IProjectService Interface |
Manages the currently open Altaxo project.
Namespace: Altaxo.MainAssembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
Syntax public interface IProjectService
The IProjectService type exposes the following members.
Properties | Name | Description |
| CurrentProject |
Getter / setter for the currently open project.
| CurrentProjectArchiveManager |
Gets the object that represents the storage of the current project on disk. If the current project was opened as a COM object, the value is null.
| CurrentProjectFileName |
Gets the file name for the currently open project. Is null if the project has not got a file name for now.
| ProjectFileExtensions |
Gets all possible file extensions for acceptable project files.
TopMethods | Name | Description |
| AskForSavingOfProject |
Asks the user whether or not the project should be saved, and saves it in case the user answers with yes.
| CloseDocumentViews |
Closes all open views for a given document.
| CloseProject |
Closes a project. If the project is dirty, and forceClose is false, the user is asked to save the project.
| CloseViewContent |
Closes the view content.
| CreateInitialProject |
Creates the very first document. Used internal into the autostart command.
| DeleteDocument |
This function will delete a project item and close all corresponding views.
| DisposeProjectAndSetToNull |
Disposes the entire project and sets the current project to null.
Attention: This function is intended to be used during application shutdown only.
| ExchangeCurrentProjectArchiveManagerTemporarilyWithoutDisposing |
Exchanges the current project archive manager without disposing the old manager. This function is intended to be used twice in succession:
1st to temporarily exchange the current archive manager by another on, and then to change back the new archive manager with the old one.
| ExecuteActionsImmediatelyBeforeRunningApplication |
Executes any neccessary actions immediately before running the main application. When calling this, the services and the workbench are already initialized.
The method can for instance load any files that are given in the command line.
| GetMainWindowTitle |
Gets the title that should be shown as the main window title.
| GetOpenDocuments |
Gets a set of all open documents, i.e. GraphDocuments, DataTables. (Not Worksheets).
| HasDocumentAnOpenView |
Returns true if the given document has at least one open view in the workbench.
| IsProjectFileExtension |
Determines whether the provided file extension is a project extension.
| OpenOrCreateViewContentForDocument |
Opens a view that shows the document document. If no view for the document can be found,
a new default view is created.
| OpenProject |
Opens a Altaxo project. If the current project is dirty, and showUserInteraction is true, the user is ask to save the current project before.
| OpenProjectFromArchive |
Opens a project from an archive. This function is intended for opening the project from a COM stream on a freshly started application.
Thus it is assumed that no old project has to be saved before!
| SaveProject |
Saves a project under the current file name.
| SaveProject(IProjectArchive) |
Saves the project in the provided archive. Is intended for saving the project into a COM stream only.
For regular saving into the file system, use one of the other Save.. methods.
| SaveProject(PathName) |
Saves the project under the given file name, using the standard archive format.
| SaveProjectAs |
Asks the user for a file name for the current project, and then saves the project under the given name.
| SaveProjectCopyAs |
This command is used if in embedded object mode.
It saves the current project to a file,
but don't set the current file name of the project (in project service).
Furthermore, the title in the title bar is not influenced by the saving.
| ShowDocumentView |
Shows a view for the given document.
| TryOpenProjectItemFile |
Tests if the provided file name to have an extension that is associated with the extension of a project item
(a specific item of the project), and if it is, tries to open the project item and adds it to the current project.
TopEvents See Also