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ChemometricCommands Class

Contain commands concerning chemometric operations like PLS and PCA.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Worksheet.Commands.Analysis
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class ChemometricCommands

The ChemometricCommands type exposes the following members.

Public methodChemometricCommandsInitializes a new instance of the ChemometricCommands class
Public methodStatic memberCheckSelectedColumnsShowErrorMessageBox Checks the selected columns for use with multivariate analysis.
Public methodStatic memberCreateNewGraphWithXYLayer 
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberExportPLSCalibration 
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetAnalysis 
Public methodStatic memberGetAvailablePLSCalibrationTables 
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetOrQuestPreferredNumberOfFactors 
Public methodStatic memberGetPreferredNumberOfFactorsAndNumberOfConcentrations 
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberMultiplyColumnsToMatrix(IWorksheetController) 
Public methodStatic memberMultiplyColumnsToMatrix(AltaxoDocument, DataTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection) Multiplies selected columns to form a matrix.
Public methodStatic memberPCAOnColumns 
Public methodStatic memberPCAOnRows 
Public methodStatic memberPlotCrossPredictedVersusActualY(DataTable) Plots the cross prediction values of all y components invidually in a graph (without allowing a Gui to catch some errors).
Public methodStatic memberPlotCrossPredictedVersusActualY(DataTable, Boolean) Plots the cross prediction values of all y components invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotCrossPredictedVersusActualY(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the cross predicted versus actual Y (concentration) into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotCrossPRESSValue(DataTable) Plots the cross PRESS value into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotCrossPRESSValue(DataTable, XYPlotLayer) Plots the cross PRESS value into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotOnlyLabel This plots a label plot into the provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPredictedVersusActualY(DataTable) Plots the prediction values of all y components invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPredictedVersusActualY(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the predicted versus actual Y (concentration) into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPredictionScores Plots all preprocessed spectra into a newly created graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPreprocessedSpectra Plots all preprocessed spectra into a newly created graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPRESSValue(DataTable) Plots the PRESS value into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotPRESSValue(DataTable, XYPlotLayer) Plots the PRESS value into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXCrossResiduals(DataTable) Plots the x (spectral) residuals (of cross prediction) of all spectra invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXCrossResiduals(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the x (spectral) residuals (of cross prediction) into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXLeverage(DataTable) Plots the x (spectral) leverage into a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXLeverage(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32) Plots the x (spectral) leverage into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXResiduals(DataTable) Plots the x (spectral) residuals of all spectra invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotXResiduals(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the x (spectral) residuals into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotYCrossResiduals(DataTable) Plots the rediduals from cross prediction of all y components invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotYCrossResiduals(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the residual y values (of cross prediction) of a given component into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPlotYResiduals(DataTable) Plots the rediduals of all y components invidually in a graph.
Public methodStatic memberPlotYResiduals(DataTable, XYPlotLayer, Int32, Int32) Plots the residual y values of a given component into a provided layer.
Public methodStatic memberPLSOnColumns 
Public methodStatic memberPredictOnColumns This predicts the selected columns/rows against a user choosen calibration model. The spectra are presumed to be vertically oriented, i.e. each spectrum is in one column.
Public methodStatic memberPrincipalComponentAnalysis Makes a PCA (a principal component analysis) of the table or the selected columns / rows and stores the results in a newly created table.
Public methodStatic memberQuestCalibrationModelAndDestinationTable Ask the user (before a prediction is made) for the name of the calibration model table and the destination table.
Public methodStatic memberQuestPLSAnalysisOptions 
Public methodStatic memberQuestPreferredNumberOfFactors(DataTable) Asks the user for the preferred number of factors to use for calculation and plotting and stores that number in the PLS content tag of the table.
Public methodStatic memberQuestPreferredNumberOfFactors(DimensionReductionAndRegressionDataSource) 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also