Gamma |
public static double GammaIC( double x, double a, bool bDebug )
[Missing <param name="a"/> documentation for "M:Altaxo.Calc.GammaRelated.GammaIC(System.Double,System.Double,System.Boolean)"]
A slight deterioration of 2 or 3 digits accuracy will occur when GammaIC is very large or very small in absolute value, because log- arithmic variables are used. Also, if the parameter A is very close to a negative integer (but not a negative integer), there is a loss of accuracy, which is reported if the result is less than half machine precision. This is a translation from the Fortran version of DGAMIC, SLATEC, FNLIB, CATEGORY C7E, REVISION 920528, originally written by Fullerton W.,(LANL) to C++. References: (1) W. Gautschi, A computational procedure for incomplete gamma functions, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5, 4 (December 1979), pp. 466-481. (2) W. Gautschi, Incomplete gamma functions, Algorithm 542, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5, 4 (December 1979), pp. 482-489. Routines called: d9gmit, d9gmic, d9lgic, d9lgit, LnGamma(x), LnGamma(x,a)