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ProjectServiceBase Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Dom.ProjectServiceBase"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Dom
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public abstract class ProjectServiceBase : IProjectService

The ProjectServiceBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodProjectServiceBaseInitializes a new instance of the ProjectServiceBase class
Public propertyCurrentProject Returns the currently open project. For setting, call SetCurrentProject(IProject, Boolean).
Public propertyCurrentProjectArchiveManager Gets or sets the current project archive manager.
Public propertyCurrentProjectFileName Gets the file name for the currently open project. Is null if the project has not got a file name for now. For setting, call SetCurrentProject(IProject, Boolean).
Public propertyProjectFileExtensions Gets all possible file extensions for acceptable project files.
Public methodAskForSavingOfProject Asks the user whether or not the project should be saved, and saves it in case the user answers with yes.
Public methodCloseDocumentViews 
Public methodCloseProject 
Public methodCloseViewContentThis will remove the controller and its view from the Gui.
Public methodCreateInitialProject 
Protected methodCreateNewViewContent_Unsynchronized 
Public methodDeleteDocument This function will delete a project item and close the corresponding views.
Protected methodDeleteDocument_Unsynchronized 
Public methodDisposeProjectAndSetToNull 
Protected methodEhFileOrFolderNameChanged 
Protected methodEhProjectDirtyChanged 
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExchangeCurrentProjectArchiveManagerTemporarilyWithoutDisposing Exchanges the current project archive manager without disposing the old manager. This function is intended to be used twice in succession: 1st to temporarily exchange the current archive manager by another on, and then to change back the new archive manager with the old one.
Public methodExecuteActionsImmediatelyBeforeRunningApplication 
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetMainWindowTitle Gets the title that should be shown as the main window title.
Protected methodGetMainWindowTitleWithComManagerInEmbeddedMode Gets the main window title if the Com manager is in embedded mode.
Protected methodGetMainWindowTitleWithoutComManagerInEmbeddedMode Gets the main window title without being COM manager in embedded mode.
Public methodGetOpenDocuments 
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetViewContentsForDocument Returns all currently open views that show the given document object
, either directly (ModelObject is the document), or indirectly, if ModelObject is of type IProjectItemPresentationModel, by comparing with Document.
Public methodHasDocumentAnOpenView 
Protected methodInternalCreateNewProject Create a new project, and returns it, without wiring any infrastructure to it yet.
Protected methodInternalCreateProjectArchiveManagerFromFileOrFolderLocation Enumerates the registered types for a manager that implements IFileBasedProjectArchiveManager and searches for the type that can handle the provided file or folder.
Protected methodInternalLoadProjectAndWindowsStateFromArchive Loads the project and the state of the windows from a project archive.
Protected methodInternalSave Internal routine to save a project under a given name.
Public methodIsProjectFileExtension Determines whether the provided file extension is a project file extension. This function uses the abstract function ProjectFileExtensions to determine if the given argument is a project file extension
Protected methodLoadProjectFromFileOrFolder Opens a Altaxo project from a project file (without asking the user). The old project is closed without asking the user.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodOnProjectChanged Fires the ProjectChanged event. This occurs after the events ProjectOpened, ProjectClosed, ProjectRenamed, and ProjectDirtyChanged event. Usefull if you not want to subscribe to the above mentioned single events.
Public methodOpenOrCreateViewContentForDocument Opens a view that shows the document. If no view for the document can be found, a new default view is created.
Protected methodOpenOrCreateViewContentForDocument_Unsynchronized 
Public methodOpenProject Opens a project. If the current project is dirty, and showUserInteraction is true, the user is ask to save the current project before.
Public methodOpenProjectFromArchive Loads the project from project archive.
Public methodSaveProject Saves a project under the current file name.
Public methodSaveProject(IProjectArchive) Saves a project.
Public methodSaveProject(PathName) Saves the current project under a provided file name. If the provided file name differs from the current file name, a project renaming event is triggered.
Public methodSaveProjectAndWindowsState Saves a project.
Public methodSaveProjectAs Asks the user for a file name for the current project, and then saves the project under the given name.
Public methodSaveProjectCopyAs This command is used if in embedded object mode. It saves the current project to a file, but don't set the current file name of the project (in project service). Furthermore, the title in the title bar is not influenced by the saving.
Protected methodSelectFirstAvailableView 
Protected methodSetCurrentProject Sets the current project instance, and set it's file name to null. No events raised (events should be raised by the caller). The old project instance will be disposed of.
Public methodShowDocumentView 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTryOpenProjectItemFile Tests if the provided file name to have an extension that is associated with the extension of a project item (a specific item of the project), and if it is, tries to open the project item and adds it to the current project.
See Also