Matrix |
The Matrix3x3 type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AppendTransform | Appends a transformation matrix f to this matrix. | |
CreateRotationMatrixFromAxisAndAngleRadian | Creates the rotation matrix from axis and angle radian. | |
DecomposeIntoQR | Decomposes this matrix into a product Q*R, in which Q is an orthonormal matrix, and R is an upper triangular matrix, using the Gram–Schmidt process. This process is also known as QR-decomposition (,_RQ_and_LQ_decompositions). | |
DecomposeIntoRotations | Extracts the rotation angles (in radian). Attention: the matrix must be a rotation matrix, i.e. the norm of all rows and colums must be 1! This is not verified here! | |
DecomposeIntoRQ | Decomposes this matrix into a product R*Q, in which R is an upper triangular matrix, and Q is an orthonormal matrix, using the Gram–Schmidt process. This process is also known as RQ-decomposition (,_RQ_and_LQ_decompositions). | |
DecomposeIntoScaleShearRotationDegree | Decomposes the matrix into its rotations (in degree), shear and scale components. | |
DecomposeIntoScaleShearRotationRadian | Decomposes the matrix into its rotations (in radian), shear and scale components. | |
Equals | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType) | |
FromRotationDegree | Gets a transformation matrix by specifying rotation (translation is 0, shear is 0 and scale is 1). | |
FromRotationRadian | Gets a transformation matrix by specifying rotation (translation is 0, shear is 0 and scale is 1). | |
FromScaleShearRotationDegree | Gets a transformation matrix by specifying translation, rotation, shear and scale. | |
FromScaleShearRotationRadian | Gets a transformation matrix by specifying translation, rotation, shear and scale. | |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) | |
InverseTransform | Inverse transform a vector p in such a way that the result will fullfill the relation p = result * matrix ( the * operator being the prepend transformation for vectors). | |
NewFromBasisVectors | Creates a transformation matrix that uses three basis vectors to construct the matrix that transform points expressed in the three basis vectors to points in the coordinate system. | |
PrependTransform | Prepends a transformation matrix a to this matrix. | |
RotationXDegreePrepend | Prepends a rotation transformation around x axis. The angle is specified in degrees. | |
RotationYDegreePrepend | Prepends a rotation transformation around y axis. The angle is specified in degrees. | |
RotationZDegreePrepend | Prepends a rotation transformation around z axis. The angle is specified in degrees. | |
SetScaleShearRotationDegree | Sets this transformation matrix by specifying translation, rotation, shear and scale. | |
SetScaleShearRotationRadian | Sets this transformation matrix by specifying translation, rotation, shear and scale. | |
ToString | (Overrides ValueTypeToString) | |
Transform(PlaneD3D) | ||
Transform(PointD3D) | Transforms the specified point p. Here, the point transform is carried out in the same way as the vector transform. The transformation is carried out as a prepend transformation, i.e. result = p * matrix (p considered as horizontal vector). | |
Transform(VectorD3D) | Transforms the specified vector v. The transformation is carried out as a prepend transformation, i.e. result = v * matrix (v considered as horizontal vector). | |
TransformPoint |