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Matrix Class

Complex version of the MatrixT class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.Complex
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public abstract class Matrix : Matrix<Complex>

The Matrix type exposes the following members.

Protected methodMatrix Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class.
Public propertyColumnCount Gets the number of columns.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public propertyItem Gets or sets the value at the given row and column, with range checking.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public propertyRowCount Gets the number of rows.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public propertyStorage Gets the raw matrix data storage.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAdd(T) Adds a scalar to each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAdd(MatrixT) Adds another matrix to this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAdd(T, MatrixT) Adds a scalar to each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAdd(MatrixT, MatrixT) Adds another matrix to this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAppend(MatrixT) Concatenates this matrix with the given matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAppend(MatrixT, MatrixT) Concatenates this matrix with the given matrix and places the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAsArray Returns the internal multidimensional array of this matrix if, and only if, this matrix is stored by such an array internally. Otherwise returns null. Changes to the returned array and the matrix will affect each other. Use ToArray instead if you always need an independent array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAsColumnArrays Returns the internal column arrays of this matrix if, and only if, this matrix is stored by such arrays internally. Otherwise returns null. Changes to the returned arrays and the matrix will affect each other. Use ToColumnArrays instead if you always need an independent array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCode exampleAsColumnMajorArray Returns the internal column by column (column major) array of this matrix if, and only if, this matrix is stored by such arrays internally. Otherwise returns null. Changes to the returned arrays and the matrix will affect each other. Use ToColumnMajorArray instead if you always need an independent array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAsRowArrays Returns the internal row arrays of this matrix if, and only if, this matrix is stored by such arrays internally. Otherwise returns null. Changes to the returned arrays and the matrix will affect each other. Use ToRowArrays instead if you always need an independent array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCode exampleAsRowMajorArray Returns the internal row by row (row major) array of this matrix if, and only if, this matrix is stored by such arrays internally. Otherwise returns null. Changes to the returned arrays and the matrix will affect each other. Use ToRowMajorArray instead if you always need an independent array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAt(Int32, Int32) Retrieves the requested element without range checking.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodAt(Int32, Int32, T) Sets the value of the given element without range checking.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCholesky
(Overrides MatrixTCholesky)
Public methodClear Sets all values to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClearColumn Sets all values of a column to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClearColumns Sets all values for all of the chosen columns to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClearRow Sets all values of a row to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClearRows Sets all values for all of the chosen rows to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClearSubMatrix Sets all values of a sub-matrix to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodClone Creates a clone of this instance.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCoerceZero(Double) Set all values whose absolute value is smaller than the threshold to zero.
(Overrides MatrixTCoerceZero(Double))
Public methodCoerceZero(FuncT, Boolean) Set all values that meet the predicate to zero, in-place.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodColumn(Int32) Copies a column into a new Vector>.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodColumn(Int32, VectorT) Copies a column into to the given Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32) Copies the requested column elements into a new Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, VectorT) Copies the requested column elements into the given vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodColumnAbsoluteSums Calculates the absolute value sum of each column vector.
(Overrides MatrixTColumnAbsoluteSums)
Public methodColumnNorms Calculates the p-norms of all column vectors. Typical values for p are 1.0 (L1, Manhattan norm), 2.0 (L2, Euclidean norm) and positive infinity (infinity norm)
(Overrides MatrixTColumnNorms(Double))
Public methodColumnSums Calculates the value sum of each column vector.
(Overrides MatrixTColumnSums)
Public methodConditionNumberCalculates the condition number of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugate Complex conjugate each element of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugate(MatrixT) Complex conjugate each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTranspose Returns the conjugate transpose of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTConjugateTranspose)
Public methodConjugateTranspose(MatrixComplex) Puts the conjugate transpose of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTConjugateTranspose(MatrixT))
Public methodConjugateTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with the conjugate transpose of another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with the conjugate transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT) Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT) Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix by a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT, VectorT) Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCopyTo Copies the elements of this matrix to the given matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDeterminantComputes the determinant of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDiagonal Returns the elements of the diagonal in a Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDiagonal(VectorT) Returns the elements of the diagonal in a Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDiagonalStack(MatrixT) Diagonally stacks his matrix on top of the given matrix. The new matrix is a M-by-N matrix, where M = this.Rows + lower.Rows and N = this.Columns + lower.Columns. The values of off the off diagonal matrices/blocks are set to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDiagonalStack(MatrixT, MatrixT) Diagonally stacks his matrix on top of the given matrix and places the combined matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDivide(T) Divides each element of this matrix with a scalar.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDivide(T, MatrixT) Divides each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDivideByThis(T) Divides a scalar by each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodDivideByThis(T, MatrixT) Divides a scalar by each element of the matrix and places results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodDoAdd(Complex, MatrixComplex) Add a scalar to each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result vector.
(Overrides MatrixTDoAdd(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoAdd(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Adds another matrix to this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoAdd(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoConjugate Complex conjugates each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoConjugate(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoConjugateTransposeAndMultiply Multiplies this matrix with the conjugate transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoConjugateTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorComplex, VectorComplex) Multiplies the conjugate transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Overrides MatrixTDoConjugateTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT, VectorT))
Protected methodDoDivide Divides each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoDivide(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoDivideByThis Divides a scalar by each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoDivideByThis(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoLeftMultiply Left multiply a matrix with a vector ( = vector * matrix ) and place the result in the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodDoModulus Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for the given divisor each element of the matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoModulus(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoModulusByThis Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for the given dividend for each element of the matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoModulusByThis(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoMultiply(Complex, MatrixComplex) Multiplies each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoMultiply(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoMultiply(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Multiplies this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoMultiply(VectorComplex, VectorComplex) Multiplies this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Overrides MatrixTDoMultiply(VectorT, VectorT))
Protected methodDoNegate Negate each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoNegate(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAbs
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAbs(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(Complex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(Complex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAcos
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAcos(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAsin
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAsin(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAtan
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAtan(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseAtan2
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseAtan2(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseCeiling
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseCeiling(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseCos
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseCos(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseCosh
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseCosh(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseDivide Pointwise divide this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseDivide(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseExp Pointwise applies the exponential function to each value and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseExp(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseFloor
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseFloor(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseLog Pointwise applies the natural logarithm function to each value and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseLog(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseLog10
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseLog10(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseMaximum(Complex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseMaximum(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseMaximum(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseMaximum(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseMinimum(Complex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseMinimum(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseMinimum(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex)
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseMinimum(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseModulus Pointwise canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, of this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseModulus(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseMultiply Pointwise multiplies this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwisePower(Complex, MatrixComplex) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent and store the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwisePower(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwisePower(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent and store the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwisePower(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseRemainder Pointwise remainder (% operator), where the result has the sign of the dividend, of this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseRemainder(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseRound
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseRound(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseSign
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseSign(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseSin
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseSin(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseSinh
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseSinh(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseSqrt
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseSqrt(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseTan
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseTan(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoPointwiseTanh
(Overrides MatrixTDoPointwiseTanh(MatrixT))
Protected methodDoRemainder Computes the remainder (% operator), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for the given divisor each element of the matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoRemainder(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoRemainderByThis Computes the remainder (% operator), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for the given dividend for each element of the matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoRemainderByThis(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoSubtract(Complex, MatrixComplex) Subtracts a scalar from each element of the vector and stores the result in the result vector.
(Overrides MatrixTDoSubtract(T, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoSubtract(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Subtracts another matrix from this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoSubtract(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoSubtractFrom Subtracts each element of the matrix from a scalar and stores the result in the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodDoTransposeAndMultiply Multiplies this matrix with transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixComplex, MatrixComplex) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTDoTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT))
Protected methodDoTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorComplex, VectorComplex) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Overrides MatrixTDoTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT, VectorT))
Public methodEnumerate Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all values of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerate(Zeros) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all values of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateColumns Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all columns of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateColumns(Int32, Int32) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through a subset of all columns of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateColumnsIndexed Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all columns of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateColumnsIndexed(Int32, Int32) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through a subset of all columns of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateIndexed Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all values of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateIndexed(Zeros) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all values of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateRows Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all rows of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateRows(Int32, Int32) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through a subset of all rows of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateRowsIndexed Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through all rows of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEnumerateRowsIndexed(Int32, Int32) Returns an IEnumerable that can be used to iterate through a subset of all rows of the matrix and their index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEquals(MatrixT) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEquals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodEvd
(Overrides MatrixTEvd(Symmetricity))
Public methodExists Returns true if at least one element satisfies a predicate. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodExists2TOther Returns true if at least one element pairs of two matrices of the same size satisfies a predicate. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFind Returns a tuple with the index and value of the first element satisfying a predicate, or null if none is found. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFind2TOther Returns a tuple with the index and values of the first element pair of two matrices of the same size satisfying a predicate, or null if none is found. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFold2TOther, TState Applies a function to update the status with each value pair of two matrices and returns the resulting status.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFoldByColumnTU For each column, applies a function f to each element of the column, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. Returns an array with the resulting accumulator states for each column.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFoldByRowTU For each row, applies a function f to each element of the row, threading an accumulator argument through the computation. Returns an array with the resulting accumulator states for each row.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFoldColumnsTU Applies a function f to each column vector, threading an accumulator vector argument through the computation. Returns the resulting accumulator vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFoldRowsTU Applies a function f to each row vector, threading an accumulator vector argument through the computation. Returns the resulting accumulator vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodForAll Returns true if all elements satisfy a predicate. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodForAll2TOther Returns true if all element pairs of two matrices of the same size satisfy a predicate. Zero elements may be skipped on sparse data structures if allowed (default).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodFrobeniusNormCalculates the entry-wise Frobenius norm of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTFrobeniusNorm)
Public methodGetHashCode Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGramSchmidt
(Overrides MatrixTGramSchmidt)
Public methodInfinityNormCalculates the induced infinity norm of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTInfinityNorm)
Public methodInsertColumn Creates a new matrix and inserts the given column at the given index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodInsertRow Creates a new matrix and inserts the given row at the given index.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodInverseComputes the inverse of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodIsHermitian Evaluates whether this matrix is Hermitian (conjugate symmetric).
(Overrides MatrixTIsHermitian)
Public methodIsSymmetric Evaluates whether this matrix is symmetric.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodKernel Computes an orthonormal basis for the null space of this matrix, also known as the kernel of the corresponding matrix transformation.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodKroneckerProduct(MatrixT) Computes the Kronecker product of this matrix with the given matrix. The new matrix is M-by-N with M = this.Rows * lower.Rows and N = this.Columns * lower.Columns.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodKroneckerProduct(MatrixT, MatrixT) Computes the Kronecker product of this matrix with the given matrix. The new matrix is M-by-N with M = this.Rows * lower.Rows and N = this.Columns * lower.Columns.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodL1NormCalculates the induced L1 norm of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTL1Norm)
Public methodL2NormCalculates the induced L2 norm of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodLeftMultiply(VectorT) Left multiply a matrix with a vector ( = vector * matrix ).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodLeftMultiply(VectorT, VectorT) Left multiply a matrix with a vector ( = vector * matrix ) and place the result in the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodLowerTriangle Returns a new matrix containing the lower triangle of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodLowerTriangle(MatrixT) Puts the lower triangle of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodLU
(Overrides MatrixTLU)
Public methodMap(FuncT, T, MatrixT, Zeros) Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value in the result matrix. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapTU(FuncT, TU, Zeros) Applies a function to each value of this matrix and returns the results as a new matrix. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMap2(FuncT, T, T, MatrixT, Zeros) Applies a function to each value pair of two matrices and returns the results as a new vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMap2(FuncT, T, T, MatrixT, MatrixT, Zeros) Applies a function to each value pair of two matrices and replaces the value in the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapConvertTU Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value in the result matrix. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapIndexed(FuncInt32, Int32, T, T, MatrixT, Zeros) Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value in the result matrix. The index of each value (zero-based) is passed as first argument to the function. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapIndexedTU(FuncInt32, Int32, T, TU, Zeros) Applies a function to each value of this matrix and returns the results as a new matrix. The index of each value (zero-based) is passed as first argument to the function. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapIndexedConvertTU Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value in the result matrix. The index of each value (zero-based) is passed as first argument to the function. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapIndexedInplace Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value with its result. The row and column indices of each value (zero-based) are passed as first arguments to the function. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMapInplace Applies a function to each value of this matrix and replaces the value with its result. If forceMapZero is not set to true, zero values may or may not be skipped depending on the actual data storage implementation (relevant mostly for sparse matrices).
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodModulus(T) Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodModulus(T, MatrixT) Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodModulusByThis(T) Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodModulusByThis(T, MatrixT) Computes the canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(T) Multiplies each element of this matrix with a scalar.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(VectorT) Multiplies this matrix by a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(T, MatrixT) Multiplies each element of the matrix by a scalar and places results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodMultiply(VectorT, VectorT) Multiplies this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodNegate Negate each element of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodNegate(MatrixT) Negate each element of this matrix and place the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodNormalizeColumns Normalizes all column vectors to a unit p-norm. Typical values for p are 1.0 (L1, Manhattan norm), 2.0 (L2, Euclidean norm) and positive infinity (infinity norm)
(Overrides MatrixTNormalizeColumns(Double))
Public methodNormalizeRows Normalizes all row vectors to a unit p-norm. Typical values for p are 1.0 (L1, Manhattan norm), 2.0 (L2, Euclidean norm) and positive infinity (infinity norm)
(Overrides MatrixTNormalizeRows(Double))
Public methodNullity Calculates the nullity of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPermuteColumns Permute the columns of a matrix according to a permutation.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPermuteRows Permute the rows of a matrix according to a permutation.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbs Pointwise applies the abs function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbs(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the abs function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(T) Pointwise applies the absolute maximum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute maximum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(T, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute maximum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMaximum(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute maximum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(T) Pointwise applies the absolute minimum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute minimum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(T, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute minimum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAbsoluteMinimum(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the absolute minimum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAcos Pointwise applies the acos function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAcos(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the acos function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAsin Pointwise applies the asin function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAsin(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the asin function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAtan Pointwise applies the atan function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAtan(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the atan function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAtan2(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the atan2 function to each value of the current matrix and a given other matrix being the 'x' of atan2 and the 'this' matrix being the 'y'
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseAtan2(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the atan2 function to each value of the current matrix and a given other matrix being the 'x' of atan2 and the 'this' matrix being the 'y'
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodPointwiseBinary(ActionMatrixT, MatrixT, MatrixT) Helper function to apply a binary function which takes two matrices and modifies the latter in place. A copy of the "this" matrix is first made and then passed to f together with the other matrix. The copy is then returned as the result
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodPointwiseBinary(ActionMatrixT, MatrixT, MatrixT, MatrixT) Helper function to apply a binary function which takes two matrices and modifies the second one in place
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCeiling Pointwise applies the ceiling function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCeiling(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the ceiling function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCos Pointwise applies the cos function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCos(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the cos function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCosh Pointwise applies the cosh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseCosh(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the cosh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseDivide(MatrixT) Pointwise divide this matrix by another matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseDivide(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise divide this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseExp Pointwise applies the exponent function to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseExp(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the exponent function to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseFloor Pointwise applies the floor function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseFloor(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the floor function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseLog Pointwise applies the natural logarithm function to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseLog(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the natural logarithm function to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseLog10 Pointwise applies the log10 function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseLog10(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the log10 function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMaximum(T) Pointwise applies the maximum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMaximum(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the maximum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMaximum(T, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the maximum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMaximum(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the maximum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMinimum(T) Pointwise applies the minimum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMinimum(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the minimum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMinimum(T, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the minimum with a scalar to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMinimum(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise applies the minimum with the values of another matrix to each value.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseModulus(MatrixT) Pointwise canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, of this matrix by another matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseModulus(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise canonical modulus, where the result has the sign of the divisor, of this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMultiply(MatrixT) Pointwise multiplies this matrix with another matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise multiplies this matrix with another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwisePower(T) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent and store the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwisePower(MatrixT) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent and store the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwisePower(T, MatrixT) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwisePower(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise raise this matrix to an exponent.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseRemainder(MatrixT) Pointwise remainder (% operator), where the result has the sign of the dividend, of this matrix by another matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseRemainder(MatrixT, MatrixT) Pointwise remainder (% operator), where the result has the sign of the dividend, of this matrix by another matrix and stores the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseRound Pointwise applies the round function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseRound(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the round function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSign Pointwise applies the sign function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSign(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the sign function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSin Pointwise applies the sin function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSin(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the sin function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSinh Pointwise applies the sinh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSinh(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the sinh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSqrt Pointwise applies the sqrt function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseSqrt(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the sqrt function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseTan Pointwise applies the tan function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseTan(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the tan function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseTanh Pointwise applies the tanh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPointwiseTanh(MatrixT) Pointwise applies the tanh function to each value
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodPointwiseUnary(ActionMatrixT) Helper function to apply a unary function to a matrix. The function f modifies the matrix given to it in place. Before its called, a copy of the 'this' matrix is first created, then passed to f. The copy is then returned as the result
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Protected methodPointwiseUnary(ActionMatrixT, MatrixT) Helper function to apply a unary function which modifies a matrix in place.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPower(Int32) Multiplies this square matrix with another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPower(Int32, MatrixT) Raises this square matrix to a positive integer exponent and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodPseudoInverse Computes the Moore-Penrose Pseudo-Inverse of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTPseudoInverse)
Public methodQR
(Overrides MatrixTQR(QRMethod))
Public methodRange Computes an orthonormal basis for the column space of this matrix, also known as the range or image of the corresponding matrix transformation.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRank Calculates the rank of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodReduceColumns Reduces all column vectors by applying a function between two of them, until only a single vector is left.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodReduceRows Reduces all row vectors by applying a function between two of them, until only a single vector is left.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemainder(T) Computes the remainder (matrix % divisor), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemainder(T, MatrixT) Computes the remainder (matrix % divisor), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemainderByThis(T) Computes the remainder (dividend % matrix), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemainderByThis(T, MatrixT) Computes the remainder (dividend % matrix), where the result has the sign of the dividend, for each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemoveColumn Creates a new matrix with the given column removed.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRemoveRow Creates a new matrix with the given row removed.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodResize Creates a new matrix with the desired size and copies this matrix to it. Values which no longer exist in the new matrix are ignored, new values are set to zero.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRow(Int32) Copies a row into an Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRow(Int32, VectorT) Copies a row into to the given Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRow(Int32, Int32, Int32) Copies the requested row elements into a new Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, VectorT) Copies the requested row elements into a new Vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodRowAbsoluteSums Calculates the absolute value sum of each row vector.
(Overrides MatrixTRowAbsoluteSums)
Public methodRowNorms Calculates the p-norms of all row vectors. Typical values for p are 1.0 (L1, Manhattan norm), 2.0 (L2, Euclidean norm) and positive infinity (infinity norm)
(Overrides MatrixTRowNorms(Double))
Public methodRowSums Calculates the value sum of each row vector.
(Overrides MatrixTRowSums)
Public methodSetColumn(Int32, T) Copies the values of the given array to the specified column.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetColumn(Int32, VectorT) Copies the values of the given Vector to the specified column.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, VectorT) Copies the values of the given Vector to the specified sub-column.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetDiagonal(T) Copies the values of the given array to the diagonal.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetDiagonal(VectorT) Copies the values of the given Vector to the diagonal.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetRow(Int32, T) Copies the values of the given array to the specified row.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetRow(Int32, VectorT) Copies the values of the given Vector to the specified row.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, VectorT) Copies the values of the given Vector to the specified sub-row.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetSubMatrix(Int32, Int32, MatrixT) Copies the values of a given matrix into a region in this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetSubMatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixT) Copies the values of a given matrix into a region in this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSetSubMatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, MatrixT) Copies the values of a given matrix into a region in this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolve(MatrixT) Solves a system of linear equations, AX = B, with A QR factorized.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolve(VectorT) Solves a system of linear equations, Ax = b, with A QR factorized.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolve(MatrixT, MatrixT) Solves a system of linear equations, AX = B, with A QR factorized.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolve(VectorT, VectorT) Solves a system of linear equations, Ax = b, with A QR factorized.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IPreconditionerT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IteratorT, IPreconditionerT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IPreconditionerT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSolveIterative(VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IteratorT, IPreconditionerT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStack(MatrixT) Stacks this matrix on top of the given matrix and places the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStack(MatrixT, MatrixT) Stacks this matrix on top of the given matrix and places the result into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStrictlyLowerTriangle Returns a new matrix containing the lower triangle of this matrix. The new matrix does not contain the diagonal elements of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStrictlyLowerTriangle(MatrixT) Puts the strictly lower triangle of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStrictlyUpperTriangle Returns a new matrix containing the upper triangle of this matrix. The new matrix does not contain the diagonal elements of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodStrictlyUpperTriangle(MatrixT) Puts the strictly upper triangle of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubMatrix Creates a matrix that contains the values from the requested sub-matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtract(T) Subtracts a scalar from each element of the matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtract(MatrixT) Subtracts another matrix from this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtract(T, MatrixT) Subtracts a scalar from each element of the matrix and stores the result in the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtract(MatrixT, MatrixT) Subtracts another matrix from this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtractFrom(T) Subtracts each element of the matrix from a scalar.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSubtractFrom(T, MatrixT) Subtracts each element of the matrix from a scalar and stores the result in the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodSvd
(Overrides MatrixTSvd(Boolean))
Public methodToArray Returns this matrix as a multidimensional array. The returned array will be independent from this matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for the array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToColumnArrays Returns this matrix as array of column arrays. The returned arrays will be independent from this matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for the arrays.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCode exampleToColumnMajorArray Returns the matrix's elements as an array with the data laid out column by column (column major). The returned array will be independent from this matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for the array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a string that summarizes the content of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixString(Int32, Int32, String, IFormatProvider) Returns a string that summarizes the content of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixString(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, String, String, String, FuncT, String)
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixString(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, String, String, String, FuncT, String)
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixStringArray(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, String, FuncT, String) Returns a string 2D array that summarizes the content of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToMatrixStringArray(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, String, String, String, FuncT, String) Returns a string 2D array that summarizes the content of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToRowArrays Returns this matrix as array of row arrays. The returned arrays will be independent from this matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for the arrays.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodCode exampleToRowMajorArray Returns the matrix's elements as an array with the data laid row by row (row major). The returned array will be independent from this matrix. A new memory block will be allocated for the array.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToString Returns a string that summarizes this matrix. The maximum number of cells can be configured in the Control class.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a string that summarizes this matrix. The maximum number of cells can be configured in the Control class. The format string is ignored.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToString(Int32, Int32, String, IFormatProvider) Returns a string that summarizes this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodToTypeString Returns a string that describes the type, dimensions and shape of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrace Computes the trace of this matrix.
(Overrides MatrixTTrace)
Public methodTranspose Returns the transpose of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTranspose(MatrixT) Puts the transpose of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with transpose of another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Multiplies this matrix with transpose of another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix by a vector and returns the result.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeThisAndMultiply(MatrixT, MatrixT) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with another matrix and places the results into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTransposeThisAndMultiply(VectorT, VectorT) Multiplies the transpose of this matrix with a vector and places the results into the result vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(MatrixT, MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(VectorT, VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(MatrixT, MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IPreconditionerT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(MatrixT, MatrixT, IIterativeSolverT, IteratorT, IPreconditionerT) Solves the matrix equation AX = B, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), B is the solution matrix and X is the unknown matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(VectorT, VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IPreconditionerT, IIterationStopCriterionT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodTrySolveIterative(VectorT, VectorT, IIterativeSolverT, IteratorT, IPreconditionerT) Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix (this matrix), b is the solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodUpperTriangle Returns a new matrix containing the upper triangle of this matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Public methodUpperTriangle(MatrixT) Puts the upper triangle of this matrix into the result matrix.
(Inherited from MatrixT)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodImaginary Gets a real matrix representing the imaginary parts of a complex matrix.
(Defined by MatrixExtensions)
Public Extension MethodReal Gets a real matrix representing the real parts of a complex matrix.
(Defined by MatrixExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToComplex32 Converts a matrix to single precision complex numbers.
(Defined by MatrixExtensions)
See Also