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Altaxo.Calc.Differentiation Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Altaxo.Calc.Differentiation"]

Public classFiniteDifferenceCoefficients Class to calculate finite difference coefficients using Taylor series expansion method.

For n points, coefficients are calculated up to the maximum derivative order possible (n-1). The current function value position specifies the "center" for surrounding coefficients. Selecting the first, middle or last positions represent forward, backwards and central difference methods.

Public classNumericalDerivative Class to evaluate the numerical derivative of a function using finite difference approximations. Variable point and center methods can be initialized . This class can also be used to return function handles (delegates) for a fixed derivative order and variable. It is possible to evaluate the derivative and partial derivative of univariate and multivariate functions respectively.
Public classNumericalHessian Class for evaluating the Hessian of a smooth continuously differentiable function using finite differences. By default, a central 3-point method is used.
Public classNumericalJacobian Class for evaluating the Jacobian of a function using finite differences. By default, a central 3-point method is used.
Public enumerationStepType Type of finite different step size.