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RMath Class

Provides methods for real numbers, that were forgotten by the Math class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static class RMath

The RMath type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAcosh 
Public methodStatic memberAreIntervalsOverlappingCC Tests if the interval [a0, a1] is overlapping with the interval [b0, b1]. The return value is true if the intervals overlap, or only touching each other (for instance, if a1==b0).
Public methodStatic memberAreIntervalsOverlappingCO Tests if the interval [a0, a1) is overlapping with the interval [b0, b1). The return value is true if the intervals overlap. Because the end of the intervals are open, the return value is false if for instance a1==b0.
Public methodStatic memberAsinh 
Public methodStatic memberAtanh 
Public Extension MethodClampToInterval Clamps the value x to the interval [xmin, xmax]. If Double.NaN is provided, the return value is Double.NaN.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluatePolynomOrderAscending Evaluates the polynom. The polynomial coefficients are given in ascending order.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluatePolynomOrderDescending Evaluates the polynom. The polynomial coefficients are given in ascending order.
Public methodStatic memberHypot The standard hypot() function for two arguments taking care of overflows and zerodivides.
Public Extension MethodInFractionOfUnorderedIntervalCC If x is inside the interval [leftValue, rightValue] or [rightValue, leftValue], then this function returns a value in the range [0,1] designating the (linear) position inside that interval. I.e. if rightValue > leftValue, the return value would be (x-leftValue)/(rightValue-leftValue).
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinear(Double, Double, Double) Interpolates linearly between leftValue and rightValue, using the parameter fraction.
Public methodStatic memberInterpolateLinear(Double, Double, Boolean) Interpolates values of an array.
Public methodStatic memberIsFinite(Double) Tests if x is finite, i.e. is in the interval [double.MinValue, double.MaxValue].
Public Extension MethodIsFinite(Single) Tests if x is finite, i.e. is in the interval [float.MinValue, float.MaxValue].
Public Extension MethodIsInIntervalCC Tests whether or not x is in the closed interval [xmin, xmax]. No test is done if xmin is less than xmax.
Public Extension MethodIsInIntervalCO Tests whether or not x is in the semi-open interval [xmin, xmax). No test is done if xmin is less than xmax.
Public Extension MethodIsInIntervalOC Tests whether or not x is in the semi-open interval (xmin, xmax]. No test is done if xmin is less than xmax.
Public Extension MethodIsInIntervalOO Tests whether or not x is in the open interval (xmin, xmax). No test is done if xmin is less than xmax.
Public Extension MethodIsNaN(Double) Test if x is not a number.
Public Extension MethodIsNaN(Single) Test if x is not a number.
Public methodStatic memberLog1p 
Public methodStatic memberOneMinusExp Calculates 1-Exp(x) with better accuracy around x=0.
Public Extension MethodPow(Double, Int32) Calculates x^n by repeated multiplications. The algorithm takes ld(n) multiplications. This algorithm can also be used with negative n.
Public Extension MethodPow(Double, Int64) Calculates x^n by repeated multiplications. The algorithm takes ld(n) multiplications. This algorithm can also be used with negative n.
Public Extension MethodPow2 Calculates x^2 (square of x).
Public Extension MethodPow3 
Public Extension MethodPow4 
Public Extension MethodPow5 
Public Extension MethodPow6 
Public Extension MethodPow7 
Public Extension MethodPow8 
Public Extension MethodPow9 
Public methodStatic memberScaleDecadic Calculates x * 10^n.
See Also