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IntegerTextFromWordsT(IEnumerableIEnumerableT, Boolean, Int32, Boolean, IComparerT) Method

Generates an integer text from arbitrary elements. Each list in lists is treated as separate word. Each element is such a list is treated as character. The algorithm determines the lexicographical order of all elements in all lists and then maps each unique element to an integer value, with increasing values in the lexicographical order of the elements. A unique mapping is even possible, if the elements are not sortable (i.e. if they not implement IComparable).

Namespace: Altaxo.Collections.Text
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static IntegerText FromWords<T>(
	IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> lists,
	bool withSeparators,
	int padding,
	bool useSortedMapping,
	IComparer<T>? customSortingComparer


lists  IEnumerableIEnumerableT
The list of individual words.
withSeparators  Boolean
If set to true, the converted text will contain the concenated 'words', separated by special separator elements. If set to false, the converted text will contain the concenated 'words' without separator elements.
padding  Int32
Number of additional elements reserved in the allocated Text array. This is neccessary for some algorithms. The additional elements will contain zero values.
useSortedMapping  Boolean
If this parameter is true, a sorted mapping of the elements T to integers will be used. The type T then has to implement IComparable. If this parameter is false, a unsorted HashSetT will be used to make a unique mapping of the elements to integers.
customSortingComparer  IComparerT
If useSortedMapping is true, you can here provide a custom comparer for the elements of type T. Otherwise, if you want to use the default comparer, leave this parameter null.

Type Parameters

Type of the list elements.

Return Value

The integer text data, which holds the text converted to an integer alphabet.
See Also