The Math3D type exposes the following members.
Methods | Name | Description |
| DissectStraightLineWithDashPattern |
Dissects a straight line into individual line segments, using a dash pattern.
| Get2DProjectionToPlane |
Creates a transformation matrix that projects 2D points (in fact: 3D-points with ignored z-coordinate) to a plane that is defined by 2 vectors (e and n) and a point
on that plane p. The x-coordinates of the original point is projected in the e direction, the y-coordinate in the n direction.
| Get2DProjectionToPlaneToPlane |
Creates a transformation matrix that does the following: First, it converts a 2D point into a 3D coordinate system with the origin given by p, and the unit vectors e and n.
Then the thus created 3D point is projected in the direction of v onto a plane that is defined by the same point p on the plane and the plane's normal q.
| GetDistancePointToPlane |
Gets the distance of a point a to a plane defined by a point p and a normal vector q. The distance is considered to be positive
if the point a is located in the half space into which the vector q is pointing.
| GetFractionalIndexOfPointOnLineInGivenDistanceToAnotherPoint |
Gets the fractional index of the point on a line that has a certain distance to another point ps.
| GetNormalizedVectorOrthogonalToVector |
Makes a given vector n orthogonal to another vector v. This is done by adding a fraction of v to n, so that the new vector is orthogonal to v.
After this, the vector is normalized.
| GetProjectionToPlane |
Gets a projection matrix that projects a point in the direction given by v onto a plane with is given by an arbitrary point on the plane p and the plane's normal q.
| GetRelativePositionsOnLineSegmentForPointsAtDistanceToPoint |
Gets the relative positions of the two points on a line segment that have a given distance to a third point. The returned relative values are in the range [-Infinity, Infinity] and
therefore don't neccessarily lie directly on the line segment. Furthermore, a solution not always exists (in this case the returned values are NaN).
| GetVectorOrthogonalToVector |
Makes a given vector n orthogonal to another vector v. This is done by adding a fraction of v to n, so that the new vector is orthogonal to v.
| GetVectorSymmetricalToPlane |
Calculates a vector which is symmectrical to the provided vector n with respected to the symmetry plane given by the normal normal q.
The result is the same as if a ray is reflected on a miiror described by the plane, thus
an incident vector is resulting in an outcoming vector, and an outcoming vector is resulting in an incident vector.
| GetVectorSymmetricalToVector |
Calculates the counterpart of the provided vector n, so that this vector n and it's conterpart are symmetrical,
with the symmetry line provided by vector q.
TopSee Also