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SpectralPreprocessingOptions Properties

The SpectralPreprocessingOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDetrendingOrder Sets up the order used for detrending. Zero order means that from a given spectrum the mean of all spectral slots is subtracted. One (first order) means that a regression is made over all spectral wavelength (using index as x-value), and that line is then subtracted from the spectrum.
Public propertyEnsembleMeanAfterProcessing Indicates that the ensemble mean should be taken after the spectral preprocessing. This is the normal case. Only in case of MultipleScatteringCorrection the ensemble mean is taken by this method itself, so that it is unneccessary to do it again after the processing.
Public propertyEnsembleScale Sets up if the spectral ensemble should be scaled so that each spectral slot (wavelength) has a variance of 1 over the ensemble of spectra.
Public propertyMethod Sets up the main method used for spectral preprocessing.
Public propertyRegions Gets/sets the indices to regions. By default, this array is empty (zero length). Each element of this array is an index into the spectrum. Each index parts the spectrum in two regions: one before up to the index-1, and a second beginning from the index (to the next index or to the end).
Public propertyUseDetrending Indicates if Detrending is applied to each spectrum.
See Also