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Mixture_Heptane_Octane Class

State equations and constants of mixtures of Heptane and Octane.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Science.Thermodynamics.Fluids
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class Mixture_Heptane_Octane : BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase

The Mixture_Heptane_Octane type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBeta_TThe beta parameter used to calculate the reducing temperatur of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public propertyBeta_vThe beta parameter used to calculate the reducing mole density of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public propertyCASRegistryNumber1Gets the CAS registry number of component 1 (Heptane).
(Overrides BinaryMixtureDefinitionBaseCASRegistryNumber1)
Public propertyCASRegistryNumber2Gets the CAS registry number of component 2 (Octane).
(Overrides BinaryMixtureDefinitionBaseCASRegistryNumber2)
Public propertyFThe F parameter (prefactor of the departure function, see DepartureFunction_OfReducedVariables(Double, Double)).
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public propertyGamma_TThe gamma parameter used to calculate the reducing temperature of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public propertyGamma_vThe gamma parameter used to calculate the reducing mole density of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public propertyStatic memberInstanceGets the (only) instance of this class.
Public methodDepartureFunction_delta_OfReducedVariables Derivative of the departure function w.r.t. delta in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodDepartureFunction_deltadelta_OfReducedVariables 2nd derivative of the departure function w.r.t. delta in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodDepartureFunction_deltatau_OfReducedVariables Derivative of the departure function w.r.t. delta and tau in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodDepartureFunction_OfReducedVariables The Departure function is a correction function for the residual part of the reduced Helmholtz energy in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodDepartureFunction_tau_OfReducedVariables Derivative of the departure function w.r.t. tau in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodDepartureFunction_tautau_OfReducedVariables 2nd derivative of the departure function w.r.t. tau in dependence of the reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected field_beta_TThe beta parameter used to calculate the reducing temperatur of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_beta_vThe beta parameter used to calculate the reducing mole density of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_departureCoefficients_Exponential The coefficients of the departure function describing the exponential terms: term = ai * tau^ti * delta^di * Exp(-delta^ci) where tau and delta are reduced temperature and density, respectively.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_departureCoefficients_Polynomial The coefficients of the departure function describing the polynomial terms: term = ai * tau^ti * delta^di where tau and delta are reduced temperature and density, respectively.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_departureCoefficients_Special The coefficients of the departure function describing the special terms: term = n * tau^t * delta^d * Exp(eta (delta - epsilon)^2 + beta * (delta - gamma)) where tau and delta are reduced temperature and density, respectively.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_FThe F parameter (prefactor of the departure function, see DepartureFunction_OfReducedVariables(Double, Double)).
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_gamma_TThe gamma parameter used to calculate the reducing temperature of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)
Protected field_gamma_vThe gamma parameter used to calculate the reducing mole density of the mixture.
(Inherited from BinaryMixtureDefinitionBase)


The source code was created automatically using the mixture file 'heptane-octane.mix' from the following software:

TREND 3.0.: Span, R.; Eckermann, T.; Herrig, S.; Hielscher, S.; Jäger, A.; Thol, M. (2016): TREND.Thermodynamic Reference and Engineering Data 3.0.Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Further references (extracted from the mixture file):

Info: Kunz and Wagner (2007)

Departure function (MXM): Kunz, O., Klimeck, R., Wagner, W., Jaeschke, M. The GERG-2004 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and Other Mixtures. GERG Technical Monograph 15. Fortschr.-Ber. VDI, VDI-Verlag, D�sseldorf, 2007.

See Also