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Graph3DController Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Gui.Graph.Graph3D.Viewing.Graph3DController"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Gui.Graph.Graph3D.Viewing
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class Graph3DController : AbstractViewContent, 
	IDisposable, IMVCANController, IMVCAController, IMVCController, IApplyController, 
	IGraphController, IClipboardHandler

The Graph3DController type exposes the following members.

Public methodGraph3DControllerInitializes a new instance of the Graph3DController class
Public methodGraph3DController(GraphDocument) Creates a GraphController which shows the GraphDocumentgraphdoc.
Public propertyActiveLayer Returns the currently active layer. There is always an active layer.
Public propertyCloseCommand
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyCloseWithSolution
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyContentId Gets or sets the content identifier. Here, the content identifier is calculated of the reference hash of the document. Setting is not implemented here.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyCurrentGraphTool 
Public propertyCurrentLayerNumber Get / sets the currently active layer by number.
Public propertyCurrentPlotNumber Get / sets the currently active plot by number.
Public propertyDoc 
Public propertyEnableCopy 
Public propertyEnableCut 
Public propertyEnableDelete 
Public propertyEnablePaste 
Public propertyEnableSelectAll 
Public propertyIconSource
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyInfoTip
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyInitiallyFocusedControl
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsActive Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view of this instance is active in the UI.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsContentVisible Gets a value indicating whether the content of this document window is visible (it is if either IsActive or IsSelected is visible.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDisposed
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsDisposeInProgress
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsReadOnly Gets if the view content is read-only (can be saved only when choosing another file name).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsSelected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the view of this instance is selected (e.g. inside its container).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsViewOnly Gets if the view content is view-only (cannot be saved at all).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyIsVisible Gets or sets the visibility of the document. If false, the document tab header is not visible (but the document itself maybe visible !). If true, the document tab header is visible (if it fits in the bar), and the document is visible, if it is selected, too.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyModelObject
(Overrides AbstractViewContentModelObject)
Public propertyRootLayer Returns the layer collection. Is the same as m_GraphDocument.XYPlotLayer.
Public propertySelectedObjects Gets the selected objects. This property must be overriden in derived classes
Public propertyServices
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyTitle Gets/Sets the title of the current tab page. This value will be passed through the string parser before being displayed.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public propertyUseDocumentCopy 
Public propertyView 
Public propertyViewObject
(Overrides AbstractViewContentViewObject)
Public methodAdjustZNearZFar Adjusts the zNear and zFar parameter of the camera to make sure that our scene is viewed appropriately, and nothing is cut away.
Public methodApply 
Public methodArrange Arranges the objects so they share a common boundary.
Public methodArrangeBottomToBottom Arranges the objects so they share the bottom boundary with the bottom boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeBottomToTop Arranges the objects so they share the bottom boundary with the top boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeHorizontal Arranges the objects so they share the vertical middle line of the last selected object.
Public methodArrangeHorizontalTable Arranges the objects so they their vertical middle line is uniform spaced between the first and the last selected object.
Public methodArrangeLeftToLeft Arranges the objects so they share the left boundary with the left boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeLeftToRight Arranges the objects so they share the left boundary with the right boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeRightToLeft Arranges the objects so they share the right boundary with the left boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeRightToRight Arranges the objects so they share the right boundary with the right boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeSameHorizontalSize 
Public methodArrangeSameSizeBase Arranges the same size base.
Public methodArrangeSameVerticalSize 
Public methodArrangeTopToBottom Arranges the objects so they share the top boundary with the bottom boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeTopToTop Arranges the objects so they share the top boundary with the top boundary of the master element.
Public methodArrangeVertical Arranges the objects so they share the horizontal middle line of the last selected object.
Public methodArrangeVerticalTable Arranges the objects so they their horizontal middle line is uniform spaced between the first and the last selected object.
Public methodBuildNavPoint
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodCameraMoveHorizontallyByMouseWheel 
Public methodCameraMoveRelative(Double, Double) Moves the camera horizontally and vertically.
Public methodStatic memberCameraMoveRelative(CameraBase, Double, Double) Moves the camera horizontally and vertically.
Protected methodCameraMoveVerticallyByMouseWheel 
Protected methodCameraRotateAroundHorizontalAxisByMouseWheel 
Protected methodCameraRotateAroundVerticalAxisByMouseWheel 
Public methodCameraRotateDegrees(Double, Double) Rotates the camera.
Public methodStatic memberCameraRotateDegrees(CameraBase, Double, Double) Rotates the camera.
Protected methodCameraZoomByMouseWheel(Double, Double, Double, Double) 
Protected methodStatic memberCameraZoomByMouseWheel(CameraBase, Double, Double, Double, Double) 
Protected methodCanClose
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodClearIsDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodCmdDelete 
Public methodCopy 
Public methodCopySelectedObjectsToClipboard 
Public methodCut 
Public methodCutSelectedObjectsToClipboard 
Public methodDelete 
Public methodDispose Is called when the graph3d is no longer displayed. Used here to free resources
(Overrides AbstractViewContentDispose)
Public methodDrawRootLayerMarkers 
Protected methodStatic memberEhEditPlotItem Handles the double click event onto a plot item.
Protected methodStatic memberEhEditTextGraphics Handles the double click event onto a plot item.
Protected methodEhGraph_BoundsChanged_Unsynchronized 
Protected methodEhGraph_Changed Called if something in the GraphDocument changed.
Protected methodEhGraph_LayerCollectionChanged Handler of the event LayerCollectionChanged of the graph document. Forces to check the LayerButtonBar to keep track that the number of buttons match the number of layers.
Protected methodEhGraph_LayerCollectionChanged_Unsynchronized 
Protected methodEhGraph_SizeChanged Handler of the event LayerCollectionChanged of the graph document. Forces to check the LayerButtonBar to keep track that the number of buttons match the number of layers.
Protected methodEhTitleLocalizationChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodEhView_CurrentGraphToolChanged 
Public methodEhView_CurrentLayerChoosen Handles the selection of the current layer by the user.
Public methodEhView_GraphPanelMouseDown Handles the mouse down event onto the graph in the controller class.
Public methodEhView_GraphPanelMouseMove Handles the mouse move event onto the graph in the controller class.
Public methodEhView_GraphPanelMouseUp Handles the mouse up event onto the graph in the controller class.
Public methodEhView_GraphPanelMouseWheel 
Public methodEhView_GraphPanelSizeChanged Handles the event when the size of the graph area is changed.
Public methodEhView_ShowDataContextMenu The controller should show a data context menu (contains all plots of the currentLayer).
Public methodEnsureValidityOfCurrentLayerNumber check the validity of the CurrentLayerNumber and correct it
Public methodEnsureValidityOfCurrentPlotNumber This ensures that the current plot number is valid. If there is no plot on the currently active layer, the current plot number is set to -1.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFindGraphObjectAtPixelPosition Looks for a graph object at the position given by hitData and returns true if one is found.
Public methodStatic memberGetCoordinateSystemBasedOnLayerPlaneFacingTheCamera Gets the principal coordinate system that results of the camera facing a layer. The plane of the layer that best faced the camera is used for the calculations. The normal of that layer is returned as z-axis, the vector that best matches the up-vector of the camera is becoming the y-axis, and the x-axis results from the z-axis and the y-axis.
Public methodGetCoordinateSystemRlcBasedOnLayerPlaneFacingTheCameraForSelectedObjects Gets the principal coordinate system that results of the camera facing a layer. The layer is determined from the base layer of all currently selected objects. The plane of the layer that best faced the camera is used for the calculations. The normal of that layer is returned as z-axis, the vector that best matches the up-vector of the camera is becoming the y-axis, and the x-axis results from the z-axis and the y-axis. These vectors are then transformed to root layer coordinates, and packed into a matrix with M11, M21, M31 being the x-axis, M12, M22, M32 being the y-axis and M31, M32, M33 being the z-axis.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetParentLayerOfSelectedObjects Determines the parent layer of the selected objects, as far as all selected objects belong to the same layer.
Public methodGetService(Type)
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodGetServiceT
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGroupSelectedObjects Groups the selected objects to form a ShapeGroup.
Protected methodInitialize 
Public methodInitializeDocument 
Public methodIsCmdCopyEnabled 
Public methodIsCmdCutEnabled 
Public methodIsCmdDeleteEnabled 
Public methodIsCmdPasteEnabled 
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberModelRotateDegrees 
Public methodNotifyContentIdChanged Can be used to notify the view content that the ContentId maybe has changed.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodOnClose
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodOnContentVisibilityChanged 
Public methodOnIsDirtyChanged
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodOnPropertyChanged
(Overrides AbstractViewContentOnPropertyChanged(String))
Public methodPaste 
Public methodPasteObjectsFromClipboard 
Public methodRemoveSelectedObjects 
Public methodRevert 
Public methodSelectAll 
Public methodSetDirty
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodSetDisposeInProgress Announces that this view content is about to be disposed very soon. The view content should remain passiv (e.g. should not react to events any more), but should not release its resources yet (this is done later in Dispose).
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodSetLocalizedInfoTip Sets a localized info tip that will update automatically when the language changes.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected methodSetLocalizedTitle Sets a localized title that will update automatically when the language changes.
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUngroupSelectedObjects Ungroups the selected objects (if they are ShapeGroup objects).
Public methodViewBack 
Public methodViewBottom 
Public methodViewFront 
Public methodViewIsometricLeftTop 
Public methodViewIsometricStandard 
Public methodViewLeft 
Public methodViewRight 
Public methodViewTop 
Public methodViewToRootLayerCenter Make the views to look at the root layer center. The scale is choosen so that the size of the plot will be maximal.
Protected field_currentLayerNumberNumber of the currently selected layer (or null if no layer is present).
Protected field_currentPlotNumberNumber of the currently selected plot (or -1 if no plot is present on the layer).
Protected field_doc 
Protected fieldStatic member_emptyReadOnlyList 
Protected field_isActive
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected field_isSelected
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected field_isVisible
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected field_middleButtonCurrentAction The action that is executed if the middle mouse button is pressed and the mouse is moved. This value is only valid if if the field _middleButtonPressed_InitialCamera is not null.
Protected field_middleButtonPressed_InitialCamera The camera as it was when the middle mouse button was pressed. A value != null indicates that the middle button is currently pressed. This value is used to rotate the camera when the middle mouse button is pressed and the mouse is moved.
Protected field_middleButtonPressed_InitialPosition The position of the mouse as it was when the middle mouse button was pressed. This value is valid only if the field _middleButtonPressed_InitialCamera is not null.
Protected field_title
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected field_titleToBeLocalized
(Inherited from AbstractViewContent)
Protected field_triggerBasedUpdate 
Public field_view 
Protected field_weakEventHandlerForDoc_TunneledEvent 
Protected field_weakEventHandlersForDoc 
See Also