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TextDocumentController Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Gui.Text.Viewing.TextDocumentController"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Gui.Text.Viewing
Assembly: AltaxoDom (in AltaxoDom.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class TextDocumentController : AbstractViewContent, 
	IDisposable, IMVCANController, IMVCAController, IMVCController, IApplyController, 

The TextDocumentController type exposes the following members.

Public methodTextDocumentControllerInitializes a new instance of the TextDocumentController class
Public methodTextDocumentController(TextDocument)Initializes a new instance of the TextDocumentController class
Public propertyCloseCommand
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyCloseWithSolution
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyContentId Gets or sets the content identifier. Here, the content identifier is calculated of the reference hash of the document. Setting is not implemented here.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIconSource
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyInfoTip
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyInitiallyFocusedControl
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsActive Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view of this instance is active in the UI.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsContentVisible Gets a value indicating whether the content of this document window is visible (it is if either IsActive or IsSelected is visible.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDisposed
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDisposeInProgress
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsOutlineVisible 
Public propertyIsReadOnly Gets if the view content is read-only (can be saved only when choosing another file name).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view of this instance is selected (e.g. inside its container).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsViewOnly Gets if the view content is view-only (cannot be saved at all).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsVisible Gets or sets the visibility of the document. If false, the document tab header is not visible (but the document itself maybe visible !). If true, the document tab header is visible (if it fits in the bar), and the document is visible, if it is selected, too.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyModelObject
(Overrides AbstractViewContentModelObject)
Public propertyServices
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyTextDocument 
Public propertyTitle Gets/Sets the title of the current tab page. This value will be passed through the string parser before being displayed.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyUseDocumentCopy 
Public propertyViewObject
(Overrides AbstractViewContentViewObject)
Public methodApply 
Public methodBuildNavPoint
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodCanAcceptImageFileName 
Protected methodCanClose
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodCanPaste Determines whether this controller is able to accept data from the clipboard to be pasted into the text. Here we catch special cases like pasting of images. Thus, a return value of false does not mean that the data can not be pasted, it only mean that pasting should be delegated to the source text view.
Public methodClearIsDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodCopyTextWithImages Copies the text with the local images to the clipboard.
Public methodDisposeReleases all resources used by the TextDocumentController
(Overrides AbstractViewContentDispose)
Public methodEhBeforeCompleteRendering This event was fired by the markdown edit control before a complete rendering takes place. Here we update all properties that may influence the rendering (language, spell checking, hyphenation etc.)
Public methodEhFractionOfEditorWindowChanged 
Public methodEhIsViewerSelectedChanged 
Public methodEhReferencedImageUrlsChanged 
Protected methodEhTitleLocalizationChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodEhViewerConfigurationChanged 
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExpandTextDocumentIntoNewDocument Expands the current text document and stores it into a new text document in the same project folder.
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetService(Type)
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodGetServiceT
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodInitialize 
Public methodInitializeDocument 
Public methodInsertImageInDocumentAndGetUrl(String) 
Public methodInsertImageInDocumentAndGetUrl(Stream, String) 
Public methodInsertSourceTextAtCaretPosition Inserts the provided markdown source text at the current caret position.
Protected methodInternalInitializeDocument 
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodNotifyContentIdChanged Can be used to notify the view content that the ContentId maybe has changed.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodOnClose
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodOnIsDirtyChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodPaste 
Public methodPrintShowDialog 
Public methodRenumerateFigures Expands the current text document and stores it into a new text document in the same project folder.
Public methodRevert 
Public methodSetDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodSetDisposeInProgress Announces that this view content is about to be disposed very soon. The view content should remain passiv (e.g. should not react to events any more), but should not release its resources yet (this is done later in Dispose).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodSetLocalizedInfoTip Sets a localized info tip that will update automatically when the language changes.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodSetLocalizedTitle Sets a localized title that will update automatically when the language changes.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventDisposed
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public eventIsDirtyChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public eventPropertyChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
See Also