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Altaxo.Collections Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Altaxo.Collections"]

Public classArrayExtensions Provides some extensions for arrays.
Public classAscendingIntegerCollection Stores a number of arbitrary integer values in ascending order.
Public classAscendingIntegerRangeCollection Implements an collection of ascending integers, that are stored in a list of ranges.
Public classBoxedT Boxes a single value into a class. The value can be get/set by the property Value. Since the value is accessible by a property, this class can be used in collections as data sources for data grids, etc. For this, it additionally implements both INotifyPropertyChanged and IEditableObject
Public classCachedObjectManagerByMaximumNumberOfItemsTKey, TValue Manages a bunch of cached objects. The cached object are accessed by a key. In this instance more than one object with the same key can be stored, but it is presumed that all objects which are stored under the same key are considered equal. Usage: Try to take out a cached object with TryTake(TKey, TValue). If no such object exists, create a new one. After usage of the object, put it back with Add(TKey, TValue). If after adding an object more than the allowed number of objects exists, the object which is used the least will be removed from that instance. The methods in this instance are thread safe.
Public classCheckableSelectableListNode A SelectableListNode that can additionally either in the checked or unchecked state.
Public classCheckableSelectableListNodeList Collection of CheckableSelectableListNodes.
Public classConcurrentPriorityQueueTKey, TValue Implements a heap based priority queue that hold only keys. The key with the minimum value can then retrieved from the queue. This class is not thread safe.
Public classConcurrentTokenizedLinkedListTKey, TValue Concurrent linked list with the restriction that its members are unique, i.e. an item identified by a key can appear only once in the list.
Public classConcurrentTokenizedPriorityQueueTKey, TValue, TToken Represents an tokenized concurrent priority queue. Inserted items are associated with a token that can later be used to modify the item in the queue. There are two function sets to add queue items, depending on whether or not the queue is generating tokens by itself. Use Enqueue... functions, if the tokens are generated by the queue itself, or use Add.. functions if you provide the token.
Public classDictionaryWithNullableKeyTKey, TValue Provides a dictionary, in which one of the keys (and only one) can be null.
Public classEnumerableExtensions Extensions to the IEnumerable interface.
Public classEnumerationExtensions Extends the operations for Flag Enumerations with setting and clearing of individual flags.
Public classIndexSelection Selection of indices, mimicking the behavior of selection in lists etc, using CTRL key to select single items and SHIFT to select multiple items.
Public classListDictionaryTKey, TValue Dictionary that retains the order of the entries by which they are added, thus effectively combining a list (of its values) with fast access by a key. The only two methods that can modify this class are Clear and Add(TKey, TValue).
Public classListExtensions Supports movement of selected items up/down in a list.
Public classListNode This class is intended to use in list boxes, where you have to display a name, but must retrieve the item instead.
Public classListNodeList Observable collection of ListNodes.
Public classMultipleSelectableListNodeList A list of selectable items. Multiple selections are allowed. If the selection of one of the items changed, a property changed event for the property SelectedItems is raised.
Public classNamedItemT 
Public classNamedItemListT List of INamedItem instances, with support for INotifyCollectionChanged
Public classNavigationListT Implements a list that can be used to navigate forward or backward using stored navigation points.
Public classNGTreeNode Represents a non GUI tree node that can be used for interfacing/communication with Gui components.
Public classNGTreeNodeWithImageIndex Adds to NGTreeNode the ability to store ImageIndex and SelectedImageIndex.
Public classObservableCollectionReversingWrapperT Wraps an observable collection, so that the elements appear in reverse order compared to the original collection.
Public classObservableListT Generic list that implements the INotifyCollectionChanged interface to notify changed. Does additionally implement MoveToLowerIndex(Int32) and MoveToHigherIndex(Int32) as well as AddRange(IEnumerableT).
Public classPartialDictionaryTKey, TBaseValue, TDerivValue 
Public classPartitionableListT List of items of class T. From this list partitions can be created, which basically are views inside this list, which have certain selection criterions. See remarks for details.
Protected classPartitionableListTPartialViewM 
Protected classPartitionableListTPartialViewBase We had to split PartialView into a non-generic base class and the generic class itself. By that it is possible to safely cast to PartialViewBase whenever it is neccessary, whereas a cast to PartialViewBase<T> may fail because it is infact a PartialViewBase<M> type.
Protected classPartitionableListTTemporaryDisabler Helper class to temporarily disable something, e.g. some events. By calling Disable one gets a disposable token, that, when disposed, enables again, which fires then the action that is given as parameter to the constructor. It is possible to make nested calls to Disable. In this case all tokens must be disposed before the IsEnabled is again true and the re-enabling action is fired.
Public classPriorityQueueTKey Implements a heap based priority queue that hold only keys. The key with the minimum value can then retrieved from the queue. This class is not thread safe.
Public classRenameableItemListT 
Public classRingBufferT Represents a generic ring buffer. This class is not thread safe.
Public classRingBufferEnqueueableOnlyT Ring buffer that stores elements in a ring-buffer like fashion. Elements can only be enqueued, but not dequeued. The oldest element will be overwritten, if a new elements is enqueued and the capacity is reached. Elements can be accessed by index; the newest element is accessed by index 0.
Public classSelectableListNode Represents a ListNode that can be either selected or unselected.
Public classSelectableListNodeList Collection of SelectableListNodes.
Public classSelectableListNodeListHelper Extension methods for SelectableListNodeList.
Public classSelectableListNodeWithParent A list node that is used by SingleSelectableListNodeList in order to make sure that only one of the elements is selected.
Public classSetListT Class which holds unique items in the order in wich they are added (like a List, but with the difference that only unique items could be contained).
Public classSingleSelectableListNodeList A list of selectable items. It is ensured, that either none or maximal one of the items is selected. If one item is selected, the other item that was selected before will be deselected.
Public classSingleSelectableListNodeListTValue 
Public classStringRow 
Public classSystemCollectionsArrayListXmlSerializationSurrogate0 
Public classSystemCollectionsListOfObjectListXmlSerializationSurrogate0 
Public classThreeStringRow 
Public classTreeNodeExtensions Implements algorithms common for all trees.
Public classTwoStringRow 
Public classWeakCollectionT A collection that allows its elements to be garbage-collected (unless there are other references to the elements). Elements will disappear from the collection when they are garbage-collected. The WeakCollection is not thread-safe, not even for read-only access! No methods may be called on the WeakCollection while it is enumerated, not even a Contains or creating a second enumerator. The WeakCollection does not preserve any order among its contents; the ordering may be different each time the collection is enumerated. Since items may disappear at any time when they are garbage collected, this class cannot provide a useful implementation for Count and thus cannot implement the ICollection interface.
Public classWeakDictionaryTKey, TValue 
Protected classWeakDictionaryTKey, TValueWeakKeyT 
Public structureContiguousIntegerRange Represents a range of consecutive integers. The range can be empty (in this case both Start as well as Count are zero).
Public structureContiguousNonNegativeIntegerRange Represents a range of consecutive non-negative integers.
Public interfaceIArrayT 
Public interfaceIAscendingIntegerCollection Sorted collection of integers, sorted so that the smallest integers come first.
Public interfaceIContiguousIntegerRange Represents a contiguous range of integers.
Public interfaceINamedItem Interface to an items that has a name associated with it.
Public interfaceINodeWithParentNodeT Defines an interface of a node, with has a parent node.
Public interfaceIObservableListT 
Public interfaceIReadOnlyListDictionaryTKey, TValue Interface that combines a read-only dictionary and a list of its values.
Public interfaceIRenameableItem Interface to an item that has a name, and whose name can be changed.
Public interfaceISelectableItem Interface of an item that can be either selected or unselected.
Public interfaceISwappableListT Extends the IList interface by a function that allows to swap two items by index.
Public interfaceITreeListNodeT Defines a tree node, where the childs can be accessed by index. There is no reference to the node's parent.
Public interfaceITreeListNodeWithParentT Defines a tree node with parent. The child nodes can be accessed by index.
Public interfaceITreeNodeT Defines a simple tree node, where the child nodes are enumerable. There is no reference to the node's parent.
Public interfaceITreeNodeWithParentT Defines a simple tree node with parent.
Public interfaceITreeSwappableListNodeT Defines a tree node, where the childs can be accessed by index. There is no reference to the node's parent.
Public interfaceNGTreeNodeCollection Represents a collection of NGTreeNode.
Public interfacePartitionableListTISuspendToken 
Public interfaceSelectableListNodeWithParentIParent 
Public enumerationIndexDirection Direction in which list elements will be handled.
Public enumerationPartitionableListAddBehavior Determines the behavior when an item is inserted in the PartitionableList