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Control Class

Sets parameters for the library.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static class Control

The Control type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCheckDistributionParameters Gets or sets a value indicating whether the distribution classes check validate each parameter. For the multivariate distributions this could involve an expensive matrix factorization. The default setting of this property is true.
Public propertyStatic memberMaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets a value indicating how many parallel worker threads shall be used when parallelization is applicable.
Public propertyStatic memberNativeProviderPath Optional path to try to load native provider binaries from.
Public propertyStatic memberTaskScheduler Gets or sets the TaskScheduler used to schedule the worker tasks.
Public propertyStatic memberThreadSafeRandomNumberGenerators Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use thread safe random number generators (RNG). Thread safe RNG about two and half time slower than non-thread safe RNG.
Public methodStatic memberConfigureAuto 
Public methodStatic memberDescribe 
Public methodStatic memberFreeResources 
Public methodStatic memberTryUseNative Try to use any available native provider in an undefined order.
Public methodStatic memberTryUseNativeCUDA Try to use the Nvidia CUDA native provider for linear algebra.
Public methodStatic memberTryUseNativeMKL Try to use the Intel MKL native provider for linear algebra.
Public methodStatic memberTryUseNativeOpenBLAS Try to use the OpenBLAS native provider for linear algebra.
Public methodStatic memberUseBestProviders Use the best provider available.
Public methodStatic memberUseDefaultProviders Use a specific provider if configured, e.g. using environment variables, or fall back to the best providers.
Public methodStatic memberUseManaged 
Public methodStatic memberUseMultiThreading 
Public methodStatic memberUseNativeCUDA Use the Nvidia CUDA native provider for linear algebra. Throws if it is not available or failed to initialize, in which case the previous provider is still active.
Public methodStatic memberUseNativeMKL Use the Intel MKL native provider for linear algebra. Throws if it is not available or failed to initialize, in which case the previous provider is still active.
Public methodStatic memberUseNativeOpenBLAS Use the OpenBLAS native provider for linear algebra. Throws if it is not available or failed to initialize, in which case the previous provider is still active.
Public methodStatic memberUseSingleThread 
See Also