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ScatterSymbolListManager Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Graph.Graph2D.Plot.Groups.ScatterSymbolListManager"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Graph2D.Plot.Groups
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class ScatterSymbolListManager : StyleListManagerBaseForClasses<ScatterSymbolList, IScatterSymbol, StyleListManagerBaseEntryValue<ScatterSymbolList, IScatterSymbol>>

The ScatterSymbolListManager type exposes the following members.

Protected methodScatterSymbolListManagerInitializes a new instance of the ScatterSymbolListManager class
Public propertyBuiltinDefault
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public propertyBuiltinDotCenter 
Public propertyBuiltinHollow 
Public propertyBuiltinOpen 
Public propertyBuiltinSolid 
Public propertyDeserializationRenameDictionaryKey Gets a string that is used as a key in the property dictionary of the deserialization info to get the renaming dictionary. The renaming dictionary is a dictionary that maps original list names to the new list names that some of the deserialized lists are renamed to.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public propertyStatic memberInstance 
Public propertyOldBarHorz 
Public propertyOldBarVert 
Public propertyOldDotCenter 
Public propertyOldHollow 
Public propertyOldOpen 
Public propertyOldPlus 
Public propertyOldSolid 
Public propertyOldTimes 
Public methodContainsList
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodCreateNewList
(Overrides StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntryCreateNewList(String, IEnumerableTItem))
Protected methodEhDeserializationInfoCreated
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected methodEhProjectClosed Called when the current project is closed. Removes all those list which are project lists.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetAllListNames
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetDeserializedInstanceFromInstanceAndSetName
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetEntryValue
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetEntryValues
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetList
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetListLevelName
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetParentList Gets the parent list of an item, or null if no parent list is found.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetUnusedName
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected methodInternalTryRegisterList Try to register the provided list.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnListAdded
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected methodOnListChanged
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected methodOnUserDefinedListAddedChangedRemoved
(Overrides StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntryOnUserDefinedListAddedChangedRemoved(TList))
Protected methodRebuildListEntryToListDictionary
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodSwitchItemDefinitionLevelBetweenUserAndProject Switches the item definition level between user and project, i.e. a list that was at user level before is switched to project level, and a list that was at project level before is switched to user level.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTryFindListContaining
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseForClassesTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryGetItemByHierarchicalName Tries to get a item by its hierarchical name. The name can either consist of two elements: ListName/ItemName, or of three elements ItemLevel/ListName/ItemName. Separator char is either forward slash or backslash
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryGetList
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryGetListByMembers Try to find an existing list by using only the values of the items. A hint to the name of the existing list can speed up the search, but is not used otherwise.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryRegisterList(TList, ItemDefinitionLevel, TList) Try to register the provided list.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryRegisterList(IXmlDeserializationInfo, TList, ItemDefinitionLevel, TList) Try to register the provided list. This function is intended to be used during deserialization. It keeps track of when a list was renamed, and stores this information in the deserialization info to be used by the members of the list during deserialization.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public methodTryRegisterList(String, IEnumerableTItem, ItemDefinitionLevel, FuncString, IEnumerableTItem, TList, TList) Try to register the provided list.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public eventChanged Occurs when a list is added to the manager. The event is hold weak, thus you can safely add your handler without running in memory leaks.
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Protected field_allLists Dictionary of all existing lists. Key is the list name. Value is a tuple, whose boolean entry designates whether this is a buildin or user list (false) or a project list (true).
(Inherited from StyleListManagerBaseTList, TItem, TListManagerEntry)
Public fieldStatic memberPropertyKeyUserDefinedScatterSymbolLists 
See Also