceOfType 
Public methodCutToMaximumLength Cuts the column to the provided length. The actual length of the column may be less than the provided parameter if the column contains empty elements.
Public methodDispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodEhParentTunnelingEventHappened Is called by the parent when a tunneling event happened into the parent.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodEhSelfChanged Calls EhSelfChanged with EventArgs.Empty
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithEventArgs)
Protected methodEhSelfChanged(EventArgs) Called if some member of this instance itself has changed.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Protected methodEhSelfChanged(Int32, Int32, Boolean) This function has to be called by derived classes if any changes in their data occur.
Public methodEhSelfTunnelingEventHappened(TunnelingEventArgs) Is called by this instance if a tunneling event happened into this instance. The tunneling event triggers the TunneledEvent and is additionally distributed to all childs of this instance.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodEhSelfTunnelingEventHappened(TunnelingEventArgs, Boolean) Is called by this instance if a tunneling event happened into this instance. The tunneling event triggers the TunneledEvent and is - depending on the provided parameter - also distributed to all childs of this instance.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Finalizes an instance of the SuspendableDocumentNodeBase class.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodGetColumnStyleType Returns the type of the associated ColumnStyle for use in a worksheet view.
Public methodStatic memberGetColumnTypeAppropriateForElementType Gets the column typeappropriate for the given element type. Example: when typeof(double) is given, the return value is typeof(DoubleColumn).
Public methodGetEnumerator 
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetVariantAt This returns the value at a given index i as AltaxoVariant.
Protected methodHandleLowPriorityChildChangeCases Handles the cases when a child changes, but a reaction is neccessary only if the table is not suspended currently.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodIndexOf 
Public methodIndicesOf Gets all indices where the element is equal to the value given in item.
Public methodInsert 
Public methodInsertRows Inserts nCount empty rows before row number nBeforeRow.
Public methodIsElementEmpty This function is used to determine if the element at index i is valid or not. If it is valid, the derived class function has to return false. If it is empty or not valid, the function has to return true.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnAboutToBeResumed Is called when the suspend level is still 1 (one), but is about to fall to zero, i.e. shortly before the call to OnResume. This function is not called before OnResumeSilently!
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Protected methodOnChanged Fires the change event with the EventArgs provided in the argument.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected methodOnResume Is called when the suspend level falls down from 1 to zero by a call to Resume or a call to [M:Altaxo.Main.ISuspendToken.Dispose()].
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Protected methodOnResumeSilently Is called when the suspend level falls down from 1 to zero by a call to ResumeSilently. The implementation should delete any accumulated events, should also disarm the suspendTokens of the childs of this object, and should not fire any Changed events nor set the change state of the object to dirty.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Protected methodOnSuspended Called when the suspend level has just gone from 0 to 1, i.e. the object was suspended.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Protected methodOnTunnelingEvent Fires the TunneledEvent event.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodRemove 
Public methodRemoveAt 
Public methodRemoveRows Removes a number of rows (given by nCount) beginning from nFirstRow, i.e. remove rows number nFirstRow ... nFirstRow+nCount-1.
Public methodResume(ISuspendToken) Resumes changed events by calling Resume for the provided suspend token, and setting the reference to the suspend token to null. If Event data were accumulated during the suspended state, a changed event is triggered for each event data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodResume(ISuspendToken, EventFiring) Resumes changed events, either with taking the accumulated event data into account (see Resume(ISuspendToken)) or discarding the accumulated event data (see ResumeSilently(ISuspendToken), depending on the provided argument eventFiring.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodResumeCompleteTemporarily Resumes the object completely for only a short time. Thus, if object was suspended before, it will be suspended again when the function returns.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodResumeCompleteTemporarilyGetToken Resumes the object completely for the time the returned token is referenced and not disposed. The return value is a token that had 'absorbed' the suspend count of the object, resulting in the suspend count of the object dropped to 0 (zero). When the returned token is finally disposed, the suspend count of the object is increased again by the 'absorbed' suspend count.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodResumeSilently Resumes changed events by calling Resume for the provided suspend token, and setting the reference to the suspend token to null. All event data accumulated during the suspended state are discarded, and thus no change event is triggered even if the instance has changed during the suspended state.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodSetDisposeInProgress Sets the flag that dispose is in progress for this node and all child nodes recursively.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodSetElementEmpty This clears the cell at index i.
Protected methodSetMemberAndRaiseSelfChangedT(NullableT, NullableT) Sets a member variable of this instance and raise a change event with Empty if the new value is different from the old value. The comparison is done using the IEquatableT interface of the member variable. Note: to set members that implement IDocumentNode please use the Child... functions.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected methodSetMemberAndRaiseSelfChangedT(T, T) Sets a member variable of this instance and raise a change event with Empty if the new value is different from the old value. The comparison is done using the IEquatableT interface of the member variable. Note: to set members that implement IDocumentNode please use the Child... functions.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected methodSetMemberEnumAndRaiseSelfChangedT Sets a member variable (which is an Enum) of this instance and raise a change event with Empty if the new value is different from the old value. The comparison is done using the IEquatableT interface of the member variable. Note: to set members that implement IDocumentNode please use the Child... functions.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodSetValueAt Sets the value at a given index i with a value val, which is a AltaxoVariant.
Public methodSuspendGetToken Suspend will increase the SuspendLevel.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodToROVector Creates a wrapper that implements IROVector with starting index = 0 and number of elements = Count.
Public methodToROVector(Int32, Int32) Creates a wrapper that implements IROVector.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToVector Creates a wrapper that implements IVector with starting index = 0 and number of elements = Count.
Public methodToVector(Int32, Int32) Creates a wrapper that implements IVector.
Public methodTryGetName Test if this item already has a name.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public methodvop_Addition(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Addition(DataColumn, DataColumn) Adds another data column to this data column (item by item).
Public methodvop_Addition_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Addition_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_And(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_And(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_And_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_And_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Complement 
Public methodvop_Decrement 
Public methodvop_Division(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Division(DataColumn, DataColumn) Divides this data column by another data column(item by item).
Public methodvop_Division_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Division_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_False 
Public methodvop_Greater(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Greater(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Greater_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Greater_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_GreaterOrEqual(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_GreaterOrEqual(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_GreaterOrEqual_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_GreaterOrEqual_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Increment 
Public methodvop_Lesser(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Lesser(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Lesser_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Lesser_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_LesserOrEqual(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_LesserOrEqual(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_LesserOrEqual_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_LesserOrEqual_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Minus 
Public methodvop_Modulo(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Modulo(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Modulo_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Modulo_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Multiplication(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Multiplication(DataColumn, DataColumn) Multiplies another data column to this data column (item by item).
Public methodvop_Multiplication_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Multiplication_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Not 
Public methodvop_Or(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Or(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Or_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Or_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Plus 
Public methodvop_ShiftLeft(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftLeft(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftLeft_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftLeft_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftRight(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftRight(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftRight_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_ShiftRight_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Subtraction(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Subtraction(DataColumn, DataColumn) Subtracts another data column from this data column (item by item).
Public methodvop_Subtraction_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Subtraction_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_True 
Public methodvop_Xor(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Xor(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Xor_Rev(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public methodvop_Xor_Rev(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public eventChangedFired when something in the object has changed, and the object is not suspended.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public eventTunneledEvent The event that is fired when the object is disposed. First argument is the sender, second argument is the original source, and third argument is the event arg.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberDecrement(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberExclusiveOr(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberFalse(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberIncrement(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberLeftShift(DataColumn, Int32) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberLogicalNot(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberOnesComplement(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberRightShift(DataColumn, Int32) 
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(AltaxoVariant, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(DataColumn, AltaxoVariant) 
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(DataColumn, DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberTrue(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation(DataColumn) 
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryPlus(DataColumn) 
Protected field_accumulatedEventData Holds the accumulated change data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentLeafNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected fieldStatic member_addSpaceIf the capacity of the column is not enough, a new array is aquired, with the new size newSize = addSpace+increaseFactor*oldSize.
Protected fieldStatic member_increaseFactorIf the capacity of the column is not enough, a new array is aquired, with the new size newSize = addSpace+increaseFactor*oldSize.
Protected field_parent The parent object this instance belongs to.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddRangeAltaxoVariant Adds a range of items to a collection.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExchangePositionsAltaxoVariant Exchange the positions of two items in a list.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFillWithAltaxoVariant
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrAltaxoVariant Returns the first value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFlattenFromRootToLeavesAltaxoVariant Converts a recursive data structure into a flat list. The root element is enumerated before its corresponding child element(s).
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodForEachDoAltaxoVariant Executes an action for each element of the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetUnderlyingDataColumnOrDefault Gets the underlying data column (of type DataColumn) or the default value null.
(Defined by TransformedReadableColumnExtensions)
Public Extension MethodHasSingleElementAltaxoVariant Determines whether the specified enumeration has exactly one element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfAltaxoVariant Gets the index of an item in a enumeration or list.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstAltaxoVariant Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstAltaxoVariant Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfLastAltaxoVariant Gets the index the of last item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMaxAltaxoVariantReturn the index of the element with the maximum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMinAltaxoVariantReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereAltaxoVariant Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereAltaxoVariant Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereAltaxoVariant Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereAltaxoVariant Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesOfMinMaxAltaxoVariantReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIsEmptyAltaxoVariant Determines whether the specified enumeration is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalAltaxoVariant, T2 Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalAltaxoVariant, T2, TResult Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLastOrAltaxoVariant Returns the last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxElementAltaxoVariant, M Gets the element of a IEnumerabe that evaluates by means of a conversion function to the maximal value. This is different from Select(x => conversion(x)).Max() insofar as it not returns the maximum value, but the original element x which converts to the maximum value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxOrDefaultAltaxoVariant, M Evaluates the maximum of a enumeration of elements, or returns a default value if the series is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveItemToIndexAltaxoVariant Moves a item to another list position. All items inbetween the interval originalIndex and destinationIndex will slip by one position (except the item at originalIndex, which will of course move to destinationIndex.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveSelectedItemsAltaxoVariant Moves the selected items towards higher indices (for steps > 0) or lower indices (for steps < 0).
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveSelectedItemsToMaximumIndexAltaxoVariant Moves the selected item so that the selected item with the formerly highest index is afterwards at the end of the list (at index list.Count-1).
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveSelectedItemsToMinimumIndexAltaxoVariant Moves the selected item so that the selected item with the formerly lowest index is afterwards at the start of the list (at index 0).
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveSelectedItemsTowardsHigherIndicesAltaxoVariant Moves the selected items towards higher indices.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMoveSelectedItemsTowardsLowerIndicesAltaxoVariant Moves the selected items towards lower indices.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveWhereAltaxoVariant Removes all items for which the predicate function returns true.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodRemoveWhereAltaxoVariant Removes all items for which the predicate function returns true.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationAltaxoVariant Select a random combination, without repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationWithRepetitionAltaxoVariant Select a random combination, with repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectPermutationAltaxoVariant Select a random permutation from a data sequence by returning the provided data in random order. Implemented using Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationAltaxoVariant Select a random variation, without repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order. Implemented using partial Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationWithRepetitionAltaxoVariant Select a random variation, with repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSetColumnFromFractionalIndex Fills destination column with values from an original column by help of a fractional index.
(Defined by MergeTables)
Public Extension MethodShowRenameColumnDialog Asks for a new name and then renames the selected data column or property column.
(Defined by ColumnCommands)
Public Extension MethodTakeAllButLastAltaxoVariant Takes all elements of the enumeration except the last element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTakeFromUpperIndexExclusiveDownToLowerIndexInclusiveAltaxoVariant Takes all elements of a list, starting from index upperIndexExclusive - 1 down to the index lowerIndexInclusive.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTakeFromUpperIndexInclusiveDownToLowerIndexInclusiveAltaxoVariant Takes all elements of a list, starting from index upperIndexInclusive down to the index lowerIndexInclusive.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodThisOrEmptyAltaxoVariant Returns either the provided enumeration, or if it is null, an empty enumeration.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToHorzMatrix This returns a read and writeable, horizontal oriented matrix of a DoubleColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToROVector This returns a read-only vector of a INumericColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToROVector This returns a read-only vector of a INumericColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToROVector This returns a read-only vector of a INumericColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToROVectorCopy This returns a read-only vector of a INumericColumn, but the data are copyied before. Thus, if you change the data into the numeric column, the data of the returned vector is not influenced.
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToVector This returns a read and writeable vector of a DoubleColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToVector This returns a read and writeable vector of a DoubleColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToVector This returns a read and writeable vector of a DoubleColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodToVertMatrix This returns a read and writeable, vertical oriented matrix of a DoubleColumn
(Defined by DataColumnWrapper)
Public Extension MethodTryGetFirstAndLastAltaxoVariant Returns true and the first and last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, returns false.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTryGetSingleElementAltaxoVariant Try to get the one and only element of the collection.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy