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Altaxo.Collections.Text Namespace

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Public classGeneralizedSuffixArray Given a text string, the substring starting at position i and until the end of text is called the suffix starting at position i. For a text string with N characters there are N suffixes. This class gives an efficient algorithm to sort all N suffixes lexicographically, and to determine the length of the longest common prefix of each suffix with its lexicographical predecessor. This is generally done in O(N) time.
Public classIntegerText Converts list of arbitrary objects into an integer array. This is done by creating an integer alphabet, which maps each unique element in the original list(s) to an integer value. The lexicographical order of the elements is maintained, i.e. when a list of elements of ascending order is mapped to an integer list, the integer list is also in ascending order.
Public classLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatA Evaluates the longest string, that is i) common to a number of words and ii) is repeated a certain number of times in those strings. The number of repeats the string should occur in each word is given by an array of integers here.
Public classLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatL Evaluates the longest string, that is i) common to a number of words and ii) is repeated a certain number of times in those strings. The number of repeats the string should occur in each word is given by an array of integers here.
Protected classLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatLDDLElement Element of the linked list array.
Protected classLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatLLinkedObjectList Maintains a list of linked LongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatLDDLElement instances.
Public classLongestCommonRepeatA Evaluates the longest string, that is i) common to a number of words and ii) is repeated a certain number of times in those strings.
Public classLongestCommonRepeatL Evaluates the longest string, that is i) common to a number of words and ii) is repeated a certain number of times in those strings.
Public classLongestCommonSubstringA Problem solver for the longest common substring problem, operating in O(N) time (N being the text length), and using an array of linked structures stored in a linear array instead of linked class instances. This code runs slightly faster than LongestCommonSubstringL, and avoids creating a lot of nodes for the linked list, in order to make it easier for the garbage collector.
Public classLongestCommonSubstringBaseBase class for problem solvers for the longest common substring problem.
Public classLongestCommonSubstringBaseA Base class for problem solvers for longest common substring problems using an array of linked structures stored in a linear array instead of linked class instances. This should it make easier for the garbage collector.
Public classLongestCommonSubstringBaseL Base class for problem solvers for longest common substring problems using a doubly linked list of class instances.
Protected classLongestCommonSubstringBaseLLinkedList Maintains a list of linked LongestCommonSubstringBaseLLLElement instances.
Protected classLongestCommonSubstringBaseLLLElement Element of the linked list array.
Public structureCommonSubstring Stores the positions of a common substring in a list of words. This corresponds to a certain interval [begin, end] of the suffix array.
Protected structureLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatADDLElement Element of the linked list array.
Protected structureLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatALinkedObjectList Maintains a list of linked LongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatADDLElement structures.
Protected structureLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatAPreResult 
Protected structureLongestCommonGeneralizedRepeatLPreResult 
Protected structureLongestCommonSubstringBaseMinimumOnSlidingWindow Given a sequence of numeric values that will be added to this instance, the algorithm keeps track of the minimum value of the last numberOfItems added values. The name of the algorithm is ascending minima algorithm, one of the algorithms in the class of "minimum on a sliding window algorithms".
Protected structureLongestCommonSubstringBaseSuffixArrayRegionStores a region in the suffix array.
Protected structureLongestCommonSubstringBaseALinkedList Maintains a list of linked LongestCommonSubstringBaseALLElement structures.
Protected structureLongestCommonSubstringBaseALLElement Element of the linked list array.
Public structureSubstringPosition Designates the position of a substring in a list of words.