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IMapackMatrix Interface

Matrix provides the fundamental operations of numerical linear algebra.

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IMapackMatrix : IMatrix<double>, 

The IMapackMatrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumnCountThe number of columns of the matrix.
(Inherited from IROMatrixT)
Public propertyDeterminantDeterminant if matrix is square.
Public propertyFrobeniusNormReturns the Frobenius Norm for the matrix.
Public propertyInfinityNormReturns the Infinity Norm for the matrix.
Public propertyInverseInverse of the matrix if matrix is square, pseudoinverse otherwise.
Public propertyIsSquareReturn if the matrix is a square matrix.
Public propertyIsSymmetricReturns if the matrix is symmetric.
Public propertyItemGet / sets an element of the matrix at (row, col).
(Inherited from IMatrixT)
Public propertyNorm1Returns the One Norm for the matrix.
Public propertyRowCountThe number of rows of the matrix.
(Inherited from IROMatrixT)
Public propertyTraceReturns the trace of the matrix.
Public methodAdditionMatrix addition.
Public methodCloneCreates a copy of the matrix.
Public methodGetCholeskyDecompositionReturns the cholesky decomposition for this matrix.
Public methodGetEigenvalueDecompositionReturns the eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
Public methodGetLuDecompositionReturns the LU decomposition for this matrix.
Public methodGetQrDecompositionReturns the QR decomposition for this matrix.
Public methodGetSingularValueDecompositionReturns the singular value decomposition for this matrix.
Public methodMultiply(Double)Matrix-scalar multiplication.
Public methodMultiply(IMapackMatrix)Matrix-matrix multiplication.
Public methodSolveReturns the LHS solution vector if the matrix is square or the least squares solution otherwise.
Public methodSubmatrix(Int32, Int32)Returns a sub matrix extracted from the current matrix.
Public methodSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32)Returns a sub matrix extracted from the current matrix.
Public methodSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32)Returns a sub matrix extracted from the current matrix.
Public methodSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)Returns a sub matrix extracted from the current matrix.
Public methodSubtractionMatrix subtraction.
Public methodTransposeReturns the transposed matrix.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAny Determines whether any element of the provided matrix a fulfills the given predicate.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyColumnDouble Copies one column of a source matrix into a destination matrix to a given row and column offset.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodCopyRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMapIndexedDouble, T1
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMax Get the maximum value of all elements of the specified matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodMin Get the minimum value of all elements of the specified matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodNorm
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodReplaceNaNAndInfiniteElementsWith Replaces all matrix elements that are NaN (Not a Number) or infinite with the value of replacementValue.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodReplaceNaNElementsWith Replaces all matrix elements that are NaN (not a number) with the value of replacementValue.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetColumn Gets the column of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetMatrixElements Set all matrix elements to the provided value scalar.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetMatrixElements Sets the matrix elements to the value provided by a setter function Setter.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSetRow Gets the row of a matrix copied into a vector.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodSubMatrixT Gets a new submatrix, i.e. a matrix containing selected elements of the original matrix a.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodToZeroMean Calculates the mean value of all matrix elements and then subtracts the mean value from each matrix element, so that the mean value of the resulting matrix is zero.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodToZeroMean Calculates the mean value of all matrix elements and then subtracts the mean value from each matrix element, so that the mean value of the resulting matrix is zero.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodTrace Get the trace of square matrix a, i.e. the sum of diagonal elements.
(Defined by MatrixMath)
Public Extension MethodZeroMatrix Set all elements in the matrix to 0 (zero)
(Defined by MatrixMath)
See Also