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FortranLib Class

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Calc.Ode.Obsolete.FortranLib"]

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Ode.Obsolete
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class FortranLib

The FortranLib type exposes the following members.

Public methodFortranLibInitializes a new instance of the FortranLib class
Public methodStatic memberADJUSTL ADJUSTL(STRING) Adjust to the left, removing leading blanks and inserting trailing blanks. Argument Type and Attributes STRING must be of type character. Class Elemental function Result Type and Attributes Character of the same length and kind type parameter as STRING. Result Value The value of the result is the same as STRING except that any leading blanks have been deleted and the same number of trailing blanks have been inserted. Examples ADJUSTL (’bWORD’) has the value ’WORDb’.
Public methodADJUSTR ADJUSTR(STRING) Adjust to the right, removing trailing blanks and inserting leading blanks. Argument Type and Attributes STRING must be of type character. Class Elemental function Result Type and Attributes Character of the same length and kind type parameter as STRING. Result Value The value of the result is the same as STRING except that any trailing blanks have been deleted and the same number of leading blanks have been inserted. Examples ADJUSTR (’WORDb’) has the value ’bWORD’.
Public methodStatic memberAMod Summary: Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. Parameters: y: A divisor. x: A dividend. Returns: A number equal to x - (y Q), where Q = Math.Truncate(x/y)
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, Characters) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, String) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(String, String) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Char, Int32, Char) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, Int32, Characters) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, Int32, String) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(String, Int32, String) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Char, Int32, Int32, Char) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, Int32, Int32, Characters) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(Characters, Int32, Int32, String) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(String, Int32, Int32, Char) 
Public methodStatic memberCopy(String, Int32, Int32, String) 
Public methodStatic memberDMod Summary: Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. Parameters: y: A divisor. x: A dividend. Returns: A number equal to x - (y Q), where Q = Math.Truncate(x/y)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(Characters, Characters) 
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(Characters, String) 
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(String, String) 
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(Characters, Characters, Boolean) 
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(Characters, String, Boolean) 
Public methodStatic memberINDEX(String, String, Boolean) INDEX INDEX(STRING, SUBSTRING, BACK) Returns the starting position of a substring within a string. Argument Type and Attributes STRING must be of type character. SUBSTRING must be of type character with the same kind type parameter as STRING. BACK (optional) must be of type logical. Class Elemental function Result Type and Attributes Default integer. Result Value v Case (i): If BACK is absent or present with the value .FALSE., the result is the minimum positive value of I such that STRING (I : I + LEN (SUBSTRING) - 1) = SUBSTRING or zero if there is no such value. Zero is returned if LEN (STRING) .LT. LEN (SUBSTRING). One is returned if LEN (SUBSTRING) = 0. v Case (ii): If BACK is present with the value .TRUE., the result is the maximum value of I less than or equal to LEN (STRING) - LEN (SUBSTRING) + 1, such that STRING (I : I + LEN (SUBSTRING) - 1) = SUBSTRING or zero if there is no such value. Zero is returned if LEN (STRING) .LT. LEN (SUBSTRING) and LEN (STRING) + 1 is returned if LEN (SUBSTRING) = 0. Examples INDEX (’FORTRAN’, ’R’) has the value 3. INDEX (’FORTRAN’, ’R’, BACK = .TRUE.) has the value 5.
Public methodStatic memberLEN_TRIM(Characters) 
Public methodStatic memberLEN_TRIM(String) LEN_TRIM Description: Returns the length of the character argument without counting trailing blank characters. Syntax: result = LEN_TRIM (string [, kind]) Class: Elemental function; Generic Arguments: string Must be of type character. kind (opt) Must be a scalar integer initialization expression. Examples LEN_TRIM (' C D ') has the value 7. LEN_TRIM (' ') has the value 0.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberMod Summary: Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. Parameters: y: A divisor. x: A dividend. Returns: A number equal to x - (y Q), where Q = Math.Truncate(x/y)
Public methodStatic memberREPEAT REPEAT Description: Concatenates several copies of a string. Syntax: result = REPEAT (string, ncopies) Class: Transformational function; Generic Arguments: string Must be scalar and of type character. ncopies Must be scalar and of type integer. It must not be negative. Results: The result is a scalar of type character and length ncopies x LEN(string). The kind parameter is the same as string. The value of the result is the concatenation of ncopies copies of string. Examples REPEAT ('S', 3) has the value SSS. REPEAT ('ABC', 0) has the value of a zero-length string.
Public methodStatic memberSCAN(Characters, String) 
Public methodStatic memberSCAN(String, String) 
Public methodStatic memberSCAN(Characters, String, Boolean) 
Public methodStatic memberSCAN(String, String, Boolean) SCAN(STRING, SET, BACK) Scan a string for any one of the characters in a set of characters. Argument Type and Attributes STRING must be of type character. SET must be of type character with the same kind type parameter as STRING. BACK (optional) must be of type logical. Class Elemental function Result Type and Attributes Default integer. Result Value v Case (i): If BACK is absent or is present with the value .FALSE. and if STRING contains at least one character that is in SET, the value of the result is the position of the leftmost character of STRING that is in SET. v Case (ii): If BACK is present with the value .TRUE. and if STRING contains at least one character that is in SET, the value of the result is the position of the rightmost character of STRING that is in SET. v Case (iii): The value of the result is zero if no character of STRING is in SET or if the length of STRING or SET is zero. Examples v Case (i): SCAN (’FORTRAN’, ’TR’) has the value 3. v Case (ii): SCAN (’FORTRAN’, ’TR’, BACK = .TRUE.) has the value 5. v Case (iii): SCAN (’FORTRAN’, ’BCD’) has the value 0.
Public methodStatic memberSign(Double, Double) Transfer of sign Returns |a1| if a2>= 0 Returns -|a1| if a2<0
Public methodStatic memberSign(Int32, Int32) Transfer of sign Returns |a1| if a2>= 0 Returns -|a1| if a2<0
Public methodStatic memberSign(Single, Single) Transfer of sign Returns |a1| if a2>= 0 Returns -|a1| if a2<0
Public methodStatic memberSubstring(Char, Int32) Retrieves a substring . The substring starts at a specified character position.
Public methodStatic memberSubstring(String, Int32) 
Public methodStatic memberSubstring(Char, Int32, Int32) Retrieves a substring . The substring starts at a specified character position and finisch a specified position.
Public methodStatic memberSubstring(String, Int32, Int32) 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also