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IScriptText Interface

Interface to a script, e.g. a table or column script

Namespace: Altaxo.Scripting
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IScriptText : IPureScriptText, 

The IScriptText type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCodeEnd Gets the line after the user code ends
Public propertyCodeHeader Gets the code header, i.e. the leading script text. This includes the using statements
Public propertyCodeStart Gets the line before the user code starts
Public propertyCodeTail Get the ending text of the script, dependent on the ScriptStyle.
Public propertyCodeUserDefault Gets the default code (i.e. an code example)
Public propertyErrors Returns the compiler errors as array of strings.
Public propertyIsReadOnly Returns true when the script text can not be modified. Use CloneForModification to obtain a writable copy.
Public propertyScriptName 
Public propertyScriptObject 
Public propertyScriptObjectType Gives the type of the script object (full name), which is created after successfull compilation.
Public propertyScriptText Get / sets the script text
(Inherited from IPureScriptText)
Public propertyUserAreaScriptOffset Gets the index in the script (considered as string), where the user area starts. This is momentarily behind the comment line " ----- add your script below this line ------"
Public methodClearErrors Clears the errors.
Public methodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable)
Public methodCloneForModification This clones the script so that the text can be modified.
Public methodCompile Does the compilation of the script into an assembly. If it was not compiled before or is dirty, it is compiled first. From the compiled assembly, a new instance of the newly created script class is created and stored in m_ScriptObject.
Public methodCopyFrom Copies the content of a script to here.
Public methodSetCompilerResult 
See Also