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XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle Enumeration

Enumerates the style how a XYColumnPlotItem is labeled into the TextGraphic.

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.Plot
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public enum XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle
Member nameValueDescription
XS1X column name is shown.
XM2X column name and table name is shown.
XL3X column name, collection name and table name is shown.
YS16Y column name is shown.
XSYS17X column name and Y column name is shown.
XMYS18X column name and table name and Y column name is shown.
XLXS19X column name, collection name and table name and Y column name is shown.
YM32Y column name and table name is shown.
XSYM33X column name and Y column name and table name is shown.
XMYM34X column name and table name and Y column name and table name is shown.
XLYM35X column name, collection name and table name and Y column name and table name is shown.
YL48Y column name, collection name and table name is shown.
XSYL49X column name and Y column name, collection name and table name is shown.
XMYL50X column name and table name and Y column name, collection name and table name is shown.
XLYL51X column name, collection name and table name and Y column name, collection name and table name is shown.
See Also