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PolylineMath3DGetPolylineWithFractionalStartAndEndIndex(IEnumerablePointD3D, VectorD3D, VectorD3D, VectorD3D, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean, PolylinePointD3DAsClass, Boolean, Boolean, PolylinePointD3DAsClass) Method

Gets a part of an polyline by providing start end end indices. The indices are allowed to be real values (for instance the start index 0.5 means that the start point of the returned polyline is excactly in the middle between the first point (index 0) and the second point (index 1) of the original polyline.

Namespace: Altaxo.Geometry
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static IEnumerable<PolylinePointD3D> GetPolylineWithFractionalStartAndEndIndex(
	IEnumerable<PointD3D> originalPolyline,
	VectorD3D westVector,
	VectorD3D northVector,
	VectorD3D forwardVector,
	double startIndex,
	double endIndex,
	bool startCapForwardAndPositionProvided,
	bool startCapNeedsJoiningSegment,
	PolylinePointD3DAsClass startCapCOS,
	bool endCapForwardAndPositionProvided,
	bool endCapNeedsJoiningSegment,
	PolylinePointD3DAsClass endCapCOS


originalPolyline  IEnumerablePointD3D
The original polyline.
westVector  VectorD3D
The west vector at start of the original polyline.
northVector  VectorD3D
The north vector at the start of the original polyline.
forwardVector  VectorD3D
The forward vector at the start of the original polyline.
startIndex  Double
The start index. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
endIndex  Double
The end index Must be greater then the start index and smaller than or equal to originalPolyline.Count-1.
startCapForwardAndPositionProvided  Boolean
If true, position and forward vector of the start cap were already calculated (but not west and north vector).
startCapNeedsJoiningSegment  Boolean
If set to true, there is need for a joining segment between start cap and the rest of the polyline. This joining segment is returned in the enumeration. It has the same position as the start of the returned polyline, but the forward, west and north vectors of the start cap.
startCapCOS  PolylinePointD3DAsClass
Position, forward, west and north vectors of the start cap. This information will be filled in during the enumeration.
endCapForwardAndPositionProvided  Boolean
If true, position and forward vector of the start cap were already calculated (but not west and north vector).
endCapNeedsJoiningSegment  Boolean
If set to true, there is need for a joining segment between the end of the polyline and the end cap. This joining segment is returned in the enumeration. It has the same position as the end of the polyline, but the forward, west and north vectors of the end cap.
endCapCOS  PolylinePointD3DAsClass
Position, forward, west and north vectors of the end cap. This information will be filled in during the enumeration, and will be valid only after the enumeration has finished.

Return Value

Enumeration of that part of the original polyline, that is described by the start and end index.
See Also