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PerspectiveCamera Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Graph.Graph3D.Camera.PerspectiveCamera"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Graph3D.Camera
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class PerspectiveCamera : CameraBase

The PerspectiveCamera type exposes the following members.

Public methodPerspectiveCameraInitializes a new instance of the PerspectiveCamera class
Public methodPerspectiveCamera(VectorD3D, PointD3D, PointD3D, Double, Double, Double)Initializes a new instance of the PerspectiveCamera class
Public propertyDistance Gets the distance of the camera from the target position.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyEyePosition Gets the camera position, the so-called eye position.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyInverseLookAtRHMatrix Gets the inverse LookAtRH matrix. This matrix transforms a point from the camera coordinate system to the world coordinate system, i.e. the point (0,0,0) is transformed to (CameraPosition.X, CameraPosition.Y, CameraPosition.Z).
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyLookAtRHMatrix Returns the same matrix that the Direct3D function LookAtRH would provide.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyRightVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized Gets the normalized right vector, that is made perpendicular to the eye vector.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyScreenOffset Gets the screen offset. The screen offset has to be used only in extraordinary situation, e.g. for shifting to simulate multisampling; or for shifting to center the exported bitmap. It is not serialized either.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyTargetPosition Gets the position the camera is looking at.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyTargetToEyeVector Gets the eye vector, i.e. the vector pointing from target to the camera eye.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyTargetToEyeVectorNormalized Gets the normalized eye vector, i.e. the vector pointing from target to the camera eye.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyUpVector Gets the camera up vector.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyUpVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized Gets the normalized up vector, that is made perpendicular to the eye vector.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyWidthAtTargetDistance Gets the width of the view field at target distance. For this perspective camera, it is WidthAtZNear multiplied with the Distance divided by ZNear.
(Overrides CameraBaseWidthAtTargetDistance)
Public propertyWidthAtZNear Gets the width of the view field at ZNear distance.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyZFar Gets the maximum distance the camera is 'seeing' something. Objects farther away than this distance (from the camera) will not be visible.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public propertyZNear Gets the minimum distance the camera is 'seeing' something. Objects closer than this distance (from the camera) will not be visible.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHitRayMatrix
(Overrides CameraBaseGetHitRayMatrix(PointD3D))
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetViewProjectionMatrix(Double) Gets the transposed result of LookAtRH matrix multiplied with the OrthoRH matrix.
(Overrides CameraBaseGetViewProjectionMatrix(Double))
Public methodGetViewProjectionMatrix(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) Gets the transposed result of LookAtRH matrix multiplied with the OrthoRH matrix.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWithDistanceByChangingEyePosition Gets a new camera with the distance between eye and target as provided in the argument distance. The new distance is set by changing the eye position of the camera.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithEyeTarget Creates a new camera with provided eyePosition and targetPosition;
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithEyeTargetWidth Creates a new camera with provided eyePosition and targetPosition;
Public methodWithLookAtRHMatrix(Matrix4x3) Creates a new camera which has the LookAtRH matrix as provided in the argument. Up and eye vector as well as eye position are calculated from the provided matrix, the target position is in such a way calculated that the distance is kept constant.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithLookAtRHMatrix(Matrix4x3, Double) Creates a new camera which has the LookAtRH matrix as provided in the argument. Up and eye vector as well as eye position are calculated from the provided matrix, the target position is calculated from the eye vector and the provided newDistance value.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithScreenOffset Gets a new instance with ScreenOffset set to the provided value. The screen offset has to be used only in extraordinary situation, e.g. for shifting to simulate multisampling; or for shifting to center the exported bitmap. It is not serialized either.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithUpEye Creates a new camera with provided upVector and eyePosition.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithUpEyeTarget Creates a new camera with provided upVector, eyePosition, targetPosition.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithUpEyeTargetZNearZFar Creates a new camera with provided upVector, eyePosition, targetPosition, znear and zfar distance..
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithWidthAtZNear Gets a new instance of this camera, with WidthAtZNear set to the provided argument.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Public methodWithZNearZFarWithoutChangingViewAngle Gets a new instance of the camera with ZNear and ZFar set to the provided values. The WidthAtTargetDistance is adjusted so that the view angle of the camera is not changed.
(Overrides CameraBaseWithZNearZFarWithoutChangingViewAngle(Double, Double))
Public methodZoomByGettingCloserToTarget Zooms the view by moving the camera along the straigth line between camera and target position closer to the target, and then slightly rotate the camera so that the relative screen points rx and ry are matched before and after the zooming (for a point at the plane at camera distance). The target position itself is kept.
Public methodZoomByMovingCameraForward Zooms the view by moving the camera forward, i.e. by shifting both eye position and target position by the same amount, thus keeping the camera direction and the up vector constant.
Protected field_eyePosition
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_screenOffset Gets or sets the screen offset. The screen offset has to be used only in extraordinary situation, e.g. for shifting to simulate multisampling; or for shifting to center the exported bitmap. This is a relative value - relative to the dimensions of the screen. It is not serialized either.
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_targetPosition
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_upVector
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_widthAtZNear
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_zFar
(Inherited from CameraBase)
Protected field_zNear
(Inherited from CameraBase)
See Also