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DerivativeMatrixWrapper Class

Provides a wrapper for the global derivative matrix (global = Matrix of the derivative of the parameters for multiple spectra). This wrapper is written to from the local fit function (local = Fit function for only one spectrum).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Science.Spectroscopy.PeakFitting.MultipleSpectra
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class DerivativeMatrixWrapper : IMatrix<double>, 

The DerivativeMatrixWrapper type exposes the following members.

Public methodDerivativeMatrixWrapper Wraps the global derivative matrix so that it can be used by the (local) fit function.
Public propertyColumnCount Not implemented.
Public propertyItemGet / sets an element of the matrix at (row, col).
Public propertyRowCount Not implemented.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAny Determines whether any element of the provided matrix a fulfills the given predicate.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumnDouble Copies one column of a source matrix into a destination matrix to a given row and column offset.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMapIndexedDouble, T1
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMax Get the maximum value of all elements of the specified matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMin Get the minimum value of all elements of the specified matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodNorm
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodReplaceNaNAndInfiniteElementsWith Replaces all matrix elements that are NaN (Not a Number) or infinite with the value of replacementValue.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodReplaceNaNElementsWith Replaces all matrix elements that are NaN (not a number) with the value of replacementValue.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetMatrixElements Set all matrix elements to the provided value scalar.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetMatrixElements Sets the matrix elements to the value provided by a setter function Setter.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodToZeroMean Calculates the mean value of all matrix elements and then subtracts the mean value from each matrix element, so that the mean value of the resulting matrix is zero.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodToZeroMean Calculates the mean value of all matrix elements and then subtracts the mean value from each matrix element, so that the mean value of the resulting matrix is zero.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodTrace Get the trace of square matrix a, i.e. the sum of diagonal elements.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodZeroMatrix Set all elements in the matrix to 0 (zero)
(Defined by MatrixMath)
It is assumed that all spectra share the same peak parameters like position, width and other shape parameters, and that they don't share (i) the amplitude parameter (so each spectrum has its own peak amplitudes), and that they don't share (ii) the baseline parameter(s) (so each spectrum has its own baseline). The layout of the parameters of the global matrix is assumed as follows:

For each peak: amplitudeSpectrum0, amplitudeSpectrum1, ..., amplitudeSpectrumN, peak_position, peak_width, other peak shape parameters.

For each spectrum: baselineParameterOrder0, baselineParameterOrder1, ..., baselineParameterOrderM

See Also