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TextureScaling Structure

Designates how and how much a texture image should be scaled.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Drawing
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public readonly struct TextureScaling : IEquatable<TextureScaling>, 

The TextureScaling type exposes the following members.

Public methodTextureScaling Initializes a new instance of the TextureScaling struct.
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultGets the default texture scaling.
Public propertyScalingModeGets or sets the scaling mode, i.e. how the texture image should be scaled.
Public propertySourceAspectRatioPreservingGets or sets whether the aspect ratio of the texture image should be preserved.
Public propertyXIf ScalingMode is Absolute, this value is the horizontal size of the texture (repeat length) in Points (1/72 inch). Otherwise, it is the horizontal scaling factor related either to the source image width or the destination image width.
Public propertyYIf ScalingMode is Absolute, this value is the vertical size of the texture (repeat length) in Points (1/72 inch). Otherwise, it is the vertical scaling factor related either to the source image width or the destination image height.
Public methodEquals(Object)
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object))
Public methodEquals(TextureScaling)Compares this value with another value.
Public methodGetHashCode
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode)
Public methodGetResultingSizeGets the resulting size of the texture (for one repeat unit).
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType)
Public methodWithScalingModeReturns a new TextureScaling instance with the ScalingMode value set to the provided value.
Public methodWithSourceAspectRatioPreservingReturns a new TextureScaling instance with the SourceAspectRatioPreserving value set to the provided value.
Public methodWithXReturns a new TextureScaling instance with the X value set to the provided value.
Public methodWithYReturns a new TextureScaling instance with the Y value set to the provided value.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality(TextureScaling, TextureScaling)Implements the operator ==.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality(TextureScaling, TextureScaling)Implements the operator !=.
See Also