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NGTreeNode Class

Represents a non GUI tree node that can be used for interfacing/communication with Gui components.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Collections
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class NGTreeNode : SelectableListNode, ITreeListNodeWithParent<NGTreeNode>, 
	ITreeListNode<NGTreeNode>, ITreeNode<NGTreeNode>, INodeWithParentNode<NGTreeNode>

The NGTreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodNGTreeNode Empty constructor.
Public methodNGTreeNode(Boolean)Initializes a new instance of the NGTreeNode class
Public methodNGTreeNode(String) Constructor that initializes the text of the tree node.
Public methodNGTreeNode(String, NGTreeNode) Constructor that initializes the text of the tree node and adds a range of elements to it.
Public propertyAlwaysFalse 
Public propertyDescription Gets the description string. Can be used e.g. to show a tool tip.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyFirstSelectedNode 
Public propertyGuiTag Can be used by some GUI to get a connection to GUI elements.
Public propertyHasChilds Tests for childs without creating a child collection.
Public propertyHasDummyChild Returns true if this object's Children have not yet been populated.
Public propertyHierarchyIndices Returns the hierarchy of indices, i.e. the indices beginning with the root node collection and ending with the index in the nodes parent collection.
Public propertyImage Gets an image to display for the item. The type depends on the Gui that is currently used.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyImageIndex Returns an image index, or -1 if no image is set. The default implementation here returns -1, but this behaviour can be overriden in a derived class.
(Overrides ListNodeImageIndex)
Public propertyIndex Return the index in the parent's node collection or -1 if there is no parent.
Public propertyIsExpanded Gets/sets whether the TreeViewItem associated with this object is expanded.
Public propertyIsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is selected.
(Inherited from SelectableListNode)
Public propertyLevel The level in the hierarchy. Nodes that have no parent return a level of 0, those with a parent return a level of 1, those with parent and grand parent a level of 2 and so on.
Public propertyNodes Collection of the child nodes of this node.
Public propertyParentNode Parent tree node.
Public propertyRootNode Return the root node belonging to this node. If the node has no parent, the node itself is returned.
Public propertySelectedImageIndex Returns an image index (for the selected node), or -1 if no image is set. The default implementation here returns -1, but this can be overriden in a derived class. Note that when using SelectedImageIndex, you probably also need to override [M:OnPropertyChanged], so that when the [P:IsSelected] property changed, you must also call [M:OnPropertyChanged] with "ImageIndex" as argument.
Public propertySubItemCount Gets the number of subitems to display (Text0, Text1, etc.).
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyTag Gets or sets a tag associated with the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText Gets or sets the text that is displayed (for simple Gui items).
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText0 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText1 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText2 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText3 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText4 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText5 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText6 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText7 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText8 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public propertyText9 Gets additional text to display for the item.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public methodStatic memberAreAllNodesFromSameLevel Determines whether all nodes in the provided enumeration have the same level. This not neccessarily means that the nodes have to have the same parent; only the level must be the same. To test for the same parent, use the HaveSameParent(IEnumerableNGTreeNode) function.
Public methodClearSelectionRecursively 
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberFilterIndependentNodes If the nodes array contain both some nodes and their childs (or relatives up in the hierarchy), those childs are removed and only the nodes with the lowest level in the hierarchy are returned.
Public methodStatic memberFilterLowestLevelNodes Returns only the nodes with the lowest hierarchy level.
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberFindFirstSelectedNodeParent Finds the first parent node in the hierarchy, which is selected.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberHaveSameParent Determines if all nodes in the array have the same parent.
Protected methodLoadChildren Invoked when the child items need to be loaded on demand. Subclasses can override this to populate the Children collection.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberMoveUpDown This procedure will move up or move down some nodes in the tree.
Public methodStatic memberNodesWithoutSelectedChilds Returns only those nodes of the provided list, which have no child nodes (immediate childs or higher level child nodes), that are not selected.
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged Called when a property has changed.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public methodRemove Frees this node, i.e. removes the node from it's parent collection (and set the parent node to null.
Public methodReplaceBy Replaces this node in the tree by the new node newNode, setting this node free (i.e. afterwards it has no parent anymore).
Public methodStatic memberSortByOrder The nodes in the array are sorted by order, i.e. by there hierarchy indices.
Public methodSubItemBackColor Gets the color of the sub items.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public methodSubItemText Get the sub item text at index i. Implementer should be aware of, that when changing a subitem text, the corresponding property (e.g. Text0) is changed. Thus, OnPropertyChanged(String) must be called for all properties that have changed.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public methodToString Converts to string.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Public eventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from ListNode)
Protected field_guiTag 
Protected field_isExpanded 
Protected field_isSelected Indicating whether this item is selected
(Inherited from SelectableListNode)
Protected field_tag
(Inherited from ListNode)
Protected field_text
(Inherited from ListNode)
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy