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OriginImportDataSourceController Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Gui.Serialization.Origin.OriginImportDataSourceController"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Gui.Serialization.Origin
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class OriginImportDataSourceController : DataSourceControllerBase<OriginImportDataSource>

The OriginImportDataSourceController type exposes the following members.

Public methodOriginImportDataSourceControllerInitializes a new instance of the OriginImportDataSourceController class
Public propertyControllerAtPosition2
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyControllerAtPosition3
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Protected propertyCreateNotInitializedException
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected propertyCreateNoViewException
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public propertyDocGets the current document of this controller. If the document is null, an InvalidOperationException is thrown. To check whether the document is null, check on the member _doc directly.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public propertyInputOptionsController
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyIsDisposedGet a value indication whether this controller is already disposed.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyIsPosition2Expanded
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyIsPosition3Expanded
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyModelObject Returns the document that this controller manages to edit.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected propertyNoDocumentException
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Protected propertyNotInitializedException
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Protected propertyNoViewException
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyProcessDataController
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyProcessOptionsController
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyShowProcessDataBeforeProcessOptions If true, the process data view is shown before (on top) of the process options view. If false (default), the process options view is shown on top of the process data view.
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public propertyUseDocumentCopy Sets whether or not a copy of the document is used. If set to true, a copy of the document is used, so if the controller is not applied, all changes can be reverted. If set to false, no copy must be made. The document is directly changed by the controller, and changes can not be reverted. Use the last option if a controller up in the hierarchie has already made a copy of the document.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public propertyViewObject Returns the Gui element that shows the model to the user.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public methodApply
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Protected methodApplyEnd Standard procedure at the end of the Apply phase. If the applyResult is true, the controller is either disposed (if disposeController is true) or the document is shortly resumed (if disposeController is false. Nothing is done if applyResult is false.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected methodAttachView Override this function to attach the view to the controller, either by subscribing to events of the view, or by setting the controller object on the view.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected methodCheckDocumentInitializedT
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Protected methodDetachView Override this function to detach the view from the controller, either by unsubscribing to events of the view, or by setting the controller object on the view to null.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public methodDispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodDispose(Boolean) Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetProcessDataController
(Overrides DataSourceControllerBaseTItemGetProcessDataController)
Protected methodGetProcessOptionsController
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public methodGetSubControllers
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Protected methodGetSuspendTokenForControllerDocument Gets the suspend token for the controller document. This default implementation calls SuspendGetToken() on the document. By overriding this function you can suspend parent nodes in case it is neccessary to modify nodes at lower levels of the hierarchy.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodInitialize
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Public methodInitializeDocument Initialize the controller with the document. If successfull, the function has to return true.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected methodIsProcessDataInitiallyExpanded
(Overrides DataSourceControllerBaseTItemIsProcessDataInitiallyExpanded)
Protected methodIsProcessOptionsInitiallyExpanded
(Overrides DataSourceControllerBaseTItemIsProcessOptionsInitiallyExpanded)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodOnPropertyChanged
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRevert Try to revert changes to the model, i.e. restores the original state of the model.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected methodThrowIfNotInitializedThrows an exception if the controller is not initialized with a document.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventPropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public eventSuccessfullyApplied
(Inherited from DataSourceControllerBaseTItem)
Protected field_clonedCopyOfDocCloned copy of the document (is null if _useDocumentCopy is false). Used to revert the edited document to the state before editing.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_docThe document to edit.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_suspendToken The suspend token of the document being edited. If _useDocumentCopy is false, we assume that a controller higher in hierarchy has made a copy of the document, thus we do not use a suspendToken for the document.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_useDocumentCopyIf true, a copy of the document is made before editing; this copy can later be used to revert the state of the document to the original state.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_viewThe Gui view of this controller
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditOriginalDocBaseTModel, TView)
See Also