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MultiStepMethodOptions Class

Options for multistep Ode methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Ode
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class MultiStepMethodOptions : OdeMethodOptions

The MultiStepMethodOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodMultiStepMethodOptionsInitializes a new instance of the MultiStepMethodOptions class
Public propertyAbsoluteTolerance Gets or sets the absolute tolerance for all y-values. Use AbsoluteTolerances if you want to set the absolute tolerance for each individual y-value.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyAbsoluteTolerances Gets or sets the absolute tolerances. The length of the array must either be 1 (equal tolerances for all y-values), or of length N.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyAutomaticStepSizeControl Gets or sets a value indicating whether automatic step size control is switched on.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyErrorNorm Gets or sets the error norm that is used for the evaluation of the relative error, in order to control the step size.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyIncludeAutomaticStepsInOutput Gets or sets a value indicating whether steps generated by the automatic step size control should be included in the output. This value is true by default. The value is effective only if AutomaticStepSizeControl is set to true. If AutomaticStepSizeControl is true, but this value is false, then MandatorySolutionPoints have to be set.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyIncludeInitialValueInOutput Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inital point should be included in the output.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyIncludeMandatorySolutionPointsInOutput Default: true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the mandatory solution points (see MandatorySolutionPoints) should appear in the output sequence. This value is only effective if AutomaticStepSizeControl is true. Without automatic step size control, mandatory solution points always appear in the output sequence.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyInitialStepSize Gets or sets the initial step size. This value is effective only if AutomaticStepSizeControl is true.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyIterationMethod Gets or sets the iteration method (see values of OdeIterationMethod for explanations).
Public propertyMandatorySolutionPoints Gets or sets the mandatory solution points. Mandatory solution points will be evaluated directly (i.e. not interpolated).
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyMaxOrder Gets or sets the maximum order the method can use.
Public propertyMaxStepSize Gets or sets the maximum size of the step. This value is effective only if AutomaticStepSizeControl is true.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyMinOrder Gets or sets the minimum order the method can use (except in the startup phase, in which the method has to start with an order of 1).
Public propertyOptionalSolutionPoints Gets or sets optional solution points. Optional solution points will be not evaluated directly, but interpolated between two real solution points.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyRelativeTolerance Gets or sets the relative tolerance for all y-values. Use RelativeTolerances if you want to set the relative tolerance for each individual y-value.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyRelativeTolerances Gets or sets the relative tolerances. The length of the array must either be 1 (equal tolerances for all y-values), or of length N.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyStepSize Gets or sets the size of the step. This value is effective only if automatic step size control is not active.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyStepSizeFilter Set the step size filter (determines the variation of step sizes), see StepSizeFilter.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public propertyStiffnessDetectionEveryNumberOfSteps Gets or sets the number of successful steps between test for stiffness. Setting this value to 0 disables stiffness detection. The default value is 0.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public methodCheckConsistency Checks the consistency of the options. An InvalidOperationException is thrown if some of the parameters exclude each other.
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected field_stepSize
(Inherited from OdeMethodOptions)
See Also