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IComManager Interface

Interface to the Com (Component object model) manager.

Namespace: Altaxo.Main
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IComManager

The IComManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationWasStartedWithEmbeddingArg Gets a value indicating whether the application was started with the -embedding argument.
Public propertyContainerApplicationName If IsInEmbeddedMode is true, this property gets the name of the container application.
Public propertyContainerDocumentName If IsInEmbeddedMode is true, this property gets the name of the container document.
Public propertyEmbeddedObject If IsInEmbeddedMode is true, this property gets the embedded object (for instance the graph document that is embedded).
Public propertyIsInEmbeddedMode Gets a value indicating whether Altaxo is in embedded mode, i.e. a object (graph document) is embedded in another application. If true, the properties ContainerApplicationName, ContainerDocumentName and EmbeddedObject can be used to set the title in the title bar of Altaxo.
Public methodGetDocumentsComObjectForDocument Gets the documents COM object for the document. The document's Com object must at least implement IDataObject.
Public methodGetDocumentsDataObjectForDocument Gets the documents data object for the document. The document's data object must only implement IDataObject.
Public methodProcessStartupArguments Processes the startup arguments that are given in the command to start the application. If the return value is true, we carry on and start the application. If the return value is false, we terminate the application immediately.
Public methodRegisterApplicationForCom Registers the application for COM.
Public methodStartLocalServer Starts the ComManager.
Public methodStopLocalServer Stops the ComManager.
Public methodUnregisterApplicationForCom Unregisters the application for COM.
See Also