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IPlotGroupStyleCollection Interface

Bundles plot group styles into a collection. It is allowed only to add a single instance of every plot group class.

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Plot.Groups
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IPlotGroupStyleCollection : IEnumerable<IPlotGroupStyle>, 
	IEnumerable, ICopyFrom, ICloneable

The IPlotGroupStyleCollection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount Number of group styles in the collection.
Public propertyPlotGroupStrictness Returns the plot group strictness of this plot group, i.e. how the plot group is updated.
Public methodAdd(IPlotGroupStyle) Adds a group style to this collection.
Public methodAdd(IPlotGroupStyle, Type) Adds a group style as child of an already present group style.
Public methodBeginApply 
Public methodBeginPrepare 
Public methodClear Removes all group styles from the collection.
Public methodCloneCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
(Inherited from ICloneable)
Public methodContainsType Test whether or not a group style of the given type is present in this collection.
Public methodCopyFrom Try to copy from another object. Should try to copy even if the object to copy from is not of the same type, but a base type. In this case only the base properties should be copied.
(Inherited from ICopyFrom)
Public methodEndApply 
Public methodEndPrepare 
Public methodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
(Inherited from IEnumerableIPlotGroupStyle)
Public methodGetPlotGroupStyle Returns the group style instance of the type given.
Public methodGetTypeOfChild Tests if the group style of the given type has a child group style and returns the type of the child group style (or null if no such child exists).
Public methodOnBeforeApplication 
Public methodPrepareStep 
Public methodRemoveType Removes a group style of the given type from the collection.
Public methodStep 
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAreAllNodesFromSameLevelIPlotGroupStyle Determines whether all nodes in the provided enumeration have the same level (see LevelT(T) for an explanation of level).
(Defined by TreeNodeExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrIPlotGroupStyle Returns the first value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFlattenFromRootToLeavesIPlotGroupStyle Converts a recursive data structure into a flat list. The root element is enumerated before its corresponding child element(s).
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodForEachDoIPlotGroupStyle Executes an action for each element of the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodHasSingleElementIPlotGroupStyle Determines whether the specified enumeration has exactly one element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfIPlotGroupStyle Gets the index of an item in a enumeration or list.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstIPlotGroupStyle Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstIPlotGroupStyle Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMaxIPlotGroupStyleReturn the index of the element with the maximum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMinIPlotGroupStyleReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereIPlotGroupStyle Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereIPlotGroupStyle Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereIPlotGroupStyle Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereIPlotGroupStyle Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesOfMinMaxIPlotGroupStyleReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIsEmptyIPlotGroupStyle Determines whether the specified enumeration is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalIPlotGroupStyle, T2 Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalIPlotGroupStyle, T2, TResult Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLastOrIPlotGroupStyle Returns the last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxElementIPlotGroupStyle, M Gets the element of a IEnumerabe that evaluates by means of a conversion function to the maximal value. This is different from Select(x => conversion(x)).Max() insofar as it not returns the maximum value, but the original element x which converts to the maximum value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaxOrDefaultIPlotGroupStyle, M Evaluates the maximum of a enumeration of elements, or returns a default value if the series is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationIPlotGroupStyle Select a random combination, without repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationWithRepetitionIPlotGroupStyle Select a random combination, with repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectPermutationIPlotGroupStyle Select a random permutation from a data sequence by returning the provided data in random order. Implemented using Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationIPlotGroupStyle Select a random variation, without repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order. Implemented using partial Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationWithRepetitionIPlotGroupStyle Select a random variation, with repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodTakeAllButLastIPlotGroupStyle Takes all elements of the enumeration except the last element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodThisOrEmptyIPlotGroupStyle Returns either the provided enumeration, or if it is null, an empty enumeration.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTryGetFirstAndLastIPlotGroupStyle Returns true and the first and last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, returns false.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTryGetSingleElementIPlotGroupStyle Try to get the one and only element of the collection.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
See Also