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DataColumnCollection Fields

The DataColumnCollection type exposes the following members.

Protected field_accumulatedEventData Holds the accumulated change data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected field_archiveMemento This field is set to the IProjectArchiveEntryMemento that indicates in which entry in the project archive the table data is stored. This member is set independent of whether data should be late loaded with the memento or not! (The indicator for that is stored in _deferredDataLoader).
Protected field_columnInfoByColumn This hashtable has the DataColumn as keys and DataColumnCollectionDataColumnInfo objects as values. It stores information like the position of the column, the kind of the column.
Protected field_columnsByName Holds the columns (value) accessible by name (key).
Protected field_columnsByNumber The collection of the columns (accessible by number).
Protected field_columnScripts ColumnScripts, key is the corresponding column, value is of type WorksheetColumnScript
Protected field_deferredDataLoader This object can have three states: if it is a IProjectArchiveEntryMemento, then this indicates that data have to be loaded using this memento. If some other object, this indicates that the loading of data is currently in progress. If null, the data have been loaded. In this case, the archive memento is stored in another field (see _archiveMemento ).
Protected field_hasNumberOfRowsDecreased Indicates that the cached row count is no longer valid and can be lesser than the actual value in m_NumberOfRows (but not greater).
Protected field_isDataDirty Is true if any data in a child DataColumn has changed since the last saving of the project. This flag is not set to true if other parts of this collection changed, for instance the column scripts.
Protected field_lastColumnNameGenerated The last column name autogenerated by this class.
Protected field_nameOfLastColumnAdded Name of the last column added to this collection.
Protected field_numberOfRows Cached number of rows. This is the maximum of the Count of all DataColumns contained in this collection.
Protected field_parent The parent object this instance belongs to.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected field_suspendTokensOfChildsStores the suspend tokens of the suspended childs of this object.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNode)
Protected field_triedOutRegularNaming If true, we recently have tested the column names A-ZZ and all column names were in use. This flag should be resetted if a column deletion or renaming operation took place.
Public fieldStatic memberDeserialiationInfoProperty_DeferredDataDeserializationUsed during deserialization to store the info how to read the data at a later time.
Public fieldStatic memberDeserialiationInfoProperty_RestoreDataOnly 
Public fieldStatic memberSerialiationInfoProperty_StoreDataOnlyIf set, only the data should be stored, but e.g. not the scripts etc.
See Also