| Name | Description |
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex, Complex) |
Checks whether two Complex numbers are almost equal.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex32, Complex32) |
Checks whether two Complex numbers are almost equal.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Double, Double) |
Checks whether two real numbers are almost equal.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Single, Single) |
Checks whether two real numbers are almost equal.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex, Complex, Double) |
Compares two complex and determines if they are equal within
the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex, Complex, Int32) |
Compares two doubles and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not. If the numbers
are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex32, Complex32, Double) |
Compares two complex and determines if they are equal within
the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Complex32, Complex32, Int32) |
Compares two doubles and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not. If the numbers
are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Double, Double, Double) |
Compares two doubles and determines if they are equal within
the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Double, Double, Int32) |
Compares two doubles and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not. If the numbers
are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Single, Single, Double) |
Compares two complex and determines if they are equal within
the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelative(Single, Single, Int32) |
Compares two doubles and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not. If the numbers
are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.
| AlmostEqualRelativeT(MatrixT, MatrixT, Double) |
Compares two matrices and determines if they are equal within the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelativeT(MatrixT, MatrixT, Int32) |
Compares two matrices and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not.
If the numbers are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.
| AlmostEqualRelativeT(VectorT, VectorT, Double) |
Compares two vectors and determines if they are equal within the specified maximum error.
| AlmostEqualRelativeT(VectorT, VectorT, Int32) |
Compares two vectors and determines if they are equal to within the specified number of decimal places or not.
If the numbers are very close to zero an absolute difference is compared, otherwise the relative difference is compared.