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WorksheetAnalysis Class

WorksheetMethods provides common utility methods for multivariate data analysis.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Regression.Multivariate
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public abstract class WorksheetAnalysis

The WorksheetAnalysis type exposes the following members.

Protected methodWorksheetAnalysisInitializes a new instance of the WorksheetAnalysis class
Public propertyAnalysisName Name of the Analysis, like PLS1, PLS2 or PCR.
Public methodCalculateAdditionalColumn 
Public methodCalculateAdditionalColumns 
Public methodCalculateAndStorePredictionScores(DataTable, Int32) 
Public methodCalculateAndStorePredictionScores(DataTable, Int32, Int32) 
Public methodCalculateCrossPredictedAndResidual 
Public methodCalculateCrossPredictedY 
Public methodCalculateCrossPRESS Calculate the cross PRESS values and stores the results in the provided table.
Public methodCalculatePredictedAndResidual 
Public methodCalculatePredictedY For a given set of spectra, predicts the y-values and stores them in the matrix predictedY
Public methodCalculatePredictionScores Calculates the prediction scores. In case of a single y-variable, the prediction score is a vector of the same length than a spectrum. Multiplying the prediction score (dot product) with a spectrum, it yields the predicted y-value (of cause mean-centered).
Public methodCalculatePreprocessedSpectra Fills a provided table (should be empty) with the preprocessed spectra. The spectra are saved as columns (independently on their former orientation in the original worksheet).
Public methodCalculateXLeverage Calculates the leverage of the spectral data.
Public methodCalculateXResidual 
Public methodCalculateYPredicted Calculated the predicted y for the component given by whichY and for the given number of factors.
Public methodCalculateYResidual Calculates the y-residuals (concentration etc.).
Public methodCreateNewRegressionObject 
Public methodEnsureMatchingXOfX Compares the two arrays and throws an InvalidOperationException if the data not match.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExecuteAnalysis(AltaxoDocument, DataTableMatrixProxyWithMultipleColumnHeaderColumns, DimensionReductionAndRegressionOptions, DataTable) Makes a PLS (a partial least squares) analysis of the table or the selected columns / rows and stores the results in a newly created table. Here, the spectra are stored in the data columns of the proxy, the target variables are located in the ColumnHeaderColumns of the proxy.
Public methodExecuteAnalysis(IMatrixDouble, IMatrixDouble, DimensionReductionAndRegressionOptions, DataTable, IReadOnlyListDouble) Execute an analysis and stores the result in the provided table.
Public methodExecuteAnalysis(AltaxoDocument, DataTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection, IAscendingIntegerCollection, IAscendingIntegerCollection, Boolean, DimensionReductionAndRegressionOptions) Makes a PLS (a partial least squares) analysis of the table or the selected columns / rows and stores the results in a newly created table.
Public methodExecuteAnalysis(AltaxoDocument, DataTableMatrixProxyWithMultipleColumnHeaderColumns, IMatrixDouble, IMatrixDouble, Double, DimensionReductionAndRegressionOptions, DataTable, DimensionReductionAndRegressionResult) Makes a PLS (a partial least squares) analysis of the table or the selected columns / rows and stores the results in a newly created table.
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetCalibrationModel Returns an instance of the calibration model specific for the multivariate analysis.
Public methodStatic memberGetCrossPRESSValue_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetCrossProduct_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetCrossProduct_ColumnName(Int32) 
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetMeasurementLabel_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetNumberOfFactors_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetNumberOfFactors_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetOriginalY Using the information in the plsMemo, gets the matrix of original Y (concentration) data.
Public methodStatic memberGetPredictionScore_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetPredictionScore_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetPRESSValue_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetRawSpectra Fills a matrix with the selected data of a table.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetXCrossResidual_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetXCrossResidual_ColumnName Gets the column name of a X-Crossvalidated spectral Residual column
Public methodStatic memberGetXLeverage_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetXLeverage_ColumnName(Int32) Gets the column name of a X-Leverage column
Public methodStatic memberGetXLeverage_ColumnName(Int32, Int32) Gets the column name of a X-Leverage column
Public methodStatic memberGetXLoad_ColumnName(Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetXLoad_ColumnName(Int32, Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetXMean_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetXOfSpectra Returns the corresponding x-values of the spectra (In fact only the first spectra is used to determine which x-column is used).
Public methodStatic memberGetXOfX_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetXResidual_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetXResidual_ColumnName Gets the column name of a X-Residual column
Public methodStatic memberGetXScale_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetXScore_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetXWeight_ColumnName(Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetXWeight_ColumnName(Int32, Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetXYMatricesOfSpectralColumns Gets the spectral and target variable matrices (both unpreprocessed) for analysis.
Public methodStatic memberGetYCrossPredicted_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetYCrossPredicted_ColumnName Gets the column name of a Y-Cross-Predicted column
Public methodStatic memberGetYCrossResidual_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetYCrossResidual_ColumnName Gets the column name of a Y-Cross-Residual column
Public methodStatic memberGetYLoad_ColumnName(Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetYLoad_ColumnName(Int32, Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberGetYMean_ColumnName 
Public methodStatic memberGetYOriginal_ColumnName Gets the column name of a Y-Original column
Public methodStatic memberGetYPredicted_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetYPredicted_ColumnName Gets the column name of a Y-Predicted column
Public methodStatic memberGetYResidual_ColumnGroup 
Public methodStatic memberGetYResidual_ColumnName Gets the column name of a Y-Residual column
Public methodStatic memberGetYScale_ColumnName 
Protected methodStatic memberIsDimensionReductionAndRegressionModel 
Public methodStatic memberMapSpectralX This maps the indices of a master x column to the indices of a column to map.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodStatic memberNotFound 
Public methodPredictValues(DataTableMatrixProxyWithMultipleColumnHeaderColumns, Int32, DataTable, DataTable) This predicts the selected columns/rows against a user choosen calibration model. The orientation of spectra is given by the parameter spectrumIsRow.
Public methodPredictValues(DataTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection, IAscendingIntegerCollection, Int32, DataTable, DataTable) This predicts the selected columns/rows against a user choosen calibration model. The orientation of spectra is given by the parameter spectrumIsRow.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveNonNumericCells For given selected columns and selected rows, the procedure removes all nonnumeric cells. Furthermore, if either selectedColumns or selectedRows is empty, the collection is filled by the really used rows/columns.
Protected methodStoreCalculatedColumn Stores the information that a given column was calculated inside the DataSource object of the table.
Public methodStoreCalibrationModelInTable Stores the calibrationSet into the data table table.
Public methodStoreFRatioData 
Public methodStoreNumberOfFactors 
Public methodStoreOriginalY 
Public methodStorePreprocessedData 
Public methodStorePRESSData 
Public methodStoreXOfX 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also