Click or drag to resize

IWorkbenchContent Interface

Common base interface for both IPadContent and IViewContent.

Namespace: Altaxo.Gui.Workbench
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IWorkbenchContent : IMVCController, 
	IDisposable, INotifyPropertyChanged, IServiceProvider

The IWorkbenchContent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyInitiallyFocusedControl Gets the control which has focus initially.
Public propertyIsActive 
Public propertyIsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether this pad or document is selected. If this is a document, it is selected if the tab of the document is selected.
Public propertyIsVisible Gets or sets the visibility of a pad or document. If false for a pad, the pad is not visible. If false for a document, the document tab header is not visible (but the document itself maybe visible). If true for a pad, the pad may be visible or is collapsed. If true for a document, the document tab header is visible (if it fits in the bar), and the document is visible, if it is selected, too.
Public propertyModelObject Returns the model (document) that this controller manages.
(Inherited from IMVCController)
Public propertyTitle Returns the title of the pad (IPadContent), or the text on the tab page of the document window (IViewContent).
Public propertyViewObject Returns the Gui element that shows the model to the user.
(Inherited from IMVCController)
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodGetServiceGets the service object of the specified type.
(Inherited from IServiceProvider)
Public eventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged)
See Also