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TraceTextWriter Class

TextWriter that writes into System.Diagnostics.Trace
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Main.Services.Implementation
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class TraceTextWriter : TextWriter

The TraceTextWriter type exposes the following members.

Public methodTraceTextWriterInitializes a new instance of the TraceTextWriter class
Public propertyEncoding
(Overrides TextWriterEncoding)
Public propertyFormatProviderGets an object that controls formatting.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public propertyNewLineGets or sets the line terminator string used by the current TextWriter.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodCloseCloses the current writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
Public methodDisposeReleases all resources used by the TextWriter object.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)Releases the unmanaged resources used by the TextWriter and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFlushClears all buffers for the current writer and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodFlushAsyncAsynchronously clears all buffers for the current writer and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWrite(Boolean)Writes the text representation of a Boolean value to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Char)
(Overrides TextWriterWrite(Char))
Public methodWrite(Char)Writes a character array to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Decimal)Writes the text representation of a decimal value to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Double)Writes the text representation of an 8-byte floating-point value to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Int32)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Int64)Writes the text representation of an 8-byte signed integer to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Object)Writes the text representation of an object to the text string or stream by calling the ToString method on that object.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Single)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte floating-point value to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(String)
(Overrides TextWriterWrite(String))
Public methodWrite(UInt32)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte unsigned integer to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(UInt64)Writes the text representation of an 8-byte unsigned integer to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(String, Object)Writes a formatted string to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(String, Object)Writes a formatted string to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(Char, Int32, Int32)
(Overrides TextWriterWrite(Char, Int32, Int32))
Public methodWrite(String, Object, Object)Writes a formatted string to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWrite(String, Object, Object, Object)Writes a formatted string to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object, Object, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteAsync(Char)Writes a character to the text string or stream asynchronously.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteAsync(Char)Writes a character array to the text string or stream asynchronously.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteAsync(String)Writes a string to the text string or stream asynchronously.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteAsync(Char, Int32, Int32)Writes a subarray of characters to the text string or stream asynchronously.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine
(Overrides TextWriterWriteLine)
Public methodWriteLine(Boolean)Writes the text representation of a Boolean value followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Char)Writes a character followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Char)Writes an array of characters followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Decimal)Writes the text representation of a decimal value followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Double)Writes the text representation of a 8-byte floating-point value followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Int32)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Int64)Writes the text representation of an 8-byte signed integer followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Object)Writes the text representation of an object by calling the ToString method on that object, followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Single)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte floating-point value followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(String)
(Overrides TextWriterWriteLine(String))
Public methodWriteLine(UInt32)Writes the text representation of a 4-byte unsigned integer followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(UInt64)Writes the text representation of an 8-byte unsigned integer followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(String, Object)Writes a formatted string and a new line to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(String, Object)Writes out a formatted string and a new line, using the same semantics as Format(String, Object).
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(Char, Int32, Int32)Writes a subarray of characters followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(String, Object, Object)Writes a formatted string and a new line to the text string or stream, using the same semantics as the Format(String, Object, Object) method.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLine(String, Object, Object, Object)Writes out a formatted string and a new line, using the same semantics as Format(String, Object).
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLineAsyncWrites a line terminator asynchronously to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLineAsync(Char)Writes a character followed by a line terminator asynchronously to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLineAsync(Char)Writes an array of characters followed by a line terminator asynchronously to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLineAsync(String)Writes a string followed by a line terminator asynchronously to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Public methodWriteLineAsync(Char, Int32, Int32)Writes a subarray of characters followed by a line terminator asynchronously to the text string or stream.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
Protected fieldCoreNewLineStores the newline characters used for this TextWriter.
(Inherited from TextWriter)
See Also