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ConcurrentTokenizedPriorityQueueTKey, TValue, TToken Methods

The ConcurrentTokenizedPriorityQueueTKey, TValue, TToken type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddOrUpdate(TToken, TKey, TValue) Adds a key/value pair associated with a token to the queue (if no such token is already present), or updates the already present key/value pair associated with the provided token.
Public methodAddOrUpdate(TToken, KeyValuePairTKey, TValue, FuncTToken, KeyValuePairTKey, TValue, KeyValuePairTKey, TValue) Adds a key/value pair associated with a token to the queue (if no such token is already present), or updates the already present key/value pair associated with the provided token.
Public methodClear Removes all elements from this queue, resulting in an empty queue.
Public methodContainsToken Determines whether an item with the specified associated token exists in the queue.
Public methodDequeue Dequeues the item with minimum key. If the queue is empty, an exception will be thrown.
Public methodEnqueue Enqueues an item consisting of a key and a value. The priority queue has to be constructed to generate tokens by itself in order to use this function. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
Public methodEnqueueOrUpdate(TKey, TValue, TToken) Adds a key/value pair associated with a token to the queue (if no such token is already present), or updates the already present key/value pair associated with the provided token.
Public methodEnqueueOrUpdate(KeyValuePairTKey, TValue, TToken, FuncTToken, KeyValuePairTKey, TValue, KeyValuePairTKey, TValue) Adds a key/value pair associated with a token to the queue (if no such token is already present), or updates the already present key/value pair associated with the provided token.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTryAdd Tries to add the key/value pair associated with the provided token to the queue. The queue must not be configured to generate tokens by itself.
Public methodTryDecreaseKey Tries to change the key associated with the provided token. The new key value has to be less than the existing one; otherwise an exception is thrown.
Public methodTryDequeue Tries to dequeue the item with minimum key.
Public methodTryGet(TToken, TKey) Tries to get the key/value pair that is associated with the provided token.
Public methodTryGet(TToken, TKey, TValue) Tries to get the key/value pair that is associated with the provided token.
Public methodTryIncreaseKey Tries to change the key associated with the provided token. The new key value has to be greater than the existing one; otherwise an exception is thrown.
Public methodTryPeek(TKey) Tries to retrieve the element with minimum key.
Public methodTryPeek(TKey, TValue) Tries to retrieve the element with minimum key.
Public methodTryPeek(TKey, TValue, TToken) Tries to retrieve the element with minimum key.
Public methodTryPeekKey 
Public methodTryRemove(TToken) Tries to remove the key/value pair associated with the provided token from the queue (independently on the current position of the key/value pair in the queue).
Public methodTryRemove(TToken, TKey) Tries to remove the key/value pair associated with the provided token from the queue (independently on the current position of the key/value pair in the queue).
Public methodTryRemove(TToken, TKey, TValue) Tries to remove the key/value pair associated with the provided token from the queue (independently on the current position of the key/value pair in the queue).
Public methodTryUpdateKey Tries to update the key associated with the provided token. The value is left as is.
See Also