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PackageInfo Class

Information about a downloaded package.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Serialization.AutoUpdates
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class PackageInfo

The PackageInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodPackageInfoInitializes a new instance of the PackageInfo class
Public propertyFileLengthGets the file length of the package.
Public propertyFileNameIdentifier Gets the file name identifier that codes operating system, architecture, dotnet version and net framework version
Public propertyFileNameOfPackageMsiFileGets the name of the package .msi file. If the property dictionary contain a property named 'FileName', then the value of this property is returned. Otherwise, the old behavior 'AltaxoBinaries-' and version is used.
Public propertyFileNameOfPackageZipFile 
Public propertyFileNameOfPackageZipFileOverride The value is set after reading in a package from Json. It designates the file name of the package file. This value overrides the automatically created name of the package file in FileNameOfPackageZipFile.
Public propertyFileNameOfPackageZipFileWithoutExtension Gets the file name of the package file evaluated from the package properties, without extension (i.e. without .zip).
Public propertyFileNameWithoutPretextAndWithoutExtension Gets the file name of the package file evaluated from the package properties, without pretext (i.e. without 'AltaxoBinaries') and without extension (i.e. without .zip).
Public propertyHashGets the hash sum of the package file.
Public propertyHashNameGets the name of the hash algorithm.
Public propertyIsOldStyleFile If true, this package is an old style package. Old style packages are packages before 2024-11, which where read-in using a text file. Additionally, the hash of those packages was SHA1, and the name was in the style '
Public propertyIsUnstableVersionGets a value indicating whether this package is the unstable or the stable build of the program.
Public propertyRequiredArchitectures If not empty, the array indicates the required architectures for which this package is suitable, e.g. X64, X86, ARM etc.
Public propertyRequiredDotNetVersion If not null, this value indicates that the dotnet version with at least the provided version number is required for this package.
Public propertyRequiredNetFrameworkVersion If not null, this value indicates that the net framework with at least the provided version number is required for this package.
Public propertyRequiredOperatingSystems If not empty, the array entries indicate the required operating system for which the package is suitable. Each entry consist of the operating system (e.g., WINDOWS) and the minimal suitable version number of the operating system.
Public propertyUnstableOrStableName Returns either 'Unstable' or 'Stable'
Public propertyVersionGets the version of the package.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetDownloadDirectoryGets the directory where to store the downloaded update package.
Public methodStatic memberGetHashAsStringGets the hash as hexadecimal string.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetLastUpdateCheckTimeUtcGets the last time a check for new updates was made
Public methodStatic memberGetStableIdentifierGets the stable identifier (either 'Unstable' or 'Stable').
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberIsValidStableIdentifierDetermines whether the provided string designates either the stable or the unstable build.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberReadPackageFromCommandLine Reads a package from command line arguments.
Public methodStatic memberReadPackageFromJson(JsonNode) Reads a single package from a Json package node.
Public methodStatic memberReadPackageFromJson(Stream) Reads a single package from a Json file. The outer node of the file has to be a package node.
Public methodStatic memberReadPackageFromText Create a package info from a single line.
Public methodStatic memberReadPackagesFromJson Reads multiple packages from a Json file. The outer node of the Json file has to be an array of package nodes.
Public methodStatic memberReadPackagesFromText_Before2024_11Gets the package infos from the lines of the provided stream.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodVerifyLengthAndHashOfPackageZipFileInFolder Verifies the length and hash of package zip file. If length or hash differ, an exception is thrown.
Public methodWritePackageToJson(Stream) Saves the package to a stream. Intended for MakePackage, in which every package info is saved into a single file.
Public methodWritePackageToJson(Utf8JsonWriter) Saves the package using a Json writer. This call can be used to save more than one package into a file.
Public methodWritePackageToText Writes the (old style) package to one line of text.
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyArchitecture The property for the required architecture (x86, X64, Arm, Arm64 etc.)
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyDotNetVersion Property key for the required dotnet runtime version
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyFileName The property for the operating system. The value consist of a name (Windows, OSX, Linux) and a version number, separated by an underscore.
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyIsOldStyleFile The property key that indicates if this package has the old style naming.
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyNetFrameworkVersion The property key: .NET framework version
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyOperatingSystem The property for the operating system. The value consist of a name (Windows, OSX, Linux) and a version number, separated by an underscore.
Public fieldStatic memberStableIdentifierIdentifier for the stable version.
Public fieldStatic memberStartTextOfPackageMsiFileNameThe start of the file name of the Msi installation file (the .msi file)
Public fieldStatic memberStartTextOfPackageZipFileNameThe start of the file name of the binary package file (the .zip file)
Public fieldStatic memberUnstableIdentifierIdentifier for the unstable version.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionFileNameName (without path) of the version file, both at the remote location and on the local hard disk.
Public fieldStatic memberVersionFileName_Before2024_11Name (without path) of the version file, both at the remote location and on the local hard disk.
See Also