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GdiExtensionMethods Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GdiExtensionMethods"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph.Gdi
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static class GdiExtensionMethods

The GdiExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodAdd 
Public Extension MethodAddScaled 
Public Extension MethodCenter Calculates the center of the provided rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberClosedCardinalSplineToBezierSegments(PointF, Int32) Converts a closed cardinal spline, given by the points in points, to Bezier segments.
Public methodStatic memberClosedCardinalSplineToBezierSegments(PointF, Int32, Single) Converts a closed cardinal spline, given by the points in points, to Bezier segments.
Public Extension MethodDistanceSquaredTo 
Public Extension MethodDistanceTo 
Public Extension MethodDotProduct 
Public Extension MethodExpandToInclude Expands the rectangle r, so that is contains the point p.
Public methodStatic memberFlattenBezierSegment Flattens a bezier segment, using only an absolute tolerance. The flattened points are stored together with their curve parameter t.
Public Extension MethodFlipSign 
Public Extension MethodFlipXY 
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromEndOfBezierCurve 
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromEndOfPartialPolylineCurve Gets the fractional index into points of a partial polyline by searching a point along the partial polyline that has a specified distance to the end point of the partial polyline.
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromEndOfPolylineCurve Gets the fractional index into points of a polyline by searching a point along the polyline that has a specified distance to the end point of the polyline.
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromStartOfBezierCurve 
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromStartOfPartialPolylineCurve Gets the fractional index into points of a partial polyline by searching a point along the partial polyline that has a specified distance to the start point of the partial polyline.
Public methodStatic memberGetFractionalIndexFromDistanceFromStartOfPolylineCurve Gets the fractional index into points of a polyline by searching a point along the polyline that has a specified distance to the start point of the polyline.
Public methodStatic memberGetParameterOnLineSegmentFromDistanceToPoint If a line segment is given by this parametric equation: p(t)=(1-t)*p0 + t*p1, this function calculates the parameter t at which the point p(t) has a squared distance dsqr from the pivot point pivot. The argument chooseFarSolution determines which of two possible solutions is choosen.
Public Extension MethodHalf Calculates the half of the original size.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolate Interpolates between the points p0 and p1.
Public methodStatic memberIsPointIntoDistance(PointF, Double, IEnumerablePointF) Determines whether or not a given point is into a certain distance of a polyline.
Public methodStatic memberIsPointIntoDistance(PointF, Double, PointF, PointF) Determines whether or not a given point (point) is into a distance to a finite line, that is spanned between two points lineOrg and lineEnd.
Public methodStatic memberLengthBetween 
Public Extension MethodNormalize 
Public methodStatic memberOpenCardinalSplineToBezierSegments(PointF, Int32) Converts an open cardinal spline, given by the points in points, to Bezier segments.
Public methodStatic memberOpenCardinalSplineToBezierSegments(PointF, Int32, Single) Converts an open cardinal spline, given by the points in points, to Bezier segments.
Public Extension MethodRotate90Degree 
Public Extension MethodScale(PointF, Double) Multiply a PointF structure with a factor.
Public Extension MethodScale(RectangleF, Double) Multiply a RectangleF structure with a factor.
Public Extension MethodScale(SizeF, Double) Multiply a size structure with a factor.
Public methodStatic memberShortenBezierCurve 
Public methodStatic memberShortenBezierSegment Shortens a Bezier segment and returns the Bezier points of the shortened segment.
Public Extension MethodShortenedBy(PointF, RADouble, RADouble) Returns a new, shortened polyline. If the shortened line would have zero or negative length, null is returned.
Public Extension MethodShortenedBy(PointF, Int32, Int32, RADouble, RADouble) Returns a new, shortened polyline. If the shortened line would have zero or negative length, null is returned.
Public methodStatic memberShortenLineSegment Shortens a line segment and returns the line points of the shortened segment.
Public Extension MethodShortenPartialPolylineByDistanceFromStartAndEnd Shortens a partial polyline, given by the first point at index startIndex and the last index endIndex, at both sides in such a way that the new start has a distance distanceFromStart to the original start of the polyline, and the new end has a distance distanceFromEnd to the original end of the polyline. If the shortening leads to a polyline of zero length, then null is returned.
Public Extension MethodShortenPolylineByDistanceFromStartAndEnd Shortens a polyline at both sides in such a way that the new start has a distance distanceFromStart to the original start of the polyline, and the new end has a distance distanceFromEnd to the original end of the polyline. If the shortening leads to a polyline of zero length, then null is returned.
Public methodStatic memberSquareDistanceLineToPoint Calculates the squared distance between a finite line and a point.
Public Extension MethodSubtract 
Public methodStatic memberToAltaxo 
Public methodStatic memberToGdi 
Public Extension MethodTotalLineLength(PointF) Calculates the total length of a polyline.
Public Extension MethodTotalLineLength(PointF, Int32, Int32) Calculates the total length of a polyline.
Public Extension MethodVectorLength 
Public Extension MethodVectorLengthSquared 
See Also