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ColumnPlotDataControllerBaseTModelPlotColumnInformationInternal Class

Information about one plot item column.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Gui.Graph.Plot.Data
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
protected class PlotColumnInformationInternal : PlotColumnInformation

The ColumnPlotDataControllerBaseTModelPlotColumnInformationInternal type exposes the following members.

Public methodColumnPlotDataControllerBaseTModelPlotColumnInformationInternalInitializes a new instance of the ColumnPlotDataControllerBaseTModelPlotColumnInformationInternal class
Public propertyColumnThe column itself.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyColumnSetterAction to set the column property back in the style, if Apply of this controller is called. First argument is the column, second argument is the supposed parent data table, third the group number.
Public propertyLabelLabel that will be shown to indicate the column's function, e.g. "X" for an x-colum.
Public propertyNameOfDataColumn Gets the name of the (underlying) data column, or null if this instance holds another column, or the name is unkown.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyPlotColumnBoxStateState of the column textbox. Depending on the state, the background of the textbox will assume different colors.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyPlotColumnBoxStateIfColumnIsMissing Set the plot column box state that is used if the column is missing.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyPlotColumnBoxTextThe text that will be shown in the plot column text box.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyPlotColumnToolTipThe tooltip that will be shown when the user hovers over the plot column text box.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertySupposedDataTable The data table that is supposed to be the parent data table of the column.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyTransformation The column transformation.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyTransformationTextToShowThis text will be shown in the transformation text box.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyTransformationToolTipThe tooltip that will be shown when the user hovers over the transformation text box.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public propertyUnderlyingColumn
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnChanged
(Overrides PlotColumnInformationOnChanged)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUpdate(DataTable, Int32) Updates the information, assuming that the underlying data table is the same as before.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public methodUpdate(DataTable, Int32, Boolean) Updates the information, indicating in hasTableChanged whether the underlying data table has changed.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Public methodUpdateWithNameOfUnderlyingDataColumn Warning! This function is intended for use with ColumnPlotDataExchangeColumnsController only, because there we only have column names, but no real columns. For all other controllers, use UnderlyingColumn, because in this case, you have a table at hand, where the column belongs to. Sets the name of underlying data column, and update the _plotColumnBoxText.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_isDirty
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn If the underlying column is or was a data column, then here we store the data column's name.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_plotColumnBoxState
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_plotColumnBoxStateIfColumnIsMissing Gives the plot column box state if the column is missing.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_plotColumnBoxText
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_plotColumnToolTip
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_supposedDataTable The data table that is supposed to be the parent data table of the column.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_supposedGroupNumber The group number that is supposed to be the group number of the column.
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_transformation
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_transformationBoxText
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_transformationToolTip
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
Protected field_underlyingColumn
(Inherited from PlotColumnInformation)
See Also