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MaterialWithoutColorOrTexture Fields

The MaterialWithoutColorOrTexture type exposes the following members.

Protected field_indexOfRefraction The index of refraction. i.e. a value between 1 and infinity.
(Inherited from MaterialBase)
Protected field_metalness Value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 indicates a plastic like surface, a value of 1 a metal like surface. If 0, the reflected specular light has the same color as the incident light (thus as if it is reflected at a white surface). This is the behaviour of plastic surfaces. If 1, the reflected specular light is multiplied with the material diffuse color. This is the behaviour of metals like gold.
(Inherited from MaterialBase)
Protected field_smoothness A value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 defines a rough surface, a value of 1 a very shiny one.
(Inherited from MaterialBase)
See Also