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StepType Enumeration

Type of finite different step size.

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Differentiation
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public enum StepType
Member nameValueDescription
Absolute0 The absolute step size value will be used in numerical derivatives, regardless of order or function parameters.
RelativeX1 A base step size value, h, will be scaled according to the function input parameter. A common example is hx = h*(1+abs(x)), however this may vary depending on implementation. This definition only guarantees that the only scaling will be relative to the function input parameter and not the order of the finite difference derivative.
Relative2 A base step size value, eps (typically machine precision), is scaled according to the finite difference coefficient order and function input parameter. The initial scaling according to finite different coefficient order can be thought of as producing a base step size, h, that is equivalent to RelativeX scaling. This step size is then scaled according to the function input parameter. Although implementation may vary, an example of second order accurate scaling may be (eps)^(1/3)*(1+abs(x)).
See Also