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GUIFactoryService Class

Creates the appropriate GUI object for a given document type.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Main.Services
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public abstract class GUIFactoryService : IGuiFactoryService

The GUIFactoryService type exposes the following members.

Protected methodGUIFactoryServiceInitializes a new instance of the GUIFactoryService class
Public propertyMainWindowHandle Gets the window handle of the main window;
Public propertyMainWindowObject Gets the main window as object. Depending on the Gui technology that is used, this is either a Wpf window, or something else.
Public propertyScreenResolutionDpiGets the screen resolution that is set in windows in dots per inch.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodErrorMessageBox(String) Shows a message box with the error text.
Public methodErrorMessageBox(String, String) Shows a message box with the error text.
Public methodExecuteAsUserCancellable 
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFindAndAttachControlTo(IMVCController) Searchs for a appropriate control for a given controller and attaches the control to the controller.
Public methodFindAndAttachControlTo(IMVCController, Type) Searchs for a appropriate control for a given controller with restriction to a given type. The control is not (!) attached to the controller. You have to do this manually.
Public methodFindAndAttachControlUsingGuiTemplate Try to attach a control to the controller. To determine the type of gui, the viewTemplate is analysed.
Public methodGetController(Object, Type) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type.
Public methodGetController(Object, Type, UseDocument) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type.
Public methodGetController(Object, Type, Type, UseDocument) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type.
Public methodGetControllerAndControl(Object, Type) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type, and finding the right GUI user control for it.
Public methodGetControllerAndControl(Object, Type, UseDocument) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type, and finding the right GUI user control for it.
Public methodGetControllerAndControl(Object, Type, Type, UseDocument) Gets an IMVCController for a given document type, and finding the right GUI user control for it.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription Retrieves the description of the enumeration value value.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetNewClipboardDataObject Get a new clipboard data object. You can use this to put data on the clipboard.
Public methodGetRequiredControllerAndControlT Gets the required controller and control. Throws an exception if either controller or control could not be retrieved.
Public methodGetScreenInformation Retrieves information about a screen area.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetUserFriendlyClassName(Type) Gets a user friendly class name. See remarks for a detailed description how it is been obtained.
Public methodGetUserFriendlyClassName(Type, Boolean) This retrieves user friendly class name for an array of types.
Public methodGetUserFriendlyName Retrieves the description of the enumeration value value.
Public methodInfoMessageBox(String) Shows a message box with an informational text.
Public methodInfoMessageBox(String, String) Shows a message box with an informational text.
Public methodInvalidateRequerySuggested 
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodNewRelayCommand(Action, FuncBoolean) Gets a command that executes an action and evaluates the canExecute condition every time when something in the Gui has changed.
Public methodNewRelayCommand(ActionObject, PredicateObject) Gets a command that executes an action and evaluates the canExecute condition every time when something in the Gui has changed.
Public methodOpenClipboardDataObject Opens the clipboard data object. You can use this to see which data are on the clipboard.
Public methodRegisterRequerySuggestedHandler Registers a handler that will be called back if something in the Gui has changed so that a requery of CanExecute() functions might be neccessary. This handler will be bound weak to the event. Unregister by using UnregisterRequerySuggestedHandler(EventHandler).
Public methodSetClipboardDataObject(IClipboardSetDataObject) Sets the data stored in the dataObject on the clipboard for temporary usage.
Public methodSetClipboardDataObject(IClipboardSetDataObject, Boolean) Sets the data stored in the dataObject on the clipboard for temporary or permanent usage.
Public methodShowBackgroundCancelDialog(Int32, Thread, IExternalDrivenBackgroundMonitor) 
Public methodShowBackgroundCancelDialog(Int32, ThreadStart, IExternalDrivenBackgroundMonitor) 
Public methodShowContextMenu Creates and shows a context menu.
Public methodShowDialog(Enum, String) 
Public methodShowDialog(IMVCAController, String) Shows a configuration dialog for an object (without "Apply" button).
Public methodShowDialog(Object, String) Shows a configuration dialog for an object.
Public methodShowDialog(Object, String) Shows a configuration dialog for an object.
Public methodShowDialog(IMVCAController, String, Boolean) Shows a configuration dialog for an object.
Public methodShowDialog(Object, String, Boolean) Shows a configuration dialog for an object.
Public methodShowDialog(Object, String, Boolean) Shows a configuration dialog for an object.
Public methodShowDialogT(T, String, Boolean) Shows a configuration dialog for any item.
Public methodShowDialogForEnumFlag 
Public methodShowFolderDialog 
Public methodShowOpenFileDialog 
Public methodShowSaveFileDialog 
Public methodShowTaskCancelDialog 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUnregisterRequerySuggestedHandler Unregisters the handler that was registered with RegisterRequerySuggestedHandler(EventHandler).
Public methodYesNoCancelMessageBox Shows a message box with a questtion to be answered either by YES, NO, or CANCEL.
Public methodYesNoMessageBox Shows a message box with a question to be answered either yes or no.
Public fieldRegisteredContextMenuProviders Dictionary of context menu providers. Key is the type of the gui root element (Winforms: Control, Wpf: UIElement). Value is an Action with the following parameters: object parent (Gui parent element), object owner (Owner of the addin element), string addInPath, double x, double y)
Public fieldRegisteredGuiTechnologies 
See Also