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VisibleLightSpectrum Class

This color provider provides the colors of the visible light spectrum in the wavelength range between 350 nm and 780 nm.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.Plot.ColorProvider
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class VisibleLightSpectrum : ColorProviderBase

The VisibleLightSpectrum type exposes the following members.

Public methodVisibleLightSpectrum Default constructor. The maximum intensity and the gamma value are set to their default values.
Public propertyBrightness 
Public propertyColorAbove Get/sets the color used when the relative value is greater than 1.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public propertyColorBelow Gets/sets the color used when the relative value is smaller than 0.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public propertyColorInvalid Gets/sets the color when the relative value is NaN.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public propertyColorSteps Number of discrete colors to be shown in a stepwise manner. If the value is zero, the colors are shown continuously.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public propertyGamma 
Public propertyTransparency Get/sets the transparency, which is a value between 0 (full opaque) and 1 (full transparent).
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodEquals(IColorProvider)
(Overrides ColorProviderBaseEquals(IColorProvider))
Public methodEquals(Object)
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetAxoColor
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodGetColor Calculates a color from the provided relative value.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected methodGetColorFrom0To1Continuously Gets the color in dependence of a relative value ranging from 0..1. The instance members for gamma, intensity maximum and transparency are used to calculate the color.
(Overrides ColorProviderBaseGetColorFrom0To1Continuously(Double))
Public methodStatic memberGetColorFromWaveLength(Double) Gets the color in dependence of the wavelength with DefaultGamma value, DefaultBrightness and no transparency.
Public methodStatic memberGetColorFromWaveLength(Double, Double, Double, Int32) Gets the color in dependence of the wavelength, gamma, intensity max and transparency.
Public methodGetHashCode
(Overrides ColorProviderBaseGetHashCode)
Public methodGetOutOfBoundsColor
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWithBrightness 
Public methodWithColorAbove
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodWithColorBelow
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodWithColorInvalid
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodWithColorSteps
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public methodWithGamma 
Public methodWithTransparency
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_alphaChannelAlpha channel for the generated colors. Range from 0 to 255.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_cachedGdiColorAboveCached Gdi color for _colorAbove.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_cachedGdiColorBelowCached Gdi color for _colorBelow.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_cachedGdiColorInvalidCached Gdi color for _colorInvalid.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_colorAboveThe color used if the values are above the upper bound.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_colorBelowThe color used if the values are below the lower bound.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_colorInvalidThe color used for invalid values (missing values).
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Protected field_colorSteps Number of colors if colors should be stepwise shown. If zero, the color is shown continuously.
(Inherited from ColorProviderBase)
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultBrightnessDefault brightness value.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGammaDefault gamma value.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxVisibleWavelength_nmMaximum wavelength of the light in nm which can be shown as color.
Public fieldStatic memberMinVisibleWavelength_nmMinimum wavelength of the light in nm which can be shown as color.
See Also