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***PURPOSE Write error message with values. ***CATEGORY R3C ***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (XERRWV-S, XERRWD-D) ***AUTHOR Hindmarsh, Alan C., (LLNL) ***DESCRIPTION Subroutines XERRWD, XSETF, XSETUN, and the function routine IXSAV, as given here, constitute a simplified version of the SLATEC error handling package. All arguments are input arguments. MSG = The message (character array). NMES = The length of MSG (number of characters). NERR = The error number (not used). LEVEL = The error level.. 0 or 1 means recoverable (control returns to caller). 2 means fatal (run is aborted--see note below). NI = Number of integers (0, 1, or 2) to be printed with message. I1,I2 = Integers to be printed, depending on NI. NR = Number of reals (0, 1, or 2) to be printed with message. R1,R2 = Reals to be printed, depending on NR. Note.. this routine is machine-dependent and specialized for use in limited context, in the following ways.. 1. The argument MSG is assumed to be of type CHARACTER, and the message is printed with a format of (1X,A). 2. The message is assumed to take only one line. Multi-line messages are generated by repeated calls. 3. If LEVEL = 2, control passes to the statement STOP to abort the run. This statement may be machine-dependent. 4. R1 and R2 are assumed to be in double precision and are printed in D21.13 format. ***ROUTINES CALLED IXSAV ***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) 920831 DATE WRITTEN 921118 Replaced MFLGSV/LUNSAV by IXSAV. (ACH) 930329 Modified prologue to SLATEC format. (FNF) 930407 Changed MSG from CHARACTER*1 array to variable. (FNF) 930922 Minor cosmetic change. (FNF) ***END PROLOGUE XERRWD *Internal Notes: For a different default logical unit number, IXSAV (or a subsidiary routine that it calls) will need to be modified. For a different run-abort command, change the statement following statement 100 at the end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subroutines called by XERRWD.. None Function routine called by XERRWD.. IXSAV ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **End Declare arguments.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Ode.Obsolete.DVode
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class XERRWD

The XERRWD type exposes the following members.

Public methodXERRWDInitializes a new instance of the XERRWD class
Public methodXERRWD(IXSAV)Initializes a new instance of the XERRWD class
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodRun ***PURPOSE Write error message with values. ***CATEGORY R3C ***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (XERRWV-S, XERRWD-D) ***AUTHOR Hindmarsh, Alan C., (LLNL) ***DESCRIPTION Subroutines XERRWD, XSETF, XSETUN, and the function routine IXSAV, as given here, constitute a simplified version of the SLATEC error handling package. All arguments are input arguments. MSG = The message (character array). NMES = The length of MSG (number of characters). NERR = The error number (not used). LEVEL = The error level.. 0 or 1 means recoverable (control returns to caller). 2 means fatal (run is aborted--see note below). NI = Number of integers (0, 1, or 2) to be printed with message. I1,I2 = Integers to be printed, depending on NI. NR = Number of reals (0, 1, or 2) to be printed with message. R1,R2 = Reals to be printed, depending on NR. Note.. this routine is machine-dependent and specialized for use in limited context, in the following ways.. 1. The argument MSG is assumed to be of type CHARACTER, and the message is printed with a format of (1X,A). 2. The message is assumed to take only one line. Multi-line messages are generated by repeated calls. 3. If LEVEL = 2, control passes to the statement STOP to abort the run. This statement may be machine-dependent. 4. R1 and R2 are assumed to be in double precision and are printed in D21.13 format. ***ROUTINES CALLED IXSAV ***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) 920831 DATE WRITTEN 921118 Replaced MFLGSV/LUNSAV by IXSAV. (ACH) 930329 Modified prologue to SLATEC format. (FNF) 930407 Changed MSG from CHARACTER*1 array to variable. (FNF) 930922 Minor cosmetic change. (FNF) ***END PROLOGUE XERRWD *Internal Notes: For a different default logical unit number, IXSAV (or a subsidiary routine that it calls) will need to be modified. For a different run-abort command, change the statement following statement 100 at the end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Subroutines called by XERRWD.. None Function routine called by XERRWD.. IXSAV ----------------------------------------------------------------------- **End Declare arguments.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also