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tagOLECLOSE Enumeration

Indicates whether an object should be saved before closing.

Namespace: Altaxo.UnmanagedApi.Ole32
Assembly: AltaxoDom (in AltaxoDom.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public enum tagOLECLOSE
Member nameValueDescription
OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY0 The object should be saved if it is dirty.
OLECLOSE_NOSAVE1 The object should not be saved, even if it is dirty. This flag is typically used when an object is being deleted.
OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE2 If the object is dirty, the IOleObject.Close implementation should display a dialog box to let the end user determine whether to save the object. However, if the object is in the running state but its user interface is invisible, the end user should not be prompted, and the close should be handled as if OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY had been specified.
See Also